Harnessing the Power of Commercial Busways: The Future of Electrical Distribution

The demand for efficient and reliable power distribution systems in commercial spaces is skyrocketing in today’s fast-paced world. From bustling shopping malls to high-tech office complexes, the lifeline of these structures is a seamless supply of electricity. Here’s where commercial busways make a grand entry as the modern-day champions of electrical distribution.

What exactly is a commercial busway? Imagine a series of electrical conductors neatly tucked inside a protective enclosure. These conductors play a pivotal role in distributing electricity throughout a building. Unlike traditional cabling, which often resembles an unruly jungle of wires, busways are streamlined, efficient, and modular.

Modularity: A Game Changer

The beauty of commercial busways lies in their modularity. Need to revamp a section of your office? No problem! Busways can be easily reconfigured or extended, saving time, and reducing costs. The plug-and-play nature of busways means that adding or relocating power outlets is a breeze. Say goodbye to extensive rewiring and welcome the era of flexible power distribution!

Compact and Space-Efficient

Real estate is precious, especially in commercial settings. Busways’ sleek design ensures that they take up minimal space, without compromising on performance. This is a boom for architects and engineers, who can now plan spaces without the bulky constraint of traditional electrical cabling. The reduced footprint also translates to better airflow and cooling, which is critical in areas housing sensitive electronic equipment.

Safety and Reliability: Non-Negotiable

Safety is paramount, and commercial busways deliver. The protective enclosure around the conductors mitigates the risks of electrical shocks and arc flashes. Moreover, busways are designed to contain electrical faults, reducing fire hazards. With busways, you can rest assured knowing that the occupants and assets are shielded from electrical mishaps.

Energy Efficiency: Good for the Wallet, Great for the Planet

Finally, let’s talk about energy efficiency. Busways are designed to minimize electrical losses. This means that more of the electrical power is utilized effectively, leading to lower energy bills. Moreover, by optimizing energy use, busways contribute to a smaller carbon footprint. Adopting busways is a step in the right direction for eco-conscious businesses.

To summarize, commercial busways are nothing short of an electrical marvel. Their modular and compact design, coupled with safety features and energy efficiency, makes them an indispensable tool in modern commercial spaces. As we continue to build and innovate, busways will undoubtedly play a central role in shaping the electrical landscapes of the future.

J&P Electrical is a full-service electrical supply company. At J&P, we source contractors, end-users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We also purchase a wide range of heavy industrial electrical equipment such as bus plugs, bus duct, transformers, circuit breakers, fuses, and switchboards. Call us at 877-844-5514 for assistance.  

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: https://www.cpsmi.com/

Finding Contractors for Subcontracts

Relationships are vital in the commercial construction industry, specifically between general and trade contractors. While general contractors subcontract work to a variety of subcontractors, trade contractors focus mainly on projects given to them by general contractors, making this dynamic for both sides mutually advantageous.

The partnership between subcontractors and general contractors can be complex. General contractors typically require subcontractors to get prequalified before performing any work or being invited to submit bids on jobs. Subcontractors usually need to provide information to the general contractors, including safety records, finances, bonding capabilities, litigation history, insurance coverage, relevant work history, experience, and more. Trade contractors also perform their own vetting process to determine goals and ensure they are able to work with a reputable general contractor.  

In both cases, information should be funneled to owners during pre-qualification or when securing the contract. All plan changes or specs should also be reviewed so extra work doesn’t add up down the road. 

Clauses are generally what to look out for in contracts. Here are some examples:

Pay-when-Paid and Pay-if-Paid
These two main contract provisions should be analyzed intensely before any signature. Pay-when-paid contracts require the general contractor to pay the trade contractor when the owner pays them. Pay-if-paid requirements outline subcontractor payment if the general contractor gets paid. If they do not receive compensation, neither does the subcontractor. 

Flow-down and Pass-through
While incorporating the terms of the general contract with the owner into the subcontract, the subcontractor assumes the same duties toward the general contractor as they would to the owner. Prime contracts should be reviewed if these clauses are on the table since they can help specify whether there are terms that should be avoided. 

Change Orders
All work should be submitted in writing, and jobs should never be completed without an agreement from the owner. There should be a designated change order authorized person as well. 

Indemnification Clauses
General contractors who are negligent will be disciplined accordingly due to this clause. For subcontractors, their indemnification should only require them to assume liability for their own carelessness. 

Payment Bonds
General contractors are almost always required to post a payment bond to protect the owner, while private owners are also increasingly requiring them. If established, these bonds help to avoid liens filed against their property. 

At Construction Bonding Specialists, we work with new and experienced contractors to find the most satisfactory bond solutions. As a distinct surety-bond-only agency with decades of bonding experience, we work to discover surety solutions for all types of cases ranging from ordinary to challenging. Call us at 248-349-6227 to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: https://www.cpsmi.com/ 

Preapproved Versus Prequalified

Though prequalified and preapproved sound like similar terms, they actually mean different things in the mortgage industry, depending on the creditor and the type of loan or credit. Many creditors use the terms interchangeably, but they are, in fact, different.

Despite whether the buyer is trying to get prequalified or preapproved, a creditor must do an initial assessment to determine whether they will get approved for a new loan. The creditor will offer varying interest rates, terms, and loan amounts based on that number. Offers based on prequalifications are less stable than preapproved ones. Neither prequalification nor preapproval guarantees that the borrower will qualify for a loan or credit card.

Preapproval occurs once the borrower is accepted for a loan or credit card, depending on the process. Prescreened offers usually indicate that the potential borrower is on a credit reporting agency list of consumers who meet specific criteria. Sometimes, the lender can decide to decline the borrower’s credit application after reviewing the credit report, scores, and information provided to them. Preapproval does not mean the potential borrower has secured any loan or credit card. When it comes to mortgages or vehicles, a complex application and review process can occur, involving tax returns, proof of income, bank statements, and a credit check. Most mortgage brokers or automobile lenders will review the documents and offer a loan in the form of a preapproval letter, good for several months.

After the borrower submits an application, prequalification comes when the creditor reviews the borrower’s credit to see whether they can qualify for a loan or credit card. Requirements vary but might involve sharing information about the borrower’s financial situation, annual income, housing payments, and savings accounts. Soft inquiries will hit the borrower’s credit, but this type does not affect credit scores. Official documents might be mandatory if a complete review process is done, leading to a hard credit inquiry, which can lower credit scores. While getting prequalified doesn’t guarantee approval, it’s still a good idea to start with a soft inquiry to see whether the hard inquiry will be necessary down the road.

If you are looking to get a mortgage, you’ve come to the right place. Contact the experts at EB Mortgage to learn how we can help save money!

EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today!

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: https://www.cpsmi.com/

Five Strategies for Boosting Product Awareness

Connecting with customers is key whether you own or operate an e-commerce or brick-and-mortar storefront. Getting your name out and announcing a new product can be challenging without a proper following. While gaining traction may be tricky, it isn’t impossible. Read on to learn some essential strategies for boosting your business and building product awareness. 

E-Mail Marketing
Newsletters are a great way to announce product changes, specials, and more. Your most loyal customers will likely be interested in hearing up-to-date news. Plus, it’s an easy and inexpensive way to stay relevant and top-of-mind with clients. 

Giveaways and Prizes
Generating buzz around new or best-selling products can really flourish by launching giveaways. Not only do prizes keep repeat customers engaged, but they are also a great way for new clients to swallow your hook, so to speak. 

Professional Media
Great photos or videos can make or break a product. With captivating visuals, brand awareness can gain traction. To showcase your items, choose high-resolution, bright, non-distracting photos or videos that clearly give you an idea of what you are offering.  

Story Time
Many customers genuinely want to connect with their favorite brands, and stories are one of the best ways to humanize your business. Leveling with clients in a real way ensures you pique their interest and keep them coming back for more.

Partnerships and Collaborations
When social media users are already loyal to one product, they tend to follow the parent company. When the business teams up with other like-minded companies, consumers trust that connection, which creates an immense – and swift – amount of engagement. 

Are you looking to boost your business? Contact the digital marketing experts at Creative Programs and Systems today.

Founded in 1994, Creative Programs and Systems provides professional results for all computer needs. We design, create, and code an array of custom software programs and websites; offer top-notch digital marketing services including enhanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and paid advertising; repair and provide support for computers of both residential and professional nature; build custom systems and servers, and offer secure data backups. Need assistance or want to learn more? Call us at 810-224-5252 or e-mail info@cpsmi.com.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: https://www.cpsmi.com/ 

Farming Without Soil

A food crisis is on the brink, worldwide, as farmland is becoming destitute due to the overwhelming amount of pesticides, droughts, and extreme weather. With these challenges comes an inability to produce enough crops for the increasing global population. Since soil is such a crucial part of the growing process, is it possible to produce food without it? 

The answer is a resounding yes. Several companies are pioneering the process of growing plants without soil. Plants need nutrients (food) to survive, along with air, water, and light. As long as they have these, they can easily thrive. This article will explore alternative growing methods to produce vibrant, nutritious produce.

Pioneered by NASA in the 1990s, this method is regarded as the most technologically advanced growing process. Using suspended plants, the roots are intermittently sprayed with a nutrient solution by an automatic sprinkler system, connected to a water reservoir. Since the plant roots come in direct contact with pure air, the extra oxygen allows the plants to form their own nutrients more resourcefully, creating a vibrant result. Some benefits of aeroponics include: 

  • Richer flavor profile
  • Faster growth, roughly two- to three times normal size
  • Yields three times more crops
  • Uses 95 percent less water than soil
  • Significantly less energy needed
  • No fertilizers or chemicals needed 

This system is designed for long-term cultivation of crops. Plants’ roots are submerged in a continuous flow of nutrient-rich water pumped through a reservoir pump. Seeds are buried in soil replacement cups and set in a container filled with water and nutrients for the plant. As the rich water is delivered to the cups, the seeds begin to germinate, and a root system forms. Some benefits of hydroponics include: 

  • Easily regulated 
  • Effortless commercial (large-scale) use 
  • Plants grow year-round 
  • Uses 90 percent less water than soil 

This technique works by raising fish to feed naturally mineral-rich nutrients to the plants. In essence, it mimics a natural ecosystem. As the fish eat and produce waste, fertilizer is formed, which feeds the plants. Fish excrement becomes a byproduct of food for bacteria, which is then converted into plant fertilizer. Benefits of aquaponics include: 

  • Healthy, swift plant growth
  • Less disease
  • Lower maintenance 
  • Fish can also be eaten

Hopefully, we will never be forced to use these methods in order to grow food. Wolf Survival Gear likes to offer people resources for various environments, so you’re prepared. Let us know your thoughts on this subject.


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: https://www.cpsmi.com/ 

Using Yard Signs for Small Businesses

Yard marketing is no new feat, but there is a reason it has thrived through the years since its invention in Ancient Rome. Throughout history, yard signs were first used in the United States in the 1820s when President John Quincy Adams used them for political campaigning.

Whether for political reasons or business advertising, yard signs make a difference. Read on to learn why your company should invest in yard signs.

Target Customers
By placing the signs within your store’s vicinity, your audience will easily see your information and be more likely to pull into your driveway. Use directional arrows, when possible, to encourage the flow. 

Compared to roadside billboards, television, radio, or website advertisements, yard signs are super economical. All you have to do is order them once, mount them, and watch the magic happen. 

Adding signs around your building adds exposure to a larger audience. People will take notice of a newly displayed yard sign, so incorporate the relevant information you want to share to gain traction.

Yard signs are easy to customize and can be tailored for any business. Keep the design double-sided, neat, easy-to-read, and short so people can glean what they need to in a mere few seconds. Space is limited on a sign, so forgo branding and stick to promoting one message.

Multiple Options
Do you have more than one business that you’d like to showcase? Place yard signs in relevant areas but keep them separate to ensure potential customers don’t get confused. 

If you are looking for a tried-and-true way to promote your business, contact the design and print experts at Econo Print today. We have an extensive array of options for you to gain customers. 

At Econo Print, we strive to deliver the highest-quality printed products possible. We produce top-rated goods in a timely fashion at a competitive price. Listening to our clients and helping them achieve their business goals is our top priority. We are proud of the strong roots we’ve built in the community and pride ourselves on using cutting-edge technology. Our products, commitment to service, and level of expertise exceed our clients’ expectations. Contact us today to learn how we can help launch your business to the next level.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: https://www.cpsmi.com/ 

Treating Age-Related Eyesight Problems

Occurring naturally as we age, diminishing eyesight is often unavoidable. Routine eye checks are crucial in diagnosing weakening eyesight, but what are some major culprits? Continue reading to find out. 

One of the most common eye-related problems, cataracts, occurs when blurry vision or nighttime driving issues arise due to the loss of the eye’s natural clear lens. In time, most people develop cataracts, relative to age being the primary culprit. To remedy cataracts, surgery is often recommended. The procedure replaces clouded lenses with a clear, artificial lens, completely treating the issue. 

Macular Degeneration
In contrast, this is a less-common issue affecting seniors. As the retina ages, it thins and causes dry eyes, which affects vision. Macular degeneration is hereditary and can be passed down through generations. Moreover, smoking increases one’s risk of developing this ailment. Eye injections can treat the disease.

Many aging adults suffer from this near-vision loss, which cannot be prevented. Presbyopia is usually exhibited by having trouble focusing on words up close. Treatment options are vast and include glasses, specialized contact lenses, laser vision correction, or prescription eye drops. 

Dry Eye
This ailment forms through time as the body ages; similar to how the skin dries out, the eyes also experience depleted moisture. Artificial tears, along with ointments or prescription eye drops, are a go-to remedy for dry eyes. Specific medications can also reduce eye inflammation and increase tear production.

Glaucoma forms when high pressure in the eye damages the optic nerve, affecting your brain’s ability to recognize objects. Genetic predispositions can be a factor, and there is no indicator of developing glaucoma unless an eye doctor screens for it. Most types of glaucoma do not cause pain but can be treated with specialized eye drops to minimize long-term effects. 

An eye care professional can detect many of the diseases described above early on. Deteriorating vision sometimes signals other issues. Get your eyes checked at Zen Eye Institute sooner than later, as treatment options are best in the early stages. 

Zen Eye Institute, formally Rohr Eye & Laser Center, has served the greater Grand Blanc area for over twenty years. Now operating under Dr. Charles Zenzen, we offer comprehensive medical and surgical eye care treating various conditions and diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, dry eyes, and more. For exceptional eye care at our state-of-the-art practice, call (810) 579-0202 to make an appointment today! 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: https://www.cpsmi.com/ 

Examining Breast Cancer Screening Age

The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) recently released a Statement on Screening for Breast Cancer, sparked by new recommendations from the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).

The ACR and Society of Breast Imaging recommend an annual mammography screening starting at age 40, but in updated guidelines, the ACR lowered its recommended age to 25. 

Stamatia V. Destounis, MD, chair of the ACR Breast Commission and a member of the RSNA Public Information Advisors Network, said, “The ACR recommends that the patient at average risk for breast cancer gets screened with mammography starting at age 40 and yearly thereafter with no upward limit, as age should not be a factor of when a patient stops screening instead of their overall health and other comorbidities. The ACR guidelines speak specifically for the high-risk patient because of family history of breast cancer, and or dense breast tissue as these are groups that the USPSTF fails to recommend any supplemental screening.” 

The USPSTF recently released a statement suggesting biennial mammography screenings for women ages 40 to 74. The recommendation states that the “current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening mammography in women aged 75 years of age or older.” Public comments on the statement are being accepted until June 6, 2023. 

Dr. Destounis said, “The new Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines from USPSTF do not go far enough in their recommendation for breast cancer screening. Black women are 42 percent more likely to die of breast cancer in comparison to white women and the USPSTF guidelines could exacerbate the disparities by allowing cancers in those high-risk women another year to advance.”

Breast cancer screening targets small cancers in their early stages before it’s symptomatic or significantly spread throughout the body. According to 2015 National Cancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) data, the breast cancer death rate in the United States (which remained unchanged for the previous 50 years) has decreased by 43 percent due to early mammography screening. 


RadParts, a TTG Imaging Solutions Company, is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost components and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at  877-704-3838 to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: https://www.cpsmi.com/ 

New Federal Rule Increases Payments for Homebuyers with Good Credit

Higher mortgage rates and fees are now increased for homebuyers with good credit ratings thanks to a novel governmental rule to subsidize other potential homebuyers with lower credit scores.

As part of the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s push toward affordable housing, the fees will affect mortgages secured in private banks across the United States. 

Homebuyers with credit scores of 680 or more owe roughly $40 more per month based on a $400,000 home loan. Those with down payments of 15- to 20 percent will also see higher fees.

Lenders and real estate agents anticipate the new rule to complicate things for homebuyers with high credit scores and those seeking to refinance.

Ian Wright, a senior loan officer at Bay Equity Home Loans said, “The changes do not make sense. Penalizing borrowers with larger down payments and credit scores will not go over well. It overcomplicates things for consumers during a process that can already feel overwhelming with the amount of paperwork, jargon, etc. Confusing the borrower is never a good thing. It will cause customer-service issues for lenders and individual loan officers when a consumer won’t understand why their interest rate and fees suddenly changed. I am all for the first-time buyer having a chance to get into the market, but it’s clear these decisions aren’t being made by folks that understand the entire mortgage process.” 

A series of Federal Reserve interest rate increases have forced the mortgage rate to over six percent, double where it was in 2022. To deflate inflation, which hit a four-decade high of nine percent in the summer of 2022, the Federal Reserve has swiftly raised rates.

Kenny Parcell, president of the National Association of Realtors, said, “In the wake of a three-percentage-point increase in mortgage rates, now is not the time to raise fees on homebuyers.”

Homeowners with dodgier credit ratings and minimal down payments will qualify for better mortgages along with discounted fees. 

The Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Sandra Thompson said, “The fee changes will increase pricing support for purchase borrowers limited ability by income or by wealth.” She goes on to say that the changes are minimal, and the shift will guarantee market stability. 


EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today!  

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: https://www.cpsmi.com/ 

Kitchen Remodeling Timeline

The average kitchen remodeling project can take anywhere from three to six months to finish. More significant kitchen remodels can take longer, sometimes more than a year. These estimates range in duration depending on the overall scope of the renovation. 

Kitchen remodels involve changes in plumbing, electrical wiring, new appliances, cabinets, countertops, backsplash, floor plans, and more. The overall timeline can shift contingent on the project’s overall complexity. 

Organization is vital to ensure a kitchen remodel goes smoothly and efficiently. Creating a concise, accurate budget, ordering materials and products in advance, and confirming the specifics prior to demolition is imperative. 

While planning can be tedious, the end result will yield a timely remodel. It takes roughly a month of planning with the architect, interior designer, and contractor to prepare before demolition. Materials will need to be ordered, and global shipping is still suffering delays due to Covid-19, which is one reason the project needs to be planned accordingly.

Kitchen remodels are much more complex than a typical remodel due to all of the different moving parts. Specific design features and color schemes can take time to plan, order, and install. 

Generally, kitchen remodeling timelines can be summarized as follows:

  1. Envision and set goals
  2. Create a budget
  3. Find a contractor and designer
  4. Apply for building permits
  5. Order all appliances, cabinets, tiling, etc. 
  6. Start demolition
  7. Begin rough-in plumbing and electrical
  8. Install drywall and flooring
  9. Mount cabinets, countertops, appliances, backsplash, fixtures, etc.

There are countless aspects to a kitchen remodel, and to keep the stress level down; it’s imperative to set aside the time to properly plan and gather information before setting expectations.

If you or someone you know is looking for a kitchen remodel, contact the experts at JFC Remodeling today.

JFC Remodeling is committed to providing top-quality home reconstruction services to clients throughout Livingston County. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, our licensed contractors create unique, individualized, and polished renovations. Whether the site requires an improvement, repair, or is a new construction, you can trust our experts to deliver remarkable results. Call or email us to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: https://www.cpsmi.com/