Short Run Book Printing Benefits

In the past, books were produced only in large quantities before digital printing because time and expense for smaller batches were not economical. Digital printing makes short runs easy and affordable without sacrificing quality. Paper stocks have a high-quality finish and a fantastic overall look. Moreover, they provide flexible options for printers who want to offer this product to customers. Some other benefits of digital print, short-run books include: 

Smaller print runs are much more affordable than large runs, requiring a lesser investment for both printer and client. 

Reduced Storage Space
Books generally require a great deal of storage space, but with short-run printed books, they take up less surface area than the alternative. 

Hardcover Upgrade
Short runs can more easily be upgraded to hardcover since they have a lower page count and the overall cost of printing is lower than the alternative. 

Less Waste
With short runs, companies can order a smaller number of books, which helps to reduce the chances of producing unnecessary trash. 

Swift Production
Digital print runs require minimal setup, which lowers production time and makes the entire process quick and effortless. 

New Editions
Shorter print runs mean that minor updates can be printed every time a small run is ordered, which keeps the content accurate.

Are you looking to print a book in small quantities? Look no further than Econo Print! Our local experts can assist you today. 

At Econo Print, we strive to deliver the highest-quality printed products possible. We produce top-rated goods in a timely fashion at a competitive price. Listening to our clients and helping them achieve their business goals is our top priority. We are proud of the strong roots we’ve built in the community and pride ourselves on using cutting-edge technology. Our products, commitment to service, and level of expertise exceed our clients’ expectations. Contact us today to learn how we can help launch your business to the next level.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Novel 4D Printing Emerges for Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide, affecting approximately 7.8 million women in the past seven years. Current 3D breast cancer treatment focuses on treatment, tissue regeneration, and physical recovery. From prosthetics to drug-loaded implants, challenges persist. With a novel 4D technology, complexity and customization combine to improve breast cancer management. 

Generally, 3D treatments are well-established due to many advantages, such as rapid prototyping, ease of accessibility, structural control, and cost-effectiveness. It also requires low energy, so from an environmental perspective, 3D treatments are eco-friendly, reduce waste production, and do not involve chemicals. There are some hurdles when it comes to 3D treatments, however. Some of these include build size, post-processing, and lack of regulation. 

When it comes to revolutionizing the standard treatment for breast cancer, 3D printing has shown a significant impact when it comes to diagnosis, treatment, and aesthetic outcomes. 

To help surgeons plan and make decisions, breast and tumor prototypes are used for diagnostic tasks, surgery training, preoperative planning, treatment optimization, and drug screening. These prosthetic models mimic patient anatomy. The 3D models, from a practical perspective, were created to localize tumors and provide physical models for resection guidance. 

With 4D treatments, the advantages and disadvantages of 3D technology are present, but 4D can offer a higher level of complexity and customization features. Combined with programmed functionalities, the dynamic abilities of 4D treatments are advantageous for breast cancer treatment. 

Some challenges of 4D treatment include material availability, technical aspects, and the design process. New materials and improved biocompatibility should be the primary focus when it comes to printability. 

RadParts, a TTG Imaging Solutions Company is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

 Point-of-Care Ultrasound Advancements

Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) was recently declared by the American Academy of Family Physicians as, “The biggest advance in bedside diagnosis since the advent of the stethoscope 200 years ago.” 

Many industry professionals, such as anesthesiologists, internal medicine specialists, family practitioners, and more, already use this technology and believe it is beneficial in widespread application. Ongoing advancements in POCUS technology make it an option for radiologists as well. 

Thanks to POCUS’ ability to rule out suspended pathology at the bedside, Rami Zebian, MD, CMO with Florence Medical Center and Marion Medical Center, said, “The best care is local care. There’s a lot of talk about how to do more care locally. While you can have the best technology, a huge hospital setting, and people can travel, the best option is having options locally at the point of care and getting results or answers faster. For example, emergency medicine physicians who graduate from an emergency medicine residency nowadays have ultrasound as part of their training. If we’re concerned about bleeding, they do the fast scan to quickly identify an area of concern, and then you go after it. There are a lot of conditions where time is very important.” 

Ernesto Brauer, MD, RDMS, RDCS, ASCeXAM, FACP, FCCP, ABSM, council chair with the Point-of-Care Ultrasound Certification Academy, says, “A significant number of ultrasound studies are reported as normal studies. This will avoid the unnecessary burden on radiologists.” 

POCUS offers lower-cost imaging devices that allow organizations to scale their use, enabling high-powered image insights to be at their fingertips. Regarding health care, the impact of POCUS will continue to be substantial, as it has unlimited potential in patient diagnosis. 

Physicians use specific tools to understand the complex physiology presented by patients with complicated conditions. POCUS is now being used as an extension of a physical exam. 

Ohad Zrazi, president and CEO of Clarius Mobile Health, said, “The emergence of high-quality handheld ultrasound systems that are even more portable, affordable, and easier to use is enabling physicians from diverse specialties to use ultrasound for diagnosis and treatment, often during first visits. As more physicians become proficient with using ultrasound to diagnose simple cases at the bedside, radiologists will have more time to focus on complex cases that require high level expertise.” 

Brauer said, “So, in a nutshell, the POCUS community is using POCUS in ways that have never been used conventionally by radiologists or sonographers. We are just in the early phase of the evolution of POCUS.” 

TTG Imaging Solutions is an industry leader in delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from CT Scanners and Linear Accelerators across all major brands and models. Call 610-524-3300 to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Igniting Fires in Snowy Areas

If you ever find yourself stranded outside in the winter, chances are, you’ll be surrounded by snow and susceptible to the darkness that forces temperatures to plummet below freezing. Is building a fire out of the question? Answer: it can be difficult, but not impossible. 

Since snow immediately melts and turns into water when heated, flames can be extinguished quickly. Also, heat – not flame – causes fuel to burn. Since cold temperatures make heat production more difficult, increasing the fuel temperature can take a while. 

The most important thing to consider when building a fire in the snow is to find the proper site. When searching for the right area to start a fire, ensure it is protected from snow accumulation, wind, and water. Clear snow from the ground before beginning. 

Next, construct a fire pit by adding a stone floor to raise the fuel above ground. Align the stones against each other and use a heat reflector to keep the warm air circulating. Trees, cliff walls, or the silver side of heat blankets are all great reflectors. Don’t forget to create a raised space for firewood, which will help keep it dry and away from the snow. 

Use kindling and fuel to start the fire, preferably with large dry, or dead pieces such as tree trunks or stumps. Locate wood you can use as the fire burns to ensure you have enough when you need it. You can try a fire accelerant to speed up the process. If you carry a bug-out bag, pack tinder in your gear to help start fires. Dryer lint is an excellent accelerant.

Once your fire is roaring, build your shelter as close as possible – avoid placing flammable or meltable items near the fire – to keep yourself warm. Rocks placed in the fire can be used as mini heaters, warming your blanket or clothing if necessary. 

Keeping yourself warm in emergencies is incredibly important – even more so in freezing temperatures that can cause frostbite, hypothermia, and more. Ensure you are prepared for the worst, so you can hope for the best. 

Do you need a fire starter for emergencies? Look no further – Wolf Survival Gear carries a variety of fire starters to suit your needs. Rain or shine, hot or cold, we’ve got you covered. 

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure: Procurement and Installation

It’s estimated that 35% of new car sales will be electric by 2030. While we anticipate the demand for EVs to increase, the prices are expected to drop as they become more available. Therefore, communities all over the U.S. (and the world) are starting to gear up in preparation for the electrification of the nation.

But what does installing charging infrastructure entail? Public EV chargers can be multifaceted and complex; they come with various payment structures, data collection, ownership models, parking and signage requirements, and are subject to regulations, safety and efficiency standards, equipment specifics, and other costs. Occasionally, formal requests for proposals (RFPs) are required as well. 

Before purchasing, consider your community’s needs. Determine expected charging requirements based on travel patterns, EV ownership, time spent charging, and the anticipated customers. Once these factors are determined, a clearer picture will be given. 

Also, bear in mind low-income or underserved populations without equitable EV charging access. Generally, these individuals are exposed to more environmental hazards, and EV chargers can encourage adoption and have a positive impact, thereby reducing negative effects.

It’s imperative to match EV charging solutions to the overall area. High-density urban communities, for example, would benefit from Level 2 on-street parking chargers or infrastructure set up within a parking garage. Rural areas may not be equipped with on-street parking, etc., so a fast-charging station may be a better option.

The main actionable steps in procuring and installing EV charger infrastructure:  

Equipment: Determine what’s best to meet current demand with scalable growth. Equipment needs will vary based on application, location, charging level, and type. It can include networking capabilities, theft deterrence, output power rating, connectors, the number of charged vehicles, operation and maintenance, and more.

Installation: Factors include the number and type of charging systems, geographic and site locations, required trenching, wiring, required electrical upgrades, labor costs, and permits.

Networking: To install a networked charging station, the site must have access to the internet. The networked charging infrastructure can submit data, such as usage, and the site host can monitor the network, smartphone or credit card processing, and more.

Requirements: Other items to consider include compliance, permits, inspections, and specific certifications are often mandatory, along with signage markings, lighting, utility, and ownership specifications.

Going electric may seem like a daunting task; however, don’t fret! The team at State Electric Co. comprises highly qualified electricians, project managers, engineers, safety managers, and other professionals who are ready to walk you through each step.

If you are interested in learning more about purchasing or installing EV chargers in your community, call (866) 976-8890 or email us at Our energetic and friendly team is available to assist during regular business hours EST. 


State Electric Company is a leader in the electrification of the nation. Our highly educated and experienced team of professionals uses industry-leading software technology and has partnered with manufacturers to deliver affordable solutions for all your electrical needs. State Electric Co. is also an exclusive distributor for Enel X JuiceBox EV chargers for residential and commercial use. We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded to install charging stations for homes, offices, hotels, and more. With our extensive knowledge of renewable energy, our team provides customers – large or small – with efficient electrical solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can safely and affordably meet your energy needs. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Bed Bugs in Hotels & More

Unfortunately, bed bugs infiltrate hotels more often than you think. These pests are common in all 50 states, and since they bunker down within upholstery and other fabrics, they survive the harshest winters. Bed bugs don’t only sequester hotels; they hitch a ride from unsuspecting travelers and can cause a nuisance within offices, daycares, hospitals, dorms, apartment buildings, residential homes, and more.

Problematic bed bugs have been on the rise in recent years, especially for hotels. Major cities, including Detroit, Grand Rapids, Flint, and Lansing, have faced their fair share of bed bug infestations. As you can imagine, a bed bug invasion often has negative connotations; people may assume a run-down, old motel setting, for example. However, bed bugs don’t discriminate based on luxury or cleanliness; they can thrive and multiply quickly within any environment.  

Although bed bugs are not known to spread disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), they are parasites that bite and feed on human and domestic animal blood. These bites result in red, itchy patches that resemble small mosquito bites.  

Bed bugs are incredibly resilient, making them challenging to eradicate. They cling from host to host and are easily transferrable between humans, clothing, luggage, and within the fabric seating of vehicles. Taxis, buses, and airplanes are common hiding places as they wait to find their next host.

Bed bugs can survive for up to one year without feeding. They are nocturnal, and most people who experience bed bug bites do not feel them while sleeping, but typically later, they realize they’ve been bitten. The most common signs of bed bugs include unexplained bites on your body or tiny blood trails on bedsheets or along mattress seams.

Adult bed bugs are visible to the human eye, about the size of a flattened apple seed. They have oval-shaped bodies and are a rusty-brown color.

How to Check for Bed Bugs:

  • Examine your clothing and luggage regularly to catch and prevent a bed bug infestation.
  • Inspect your room as soon as you arrive, placing your luggage on the tiled bathroom floor or in the bathtub until you are confident all is clear. Use a flashlight to inspect the four corners of the mattress, box spring, and bed seams by carefully removing the sheets and the mattress pad. Inspect the edges and cracks, and check around and behind the headboard.
  • Also, check the luggage rack and valet trolley. Inspect the furniture around the bed, including the cracks and crevices of the nightstand. Inspect behind pictures hanging on the wall, and pay special attention to the seams on upholstered furniture.
  • If you find evidence of bed bugs in your room, notify hotel staff immediately, so they can investigate. Do not stay in a room with visible bed bugs. Ask for a replacement room – not near where you found the infestation.
  • Once home, check for bugs within your luggage. Wash clothes and place all dryer-safe clothing from your luggage in the dryer for 30-45 minutes at the highest setting. If you can’t launder as recommended, place the items in a seal-tight plastic bag for several days, or placing items in a freezer will work too. Also, vacuum the inside and outside of your luggage and the fabric in your vehicle.  

Pest Management Solutions for Bed Bugs:

Hotels have a responsibility to their guests to provide safe and comfortable sleeping environments and protect them from certain dangers, such as a bed bug infestation. If a guest reports a pest problem, staff should take immediate action to remedy the situation like transferring them to another room and calling a professional pest specialist for removal.

At Northern Pest, we consider the severity of the bed bug infestation and the environment they thrive in to determine the best method for successful extermination. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to eradicate, so we use a unique treatment with specialized products and habitat modifications to eliminate them. Our all-natural application agent is deadly to bed bugs and destroys their eggs, yet is harmless to humans.

Place your business or home in professional hands that you can trust with a qualified and efficient pest control agency like Northern Pest. We assure to work quickly and discreetly to handle your bed bug problem. All services are confidential; call to schedule an inspection and estimate today.


Northern Pest: Our family serving yours! We are licensed and insured to provide insect and wildlife pest control. Our crew has the expertise to track wildlife entry points and remove pests of all kinds, including our licensed builders, who can make any of the necessary repairs caused by wildlife. Northern Pest is a member of the MDAT and the NWCOA. We are certified by the IICRC to offer professional mold mitigation services caused by animal damage. At Northern Pest, we do it all!

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Home Equity Basics

By owning your own home, equity allows you to build wealth through time. Homeowners are responsible for maintaining the house after the mortgage closes, but it’s not for nothing. Home equity builds with each payment made towards your mortgage and the value of comparable sales in your neighborhood.

Home equity is the value of your home beyond how much money is owed. If your home is worth $350,000 and $300,000 is owed, you have built $50,000, or 14%, home equity.

Equity can be calculated in many ways, including down payment at the time of purchase, loan amount, appraisal value, paying toward principal, and depreciation.  

Home equity can be used as a loan through a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) or a home equity loan. Lenders usually won’t allow borrowers to mortgage more than 80% of their home’s total equity, but what can be borrowed can be used for a variety of things. Some borrowers use the money to pay off credit card debt, school tuition, taxes, and more. 

Though equity generally rises over time, sometimes, depending on the market value of your home, equity can go negative. If your $350,000 home dropped in value to $280,000 due to an economic decline and if you still have a $300,000 mortgage, the equity will be negative by $20,000. A payment in full would be required to bring the equity to a break-even point. If you are not planning on moving soon, this wouldn’t be an issue, but if you are looking to sell your house, it can be difficult to manage the difference. 

Increasing your home equity involves paying down your mortgage and making minor or major repairs such as replacing your garage door, adding stone veneer, refreshing your kitchen or bathroom, resurfacing the driveway, replacing flooring, painting, roof repair, etc. 

Home equity is important for increasing your wealth and dramatically increasing the value of your house. As long as you don’t overspend on remodeling and know all the fees and costs associated with your loan, your equity can grow substantially.

Looking to buy or sell your home or commercial property? Or perhaps you’re thinking about a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) or a home equity loan to pay down debt or make renovations? EB Mortgage offers the best rates for traditional and specialty lending. Contact us to learn more.


EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today!

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Age at Home: Home Upgrades

As people age, issues with health and mobility can impair everyday life. Independent living at home can be challenging, depending on the situation. Nursing homes or assisted living facilities are not always an option or preferred. Most adults aged 50 and older want to stay in their own homes rather than transfer to a new place; however, most houses need modifications to accommodate them. 

The good news is that several low-cost investments can help older adults remain in their homes. Even small renovations can have a significant impact on ensuring that the home front remains safe for people of all ages.

Stability Bars
Preventing falls is a major priority for seniors, and stability bars are perfect for maintaining balance in the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom. 

Increased Lighting
As we age, our vision declines, which could lead to slips, trips, falls, and other accidental injuries. Smart lighting and other technology that allows lightbulbs to turn on automatically or with a mobile button can lead to fewer mishaps.

Shower Seat
Wet, slick surfaces, soap, and more can lead to trouble for older adults. Shower seats are easy to install and allow people to bathe in a seated position instead of standing up, minimizing the risk of slipping and falling. 

Flat Flooring
It might sound obvious, but refinished hardwood floors with a matte appearance can help minimize glare and reduce accidental falls. Depth perception is huge when it comes to aging eyes. Carpeting can also minimize impact. Use non-slip floor mats in high-traffic areas whenever possible.

Secure Fixtures
Keep all loose cords secured and tucked away to minimize the chance of tripping. Ensure all loose handrails or staircase railings are tightened and strong. All rugs should have non-skid pads underneath, and surfaces should be free of clutter so they can be grabbed for stability as necessary.  

More extensive renovations such as widening doorways, adjusting countertops and shelving, and installing a full bathroom on the main level may also be necessary. Assess and plan for your current needs and try to implement scalable solutions, so your home grows with you. And always consult with a recommended professional who can provide you with price and timeline estimates.

Looking for aging-in-place home upgrades? JFC Remodeling is licensed and insured, with over 30 years of experience! Call for an estimate today. 


JFC Remodeling is committed to providing top-quality home reconstruction services to clients throughout Livingston County. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, our licensed contractors create unique, individualized, and polished renovations. Whether the site requires an improvement, repair, or is a new construction, you can trust our experts to deliver remarkable results. Call or email us to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Handwritten Notes to Enhance Business

Handwritten thank-you notes are great ways to show gratitude and stand out among the text message and e-mail crowd. Handwritten notes don’t have to be complex either; the simpler and more sincere, the better. 

Personal or business connections can be improved with a quick note, which shows how important the relationship is. You show good intentions for continuing the relationship by expressing your thoughts in penmanship.  It also signifies that the connection you have is meaningful by exhibiting your willingness to put forth an effort to create a personalized message. 

Text messages and e-mails can seem impersonal and cold behind the lifeless screens that hold their meaning. Even phone calls can show a lack of personal connection, depending on the overall tone. On the other hand, notes written by hand can forge an impression that is not easily forgotten. A physical token of your appreciation goes a long way. 

With automated technologies mass-producing notes (season’s greetings, thank you cards, birthday wishes, etc.), these responses can imply a sense of generic repetition. Automated e-mails can quickly drag the heartfelt sentiment from ten to zero. 

Handwritten messages are personal and come from a place with good intentions. Handwriting is unique, and clients often interpret custom notes as a valuable effort, especially in our fast-paced world, where everything is accomplished at lightning speed. It takes time to sit down at a desk, put pen to paper, and convey your thoughts adequately. The recipient will notice this effort and weigh it against the – much easier – other option of typing out an e-mail or sending an automated message. 

Handwritten notes are appropriate in the following situations: 

  • Thank You Letters
  • Referrals
  • Prospective Customers
  • Product Announcements
  • Season’s Greetings
  • Congratulations

Sending a handwritten note is easier than you think. There are numerous templates available that allow you to write your text, add personalizations, choose your card stock, and more. 

Econo Print can help you create a handwritten note template for your business. Contact us today.

At Econo Print, we strive to deliver the highest-quality printed products possible. We produce top-rated goods in a timely fashion at a competitive price. Listening to our clients and helping them achieve their business goals is our top priority. We are proud of the strong roots we’ve built in the community and pride ourselves on using cutting-edge technology. Our products, commitment to service, and level of expertise exceed our clients’ expectations. Contact us today to learn how we can help launch your business to the next level.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Severe Winter Weather Tips for Pools

Though your swimming pool might be the last thing on your mind during the winter, it’s important to take note of how the snowy, icy weather can impact it. Read on to discover some tips to help keep your pool health in tip-top shape during the winter. 

Remove Heavy Snow
Occasional light snow is no issue, but if heavy piles of snow weigh down your pool cover, it’s cause for concern. Use a soft broom or skimmer net to push as much extra weight off as possible. Do not step on the cover, even if you think the water below is frozen. 

Protect from Freeze
If you haven’t winterized your pool, be prepared with a backup plan in case it freezes suddenly. If all the pool equipment is still connected, run the pump at high speed until the freezing temperatures have passed. Do not attempt to use a portable heater, heat lamp, or electric blanket to protect the pump or filter. These tools can damage equipment and start fires.

Create Boundaries
One of the best ways to avoid accidents and prevent anyone from accidentally stepping onto the pool cover is to set lightweight objects (think rubber or plastic cones, empty buckets, etc.) around the edges and corners to help identify the area.

Check for Rips
Tree limbs can accumulate heavy snow or ice and crack, landing on your pool cover. Remove them as soon as possible and thoroughly check for cover damage. Rips or tears can allow debris and foreign material to leech into the pool. Smaller tears can be patched, while larger or multiple rips require replacement. 

Secure the Cover
Make sure your pool cover is tightly secured to your deck or yard area and that all unsecured items, such as patio furniture, are safe from being blown about. 

To winterize your pool in an emergency, turn off the circuit breaker and open the air relief valve. Then, remove the top from any valves full of water and set your multiport valve to “winter.” Place air pillows, inflatable pool floats, or empty plastic jugs in your pool to protect your tile line from ice expansion. Use a weighted, plastic drink bottle into the skimmer to avoid damage, and wrap a towel around the vacuum breaker of your auto-fill mechanism for insulation. 


Pound Pool Plastering services residential and commercial pools in applying a wide variety of pool plaster finishes and complete renovations. We offer Diamond Brite, Sunstone, Hydrazzo, and Marcite – and a great selection of tile choices and coping stones. Owner Dale Pound personally oversees each pool project to ensure the highest quality is delivered. Call or e-mail us for a free estimate. Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: