The SBA Works to Break Down Barriers as the White House Disperses $60 Billion to States

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is advocating for more small businesses to partner with federal contractors, particularly with the latest advancement to update critical infrastructure throughout the U.S. With the passing of the $1 trillion infrastructure law, the Biden administration made available about $60 billion to the states earlier this month. These funds are earmarked for rebuilding critical infrastructure within all 50 states, including Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico.

The SBA has teamed up with the U.S. Dept. of Transportation to offer additional opportunities and access to capital while removing common obstacles small businesses often face. A new avenue was created for small and disadvantaged businesses to help connect companies with contracting opportunities and be able to access some of these funds. This includes actions such as direct introductions and educating small business owners on how to be competitive in securing contracts.

The much-needed critical infrastructure work ranges from rebuilding roads and bridges to buildings and public transit. SBA administrator Isabel Guzman reports, “That technical assistance is going to give them the how-to in terms of going after, successfully bidding on, and winning contracts in the federal space.”  

In 2021, the U.S. infrastructure was given a C- by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), which is up from a D+ in 2017. Seventeen categories were assessed in 2021, with grades ranging from a B for railroads to a D- for transit.

Small businesses have a difficult time obtaining federal contracts compared to larger entities, in part due to contract bundling. Bundling occurs when multiple tasks are entered into contracts that balloon, causing the contracts to become so large that small and medium-sized businesses can’t take them on.

Another barrier is the lack of history. If a business cannot prove its historical performance, then they fail to compete, making it much more difficult to secure future jobs. This is what the SBA hopes to assist with; connecting businesses with subcontracting opportunities that, in turn, help build up their portfolio and give them a better edge to go after prime contracts.

“It comes down to expanding the number of opportunities and ensuring that small businesses are entering the contracting space, getting certified, and able to know the how-to’s of who to connect to, how to present yourself, and how to get money,” Guzman says.

The SBA is also assisting small businesses within the transportation sector to get bonds, which guarantee agreements. Most federal contracts require businesses to be bonded. Surety bonds are a type of insurance with a three-party contract in which the surety guarantees a contract’s completion, i.e., with the federal government. If a contractor is unable to complete a project, the responsibility falls on the surety company to find a replacement contractor.

It’s estimated that about sixty-five thousand contracts were received by small businesses in 2021, down by almost 40% over the past decade. While the SBA and the U.S. Dept. of Transportation have not enumerated a goal, this partnership aligns with the current administration’s objective to advance the equity in government procurement. The federal administration has set an 11% federal contracting goal for small, disadvantaged businesses, with an increase to 15% by 2025.

At Construction Bonding Specialists, we work with new and experienced contractors to find the most satisfactory bond solutions. As a distinct surety-bond-only agency with decades of bonding experience, we work to discover surety solutions for all types of cases ranging from ordinary to challenging. Call us at 248-349-6227 to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Problems with Mice in Campers, Boats, or Other Recreational Vehicles?

Northern Michigan is prone to pests seeking shelter during the harsh winter. When temperatures dip near freezing, residents may notice an uptick in pest activity within the premises. For those who own an RV or camper, keeping mice at bay when the vehicle is not in use is especially difficult. Mice are small enough to squeeze through a hole the size of a dime, so cracks and holes you didn’t know existed can be found and infiltrated by these tiny yet destructive creatures.

Tips to Keep Mice Out of Your Home on Wheels:

  • Inspect for Entry Points: Examine your camper and detect potential entry points. Look underneath the camper and search for any holes that mice may enter, focusing on areas where pipes and electrical wires egress. Inspect the exterior, including windows and doors, under the hood, and check the “basement” storage area. Finally, check the interior, closely inspecting dark, hidden areas such as the back of cabinets and drawers.
  • Prevent Entry: Seal all cracks and gaps with expanding spray foam or caulk. Once you locate entry points, fill them with foam spray, caulk, or wire mesh. Pay special attention to any access panels, the dumping compartment, and your camper’s pop-out or pull-out sections.
  • Keep it Squeaky Clean: After your trip, properly clean your camper. When storing your trailer, even for a short period, all food and condiments should be removed, apart from canned goods. Don’t trust a plastic bin to prevent mice from chewing through, either! Thoroughly clean up crumbs, spills, and sticky messes, including the refrigerator, microwave, countertops, cushions, and floors. If you have children, double-check and clean areas such as the pull-out couch, bed, and play areas.   
  • Storing Your Camper: If able, it’s ideal to keep your camper on a hard, paved surface. Parking your wheels on grassy or wooded areas is where mice are more likely to roam. A solid surface acts like a buffer to further protect your trailer. Also, regularly check your camper so that if there is a problem, you can act quickly to remedy it.
  • Use Natural Mouse Repellent: Consider using DIY remedies such as placing moth balls, dryer sheets, or Irish Spring soap in openings around the camper. Cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil may work, too, as rodents dislike strong smells. Cats are also great at keeping the mice away!
  • Set Up Mouse Traps: Kill traps are another option. You can preemptively set up mouse traps to eliminate those who may wander inside. You will need to periodically check the traps, dispose of any carcasses, and reset new traps.
  • Set Up Recurring Rodent Services: When all else fails, or if you want to go the easy route, Northern Pest can set up a rodent program that will protect your home and property!

Keeping up on recreational vehicles doesn’t have to be a lot of work, and there’s really no way to seal those things up. Take a load off and relax a bit by calling Northern Pest. Our techs will assess your situation, inspect your premises, and recommend solutions. Our reoccurring rodent program includes strategically setting up tamper-resistant devices which hold rodenticide bait blocks. These attract pesky rodents who will eat the bait and leave as they normally would and die outside within a day or two in search of hydration. Our team will regularly come out as scheduled to check and refill the stations with bait. For hassle-free pest control, call Northern Pest today!

Northern Pest: Our family serving yours! We are licensed and insured to provide insect and wildlife pest control. Our crew has the expertise to track wildlife entry points and remove pests of all kinds, including our licensed builders, who can make any of the necessary repairs caused by wildlife. Northern Pest is a member of the MDAT and the NWCOA. We are certified by the IICRC to offer professional mold mitigation services caused by animal damage. At Northern Pest, we do it all!

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Industrial Electrification Opportunities

The global energy transition is shifting toward a key trend: electrification. Because of recent geopolitical news, an upward economy, and the overwhelming call for reducing carbon footprints, the electrical revolution of the 21st century is only beginning. 

Industrial businesses across the globe can take advantage of the multitude of opportunities associated with electrification but should focus on timely actions and smart investments. 

Demand is surging for specific electrical modalities, including utilizing wind and solar systems to supply green power, heat pumps to decarbonize space and water heating in buildings, recharge batteries in energy storage systems, produce green hydrogen with electrolyzers, and support the charging infrastructure for EVs. 

Electricity requirements will continue to surge as the demand skyrockets. By 2050, the electricity demand could be triple what it was in 2020, rising from 83 million terajoules (TJ) to over 252 million TJ. 

The rise in electrification is driven by the critical need to replace fossil fuels and minimize climate change. Many countries have focused on achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Moreover, a positive swing in economics is causing technology to become more cost-efficient and competitively priced. 

Some of the more popular electrification sectors already seeing a rise in demand include: 

  • Wind Power
  • Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems
  • Heat Pumps
  • Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) 
  • Electrolyzers
  • Electric-Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI)

Wind power might be the largest revenue source, as the years between 2021 and 2030 could average roughly $1.8 trillion in sales of wind power hardware. Solar PV is the second-largest revenue source, followed by residential and commercial heat pumps. 

Europe has especially grasped onto electrification and employed technology related to wind, solar PV, heat pumps, and EVCI. Over the upcoming decade, the demand is expected to increase as decarbonization efforts and economic improvements grow. 

The true opportunity lies in BESS and electrolyzers, which have not yet been in the spotlight but are gaining momentum in annual hardware revenue growth. From 2021 to 2030, these two categories are expected to exceed 20 percent globally, surpassing wind, solar PV, heat pumps, and EVCI.

State Electric Company is a leader in the electrification of the nation. Our highly educated and experienced team of professionals uses industry-leading software technology and has partnered with manufacturers to deliver affordable solutions for all your electrical needs. State Electric Co. is also an exclusive distributor for Enel X JuiceBox EV chargers for residential and commercial use. We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded to install charging stations for homes, offices, hotels, and more. With our extensive knowledge in renewable energy, our team provides customers – large or small – with efficient electrical solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can safely and affordably meet your energy needs. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Price of Lumber Plummets

Since the onset of the global Covid-19 pandemic, lumber prices have been tumultuous. As the world came to a screeching halt, wood prices collapsed. However, home sales and remodels skyrocketed by summer, as did lumber prices. From supply chain issues to labor shortages, lumber has been bundled with a hefty price tag these past few years.

The Wall Street Journal reported lumber prices are at their lowest level in over two years, down over 70 percent from the peak price only six months ago. The demand for lumber has lowered due to a decrease in home sales and housing starts, which are down 13 percent from their decade-high peak in April.

Back to where the price was before the pandemic, the collapse of lumber prices is viewed by some as an indicator of a sharp slowdown in construction and a decrease in inflation. 

Michael Goodman, director of Melville, NY-based lumber wholesaler Sherwood Lumber Corporation, said, “All of the urgency over the past two years – ‘give me everything you can’ – that’s basically over. Lumberyards are not scared of the price going up.”

As the housing and remodeling market boomed in 2021, supply-chain disruptions caused lumber prices to soar to a record of roughly $1,700 per 1K board feet. 

The government recently delivered a crimp on inflation, a 75-bps rate increase, which has also affected the price of lumber. 

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said, “We’ve had a time of a red-hot housing market all over the country. The deceleration in housing prices that we’re seeing should help bring prices more in line with rents and other housing-market fundamentals, and that’s a good thing. For the longer term, what we need is supply and demand to get better aligned, so that housing prices go up at a reasonable level, at a reasonable pace, and people can afford houses again. So, we probably in the housing market have to go through a correction to get back to that place.”

JFC Remodeling is committed to providing top-quality home reconstruction services to clients throughout Livingston County. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, our licensed contractors create unique, individualized, and polished renovations. Whether the site requires an improvement, repair, or is a new construction, you can trust our experts to deliver remarkable results. Call or email us to learn more.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Microsurgery 101

Microsurgery is an intricate technique that uses very fine instruments, high-magnification microscopes, and other specialized tools to meticulously disconnect tissue (including nerves, blood, and lymphatic vessels) from one area of the body and re-adhere it somewhere else on the body. Taking nerves or blood vessels that can be a millimeter or less in size, the procedure can take hours, depending on the goal. 

Though it falls into the plastic surgery realm, only a few surgeons are trained in microsurgery and those who do typically work with orthopedic surgeons, head and neck surgeons, and other specialists as well. Whether the area of the body that needs reconstruction is damaged by trauma or disease, microsurgery can allow patients to receive donor tissue from other people successfully. 

Now used in multiple areas of surgery, microsurgery has been around for decades, yet now it can provide patients with better outcomes. 

Microsurgical techniques are used explicitly in hand surgery to reattach amputated fingers or thumbs. When the severed digit is retrieved and appropriately preserved, the odds of a successful surgery are higher. Once the missing structures are identified in the operating room, all the bones, ligaments, and tendons adhere together with microsurgery. 

Since each artery in a finger is a millimeter or less in diameter, reattaching a finger and restoring blood flow is delicate work. 

Plastic surgeon David Colen, MD, said, “Before microsurgery was available to us, amputation was our only option. Now we routinely repair fingers, with arteries that are a fraction of a millimeter in diameter.”

The hand and upper extremities often require microsurgery, as the general lack of skin requires free tissue transfer to cover nerves, tendons, and bone. When the tiny bones of the hand or wrist are damaged, vascularized bone (that has blood flow) can be transferred from the side of the knee. 

Dr. Colen said, “We can take a piece of bone from another part of the body, with blood vessels going into and out of that bone and connect it to blood vessels in the hand or wherever it’s needed. That bone has now been transplanted. It has its own blood supply, and it will heal like a normal bone.” 

Michigan Hand & Wrist was founded in 2001 with the mission to provide the highest-quality care for patients seeking surgical or non-surgical hand or upper extremity relief. Our goal is to exhaust all non-operative measures before discussing or moving on to surgical interventions. We offer on-site physical therapy from therapists committed to improving your quality of life. Our individualized treatments are modern, progressive, and exceptional. Call us at 248-596-0412 for further questions. Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Wilderness First Aid

Ready for your next outdoor adventure? Don’t forget to account for first aid. Most outdoor incidents are minor and easily remedied, though many conditions can worsen quickly. Ensure you and your fellow explorers are prepared for any situation with help from our trusty first-aid crash course.


  1. Analyze the scene
  2. Locate threats
  3. Complete exam (vital signs, head-to-toe check, etc.)
  4. Identify the Mechanism of Injury (MOI)
  5. Create an incident list and treatment plan
  6. Support patient(s) both medically and emotionally
  7. Monitor progress
  8. Protect yourself

Once you have analyzed the situation and determined treatment is necessary, start by asking the patient if you can help. If they respond with “yes,” ask their name, symptoms, and to describe what happened. This will help you establish their cognizance and formulate a treatment plan. 

Next, begin the life threat exam by completing the “ABCDE” exam: 

Airway check: Look for obstructions in the mouth
Breathing check: Follow the chest’s movements to listen and feel for proper respiration
Circulation check: Monitor their pulse and look for bleeding wounds
Disability check: Protect the spine if you cannot rule out a spinal injury
Expose injuries: Open clothing over serious injuries without moving the patient

If a major wound is present, stabilize and treat that area first. All life-threatening injuries should be dealt with during the “ABCDE” exam. 

After you have gathered all the information you can, make a treatment plan and decide whether an evacuation is necessary. Analyze whether you need to move out by helicopter, rescuers on foot, by yourselves, etc. These are complex decisions and should not be taken lightly. Life or death depends on many factors, especially when it comes to wilderness survival. 

Wilderness first aid classes can be extremely beneficial for patient assessment and to learn how to mitigate many medical conditions. These can be taken at any time and are highly recommended by wilderness experts.

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you’ll need it later. Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Winter Weather Commercial Readiness

Before nightly freezing temperatures fall upon us, it’s imperative to take the necessary steps to prep for winter. The wintery season brings adverse weather conditions such as extreme cold, high winds, snow and sleet, and icy roads and sidewalks. As a business owner or property manager, you know how important it is to remain open and fully operational, no matter the weather. This means proper planning and preparation for winter storms to keep your business, property, and employees safe.

Preparing for winter is doing as much as possible to avoid accidents and damage to the premises. Although the goal is to prevent disasters, sometimes it’s impossible. Be ready to respond quickly to winter weather emergencies, such as evacuating a building if snow and ice deem the structure unsafe, or stockpiling emergency supplies, like food, water, flashlights, a radio, extra batteries, and a first aid kit for power outages, closed off roads, and similar scenarios.  

How to Prepare Your Business for Winter:

  • Be Aware of Storm Warnings: Be aware of your local weather and download a reputable app to alert you when severe weather approaches.
  • Develop a Business Winter Safety Plan: Protect your employees and business assets by preplanning an alternative operational plan so that the continuity of business workings transitions smoothly.
  • Protect Your Property from Winter Storms:
  • Install a backup generator (avoid operational downtime, prevent loss)
  • Relocate equipment and vehicles indoors (preferably not all under the same roof)
  • Check the roof (check and repair any damage, and know the snow load capability of the roof)
  • Prevent frozen gutters and pipes (insulate unheated areas, add insulation to vulnerable pipes)
  • Remove snow in parking lots and sidewalks (clear snow and ice regularly and use road salt or sand to prevent accidents, also place non-slip mats at entrances/exits to prevent slips and falls)
  • Protect Your Workforce: Protect your most valuable resource, your workforce! If possible, set up remote services to work from home or coordinate alternate plans to help keep staff comfortable during a shut-in.

Still need to line up your commercial snow plowing services? Then you’re in luck; T&T Property Maintenance, INC. has a few openings for the 2022-2023 winter season. We offer 24/7 snow-clearing packages for any size of business. Contact us today for a free estimate.

T&T Property Maintenance has been visualizing, creating, and maintaining commercial properties since 1997. We offer a vast number of services for our clients, including lawn and landscape maintenance, irrigation set up and repair, fertilization, weed and pest control, snow plowing and salting, and tree trimming and stump grinding. We are licensed with the Michigan Department of Agriculture, so you can rest assured we will do the job right – every time. We work with commercial businesses of any size and offer our services in seasonal or yearly packages, and a la carte. For over 20 years, we believe a satisfied customer is the only kind of customer. Call or e-mail us to learn more.Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

29 Michigan Water Systems Awarded Protection Grants

Fresh, clean water is something many Michiganders might take for granted. Over 10 million people throughout the state rely on clean drinking water through the Great Lakes, so protecting it is crucial to ensure safe, healthy water is available for future generations. 

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) recently granted more than $436,000 to 29 public water systems throughout the state. The money awarded will also help fund programs to protect clean water sources and educate the public about the origins of their water and how to keep it clean.

Ranging from $1,675 to $70,000, the grants include updated plans for ten wellhead protection areas. Applicants must match 50 percent of the funds for the projects, develop a water protection team, and show long-term commitment to their source water protection programs. 

Sara Pearson, a source water unit supervisor with ELGE’s Drinking Water and Environmental Health Division (DWEHD) said, “EGLE is on the job every day working with Michigan’s 1,381 community water systems to deliver safe water to residents. But the first and most crucial step in the process is to ensure that the lakes, rivers, or groundwater wells that deliver that water are free of contaminants. These grants will help communities keep those water sources safe and reliable.”

September 25 through October 1 was Source Water Protection Week, as announced by the American Water Works Association. The grants were revealed in conjunction with this special week. 

To discover where your drinking water originates, search the Drinking Water Toolkit. 

Need further assistance with clean water? You’ve come to the right place; Reynolds Water has the equipment you need for clean, pure water for your home or office.

Reynolds Water Conditioning was established in 1931 and is Michigan’s oldest water conditioning treatment company. Still owned and operated by the Reynolds family, we take pride in providing the highest quality products at a cost-effective price. If your tap water lacks the quality you deserve, contact us today at 800-572-9575.Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Obtaining Cash Through Home Equity Loans, HELOCs

As a homeowner, you are automatically building equity through time, which can be used to secure low-cost funds by obtaining a second mortgage. Through one-time home equity loans or a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), these options are available for you to access cash for renovations, large purchases, or alternative debt repayment. 

Home equity loans and HELOCs are secured against the value of your property, which allows lenders to offer lower rates than other types of loans. 

A HELOC is a specific amount of money that can be used at your discretion. Similar to a credit card, these loans are repaid over time. However, they accrue lower interest rates on outstanding balances, and these loans are accompanied by variable interest rates and serve as a revolving source of funds that you can access whenever you choose through online transfers, checks, or credit cards connected to that account. There are few, if any, closing costs associated with HELOCs, and untapped funds do not charge interest.

Home equity loans are often given as large lump sums of cash, often accompanied with a fixed interest rate. These are good for individuals who need money for a one-time expense such as a wedding or home renovation. These loans generally exceed $35,000 or more. Closing costs associated with the first mortgage also need to be paid, such as loan-processing fees, origination fees, appraisal fees, and recording fees. Prepaid interest might also be required at closing. 

These loans use your house equity as collateral by calculating the difference between the value of the home and the mortgage balance. The downside to these types of loans is that lenders typically place a second lien on the home, giving them rights to it – along with the first mortgage lien – if there is a default. The more the borrower obtains, the more they are at risk.  

Mortgage brokers generally have the best deals on home equity loans due to their ongoing relationships with lenders and investment pools. If you need extra cash, a second mortgage can be a realistic option. Lenders might be willing to offer lower rates because they are secured against the your home’s equity. Remember to calculate the extra loan payment and factor it into your monthly budget, and don’t go into default, or your home could be at risk of foreclosure. 

If you’re looking for fast cash, you’ve come to the right place! Contact the experts at EB Mortgage to get started today.

EB Mortgage is a locally owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us or e-mail us today! Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

AI On the Horizon for Radiologists

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been poised to improve the radiological process for some time, yet despite hundreds of conferences, hype, and promises, AI hasn’t made a huge impact yet. 

Part of the issue with AI’s slow integration for radiologists lies within the application. Algorithms can be applied to specific situations and places, but radiologists need to look beyond these narrow views. True workflow integration is the key to fully utilizing AI. 

Though other areas of our lives already rely on AI, radiology has not caught up with the trend. Today’s viewing software cannot suggest relevant prior imaging exams based on the current image being studied. Two strategies already exist which can help facilitate the AI process. 

Activity Pattern Identification
By recording a radiologist’s habits, AI can look for clusters of repeated actions to automate. Specifically, viewing particular images and reading aloud numbers on a corresponding screen could be achieved by AI. Or AI could monitor click patterns from radiologists to offer the most appropriate measurement tool. Personal patterns for handling protocols can also be improved by AI, which can shave valuable time and improve radiologists’ mental load. 

Information Integration
A large number of radiology algorithms accept images and output a diagnosis or prediction; however, after receiving images, the AI could include extra information with the output which would be of use to the radiologist. With this information at their fingertips, radiologists could make better clinical decisions. For example, if a radiologist is examining a specific body part where surgery had been performed, AI could display the most recent pre-operative images to allow the radiologist to compare the two more easily.  

Considered some of the most technologically-forward physicians, radiologists should harness the power of AI and tap into the potential capabilities. By using pattern detection and information integration, AI can simplify tasks, clarify figures, and help to boost maximum productivity.  

Acceletronics is an industry leader in delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from CT Scanners and Linear Accelerators across all major brands and models. Call 610-524-3300 to learn more.Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: