United States Military Tests Wavefront-Guided PRK

With more than 30,000 to 40,000 members of the United States military choosing laser vision correction procedures to improve their vision each year, there is an emphasis on clinical research to examine the efficacy and safety of various procedures available.

A somewhat novel laser vision correction technique, called wavefront-guided PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy), was recently studied by the United States Navy.

Wavefront-guided PRK implements the newest computer-generated mapping technology to generate a digital image of the patient’s eye. Once the eye is mapped out, the laser applied to the cornea’s surface is guided by the three-dimensional model to improve the eye’s focus based on the unique visual characteristics of the patient’s eye. Even the tiniest structure issues affecting eyesight are revealed through Wavefront-Guided PRK.

The development of wavefront vision mapping allows visual disorders to be measured, which otherwise could not be identified in the past. Laser diagnostic systems are setting a new standard by providing an exact level of measurement and correction. This feat was impossible with earlier systems.

Led by the U.S. Naval Medical Center, 167 patients enrolled had vision prescriptions of up to -8D of nearsightedness and up to -4D of astigmatism. The patients underwent wavefront-guided PRK. Research findings showed:

  • Patient satisfaction was very high, with 98.8 percent reporting entirely or very satisfied with their vision
  • 99.4 percent of patients tested at 20/20 or better vision six months following the procedures
  • 91.9 percent of patients tested 20/16 vision six months after the procedure
  • Fewer than four percent of patients reported night vision symptoms six months post-op
  • Less than one percent experienced adverse reactions

This novel research shows a massive body of evidence supporting laser vision correction procedures proving safety and effectiveness. 

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 or visit https://www.michiganlasik.com/ to schedule an appointment today.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Toxic Chemicals Taint Metro Detroit Drinking Water

Flint and Benton Harbor have become notorious for their toxic drinking water, but they aren’t the only Michigan communities with bad water. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), millions of people throughout Metro Detroit are innocently consuming contaminated tap water with toxins linked to cancer, brain damage, liver disease, reproductive issues, nervous system problems, and more.

EWG is an independent nonprofit that advocates for a chemical-free world; the organization has been a pioneer in clean water, exposing the toxic truth throughout the United States. Through the past two years, 56 new contaminants have been found in drinking water, including PFAS, synthetic chemicals, pesticides, radioactive materials, and water disinfectant byproducts. 

A searchable database on the EWG website analyzes water quality for every ZIP code throughout America. The database was compiled from tap water quality reports. EWG is adamant that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s drinking water regulations are out of date, and levels permitted by the agency are dangerous to those who consume them.

Sydney Evans, an EWG science analyst, said, “Most people don’t realize how many contaminants are in their drinking water. That should be concerning to people. Most people think their water is perfectly safe and pure because it’s treated, but that’s not true.”

EWG used current, peer-reviewed research to compile their own drinking water safety standards, and the water supplies servicing the metro Detroit community far surpass the limits. Some of the toxic carcinogens found in drinking water throughout our state include hexavalent chromium, PFAS, radium, nitrate, haloacetic acids, and total trihalomethanes.

EWG president Ken Cook said, “The EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] has become very good at constantly reassuring the public that all is well with the water coming out of their taps. That message is music to the ears of the polluters who’ve fouled source waters and water utilities wary of treatment and infrastructure costs. But it’s just not true – and the EPA’s own scientists know it.”

The Safe Water Drinking Act, set in 1976, put the EPA at the helm of overseeing water quality; however, the federal agency has not set a new tap water standard in almost 20 years, and some standards are over forty decades old. No new contaminants have been added to its regulated list since 2000.

Throughout the 39 communities in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties, ten or more contaminants exceeded EWG guidelines. In numerous communities throughout metro Detroit, three contaminants exceeded EWG limits by more than 100 times.

With outdated regulations, utilities can legally provide unsafe levels of toxic chemicals while assuring the public they are following the law.

Are you concerned about the unsafe levels of toxins in your drinking water? Contact the water purification experts at Reynolds Water conditioning today.

Reynolds Water Conditioning was established in 1931 and is Michigan’s oldest water conditioning treatment company. Still owned and operated by the Reynolds family, we take pride in providing the highest quality products at a cost-effective price. If your tap water lacks the quality you deserve, contact us today at www.reynoldswater.com or call 800-572-9575.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Easing Arthritis Pain with Hand & Wrist Exercises

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that causes pain, inflammation, joint deformity, and eventually, deterioration. The body attacks its own joints, particularly the hands and fingers, which can ultimately lead to loss of hand function. Exercising or moving joints can help alleviate pain, strengthen muscles, increase fine motor skills, grip strength, and more. Try some of these hand and finger exercises below to prevent arthritis-related deformities.

Putty Squeeze – improve grip strength

  • Roll a piece of putty into a tube
  • Place the putty tube in the palm of your hand
  • Squeeze fingers to make a fist around the putty tube
  • Maintain for five seconds
  • Repeat ten times

Putty Pinch – improve thumb muscles and pinch grip

  • Roll a piece of putty into a ball
  • Place the putty between your thumb and pointer finger
  • Press your thumb into the putty ball in a pinching motion
  • Squeeze your fingers and thumb together
  • Maintain for five seconds
  • Repeat ten times

Finger Adduction – improve finger mobility and stabilize joints

  • Roll a piece of putty into a tube
  • Weave the putty tube between each of your four fingers
  • Squeeze fingers together into the putty, bringing them as close as possible
  • Maintain for five seconds
  • Repeat ten times

Rubber Band Finger Abduction – improve finger mobility

  • Touch your thumb and four fingers together
  • Place a rubber band around them
  • Push your fingers out against the rubber band, stretching the rubber band
  • Maintain outstretched fingers for five seconds
  • Repeat ten times

Sequential Finger Extension – improve finger mobility and coordination

  • Place your fingers and palm on a flat surface
  • Isolate just the index finger and lift it up off of the surface
  • Keep your palm and the rest of your fingers flat
  • Bring your index finger back down, then isolate and lift your middle finger
  • Keep your palm and the rest of your fingers flat
  • Repeat these steps for your ring and pinky fingers
  • Do ten repetitions for each finger

Thumb Abduction – strengthen your thumb

  • Hold your hands out in front of your body
  • Twist your hands so your palms face each other
  • Isolate your thumbs and extend them out toward the opposite hand
  • Relax your thumbs by bringing them in line with your other fingers
  • Repeat ten times

Thumb Flexion and Extension – strengthen your thumb

  • Hold your hands out in front of your body
  • Twist your hands so your palms face upward
  • Isolate your thumbs and extend them out away from your palms
  • Relax your thumbs by bringing them in line with your other fingers
  • Repeat ten times

Thumb Opposition – strengthen your thumb

  • Hold your hands in front of your body
  • Twist your hands so your palms face upward
  • Bring your thumb and pointer finger to touch, tip to tip
  • Relax your thumb and pointer finger by placing them back in line with your palms
  • Repeat this process with your middle finger, ring finger, and pinky finger
  • Do ten repetitions for each finger

Michigan Hand & Wrist was founded in 2001 with the mission to provide the highest-quality care for patients seeking surgical or non-surgical hand or upper extremity relief. Our goal is to exhaust all non-operative measures before discussing or moving on to surgical interventions. We offer on-site physical therapy from therapists committed to improving your quality of life. Our individualized treatments are modern, progressive, and exceptional. Contact us today at www.michiganhandandwrist.com or call 248-596-0412.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Choosing Kitchen Countertops Made Easy

With a seemingly never-ending variety of countertops available for kitchens, what should you choose? Consider material durability as well as color. Here are six popular color choices to help you achieve the kitchen of your dreams.

An excellent choice for giving your kitchen some character, wood can break up crisp, white kitchens or add some balance to traditional or contemporary elements. Wood is a fantastic accent counter or built-in cutting board. Lighter wood feels more casual and rustic, whereas darker wood is more formal and polished.

Flecked or Vined White
Ivory stone or manufactured slab (think quartz) with a light fleck or vein is one of the most popular countertop finishes since it works well in many settings. The pale tone is neutral, fresh, sophisticated, and brings a sense of cleanliness to the kitchen. These countertops also pair well with brass accents.

This countertop option pairs well with dark floors, cabinets, or other rich features. Dark-on-dark palettes should have plenty of lighting, which will ensure the space is cozy and sophisticated. Painted cabinets (perhaps a powder blue or sage green) also go well with dark countertops. Dark or black countertops are also great if you’re going for that classic black-and-white look with some instant drama.

Corian or Caesarstone are some examples of manufactured pure white countertops, which bring a minimalist, crisp, contemporary feel to a space. Great at stain resistance, these stay crisp white with just a tiny amount of care. White countertops are recommended for themed kitchens; for example, if you’re looking for a nautical kitchen, white and blue are a fantastic combination.

Soft grey, beige, cream, etc., can add a touch of harmony to any kitchen. Soft flecked grey stone looks similar to concrete and works well in architectural spaces. Warm metallic elements (gold or brass cabinet pulls) accentuate neutral countertops as well.

Materials – done! Contractor – look no further! At JFC Remodeling, we professionally remodel kitchens. If you have an ideal kitchen in mind, contact us, and we’ll work with you to create the space you’ve always dreamed of.

JFC Remodeling is committed to providing top-quality home reconstruction services to clients throughout Livingston County. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, our licensed contractors create unique, individualized, and polished renovations. Whether the site requires an improvement, repair, or is a new construction, you can trust our experts to deliver remarkable results. Call: 810-923-1123, e-mail: jfcllc@comcast.net, or visit us at: www.jfcremodeling.com today.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Bus Duct 101

Bus duct is a familiar sight to electricians, but what about the terms “busbar” or “busway?” Keep reading to learn about this vital aspect of electrical distribution.

The automotive industry first introduced busways in 1932; since then, it has expanded to serve many other industries. Busway is just another word for bus duct, which provides an alternative means of conducting electricity. Used in commercial and industrial settings, bus duct conducts electricity to power cables or cable bus.

Bus duct is comprised of sheet metal duct containing either aluminum or copper busbars in a grounded metal enclosure. Busbars are metallic strips or bars that conduct a substantial electrical current. Since bus ducts are flexible, they are easy to maintain and can handle different charging load requirements.

Bus duct is typically used where cable and conduit would be used in residential applications. Bus duct provides a high degree of electrical efficiency for both low- and high-amperage conditions. It’s also incredibly versatile, thanks to advancements such as elbows and offsets. These developments allow bus duct to adapt to directional changes.

To effortlessly meet load changes, tap-off units or new sections can be implemented. Some cases do require cable and conduit, however. For example, if a bus duct will be installed near corrosive vapors, it should not be used.

Planning ahead is vital when ordering bus duct for a specific use. Pay close attention to dimensions, note any bends, columns, floor elevation changes, route information, etc. Sketches of where the bus duct will flow are helpful. Standard bus duct can be ordered from inventory stock if the job is not too complex.

At J&P Electrical, we strive to provide the best electrical equipment possible. We have a massive supply of bus duct and plugs, along with other reconditioned products. Check out our inventory today!


J&P Electrical is a full-service electrical supply company. At J&P, we source contractors, end-users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We also purchase a wide range of heavy industrial electrical equipment such as bus plugs, bus duct, transformers, circuit breakers, fuses, and switchboards. Call us at 877-844-5514 or visit us at https://www.jpelectricalcompany.com.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Ice Safety Tips

Lakes can be a great place to enjoy activities on or near the ice. However, no ice is ever considered “safe,” as there’s no reliable measurement to determine whether it’s sturdy or will not break. Snow acts as an insulator and slows the freezing process; therefore, snow-covered ice should be considered unsafe because the ice underneath will be thinner and weaker.

Did you know ice weakens with age? The longer it’s been frozen, the weaker it becomes. The strongest ice is clear with a bluish hue. In contrast, the weakest ice is formed by melted and refrozen snow, appearing milky in color. Ice with slush on top should be avoided at all costs. It is only half as strong as solid, clear ice, and the slush indicates the ice is not freezing from the bottom.

Sudden cold fronts with low temperatures can cause cracks within a half-day. Warm weather can take several days to weaken ice, which causes it to thaw during the day and refreeze at night.

Be extra cautious if you see water around the shoreline but ice on the lake. The stronger the current, the more likely ice will give way to open water. Also, be on the lookout for ice with exposed logs or brush. These materials can make ice crack with the slightest amount of pressure.

Some ice safety materials to have on hand include:

  • Auger or spud
  • Lifejacket
  • Ice pick

If you happen to fall through ice, remain calm. Do not remove your winter clothing; these heavy items won’t drag you down but provide warmth instead. The strongest ice is more than likely in the same direction you came from, so turn that way first. If you have ice picks, dig through ice while actively kicking to pull yourself up onto the surface. Slide forward on the ice and roll away from the weak area. 

Remove your clothing immediately, and dress in dry, warm clothing, consuming warm water or tea as soon as possible. If you feel disoriented, have uncontrollable shivering, or any other hypothermia effects, call 911 or seek medical attention immediately.

We’ve got the gear to help you through the cold. Shop Wolf Survival Gear’s online store today.

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for all your prepping and survival needs. We are a trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you’ll need it later. Visit our website or e-mail us today for more information.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Positive Outlook on the Horizon for Contractors

Thanks to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that was passed in November 2021, contractors country-wide are optimistic about their 2022 prospects. However, according to a survey report released by the Associated General Contractors of America, significant challenges still remain.

Over 1,000 American contractors were surveyed, and many were positive about the available bidding projects in 2022, since they have such a high dollar value. Respondents who expect the dollar value to expand is higher than those who expect it to shrink. Power construction is expected to benefit from the new law.

The authors wrote, “This represents a stark turnaround from the 2021 survey, in which contractors were bearish about the prospects for all but a few segments.”

Just under half of the respondents are looking to increase their employees by 10 percent or less, and more than a quarter of them anticipated bigger gains.

The report stated, “The construction industry is in much better shape overall than a year ago but there is wide variation among companies. For instance, small contractors, on average, have been slower to recover than larger businesses and are generally less optimistic about the 2022 outlook. While contractors in all regions expect 2022 to be a year of growth in business opportunities and employment, firms in the Northeast are less upbeat than elsewhere.”

Rising material process and supply chain dilemmas posed significant challenges which were exacerbated by the global pandemic. Higher prices were given for bids and contracts, with 44 percent noting longer completion rates. With increased supply chain issues, accelerated purchases were secured and winning contracts have turned to alternative suppliers.

The authors wrote, “While the past year has been filled with many challenges, technology has played an integral role in keeping people connected and businesses up and running. Firms are becoming more strategic about IT as they try to remain competitive in the current environment.”

With the rising use of technology comes an increase in electrical use. Connectivity is imperative, so many companies are utilizing electrical contractors to ensure their IT challenges are being handled. 

The report states, “The use of information technology, however, continues to pose challenges. Forty-one percent of contractors say it’s difficult to find the time to implement and train on new technology, 39% list keeping company data secure from hackers as one of their biggest IT challenges, and more than a third cite connectivity to remote job sites or communication between field and office as among the biggest IT challenges.”


J&P Electrical is a full-service electrical supply company. At J&P, we source contractors, end-users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We also purchase a wide range of heavy industrial electrical equipment such as bus plugs, bus duct, transformers, circuit breakers, fuses, and switchboards. Call us at 877-844-5514 or visit us at https://www.jpelectricalcompany.com.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

What Affects Vehicle Gas Mileage?

For many people, their vehicle serves as their primary form of transportation. Whether it’s going to work, home, school, grocery stores, etc., our cars get us where we’re going.

A significant aspect of owning a vehicle is gas mileage. Stopping for gas is as ubiquitous as planning your next meal; filling up both your gas tank and stomach is crucial for success. Just as your body needs fuel to survive, cars need gas to drive.

But what if your car is suddenly guzzling more gas than usual? Are your gas receipts becoming increasingly more expensive? Reduced fuel economy can be caused by several factors, including driving habits, uncontrollable situations, or vehicle issues. Let’s take a dive to learn more.

When it’s cold outside, your car’s engine needs more time to warm up; therefore, it uses more fuel. Idling your vehicle and letting it warm up before getting in can waste a lot of gas. If you notice more gas usage during the winter, you can probably attribute it to weather.

Driving Habits
If you are mostly driving around town, your gas mileage won’t be as high as it is for someone who primarily drives on the freeway. Heavy acceleration, braking, overloading your car, and speeding guzzle more gas.

Vehicle Issues
A sudden drop in fuel economy can signal an issue with your vehicle. To avoid physical issues, it’s best to stick to your vehicle’s preventative maintenance schedule via the Owners’ Manual. Problems affecting gas mileage include fuel injector/pump problems, exhaust system leaks, old/dirty/wrong motor oil, worn/misfiring spark plugs, wheel balance/alignment issues, or tire problems.

The experts at Complete Auto Maintenance Center can get your vehicle running efficiently again. If you’ve noticed a drop in fuel economy, bring your car in today.

Team CAMC is your Complete Auto Maintenance Center. For over 30 years, we have followed a single guiding principle: we never push or sell services a vehicle doesn’t need. Our team of trained technicians welcomes you like family and discusses all types of oil and fluid changes offered. Critical points are reviewed through a 13-point inspection to ensure your vehicle is ready for the next adventure on the road ahead. Contact us today to schedule the professional service you deserve from a team you trust.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

EV Battery Recycling Becomes More Cost-Effective

At the ReCell Center, the country’s first advanced battery recycling center at the Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory, a team from Michigan Technological University (MTU) has pioneered a method for separating batteries. The cathode is a positively charged electrode within a lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery. This innovative process paves the way for large-scale recycling of substantial batteries.

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are powered by lithium-ion batteries, as are most portable electronics, including smartphones, tablets, etc. Especially in the EV realm, the demand for batteries has outweighed the technology available to recycle them.

Called “froth flotation,” the process has been used for awhile according to the study, “Used for many years by the mining industry to separate and purify ores, froth flotation separates materials in a flotation tank based on whether they repel water and float, or absorb water and sink. Generally, cathode materials sink, which makes them difficult to separate from each other. That’s true of lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide (NMC111) and lithium manganese oxide, two common EV battery cathode materials that the ReCell team used in its experiments. What the researchers found was that separation can be achieved by making one of the cathode materials, NMC111, float via the introduction of a chemical that makes the target material repel water. Once the cathode materials were separated, the researchers determined through testing that the process had a negligible impact on the electrochemical performance of the materials. Both also had high purity levels (95% or above). [F]or now, the ReCell Center team is laser-focused on creating, step by step, a complete recycling process for lithium-ion batteries that is economically viable.”

Before 2032, researcher’s guestimate that two million tons of end-of-life EV Li-ion batteries will be expiring every year, so the process for recycling them is extremely critical. As an increasing number of older model EVs reach the end of their lives, the recycling technology is currently not up to speed.

Since the cathode materials in each EV battery vary by automaker and production year, recycling consists of mixing lithium metal oxides and individually separating each one for them to be reused. Once impossible, this is now feasible thanks to the novel research done by MTU.

Are you looking for an EV charger to power your vehicle? You’ve come to the right place! Contact the experts at State Electric Company to schedule an installation today.

State Electric Company is a leader in the electrification of the nation. Our highly educated and experienced team of professionals uses industry-leading software technology and has partnered with manufacturers to deliver affordable solutions for all your electrical needs. State Electric Co. is also an exclusive distributor for Enel X JuiceBox EV chargers for residential and commercial use. We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded to install charging stations for homes, offices, hotels, and more. With our extensive knowledge in renewable energy, our team provides customers – large or small – with efficient electrical solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can safely and affordably meet your energy needs.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Retinal Transplants Ready for Human Trial

A major cause of hereditary human blindness, Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), has been resolved in rat trials by researchers at the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (BDR) in Japan. Degenerated rat retinas received transplants and removal of grafted cells, which resulted in improved connections to host retinas and better light-responsiveness.

Study leader Michiko Mandai said, “We have previously reported work using mouse embryonic- and induced pluripotent stem cell – (iPES)-derived retinas in a mouse model of retinal degeneration.”

However, the deputy project leader in the Laboratory for Retinal Regeneration at RIKEN BDR said, “As far as we know, this is the first report of the timed removal of particular grafted cells being shown to improve retinal function in an animal model using tissue from human stem cells.”

Since the retinal sheets were created from human stem cells, the novel feat can now be tested in human clinical trials, according to the study authors in the January 21, 2022 edition of iScience.

“Since retinal ganglion cells form optic nerves to send the signal to the brain, a higher light responsiveness could theoretically lead to improved sensitivity to light or better resolution in visual function. Genetic modification in human stem cell-derived retinas showed a substantial functional improvement [in light responsiveness], compared with wild-type graft retinas. Depending on the retinal network of the transplanted area, light responsiveness of retinal ganglion cells may be correlated with increased signaling to the brain, so could lead to an increased light sensitivity or better resolution. Additionally, we were able to observe detailed host-graft synapse formation in the absence of graft bipolar cells, which previously was difficult. A frequently asked question in retinal cell therapies concerns whether retinal ganglion cell responses are really originated from the graft photoreceptors. The presence of multiple synaptic markers at the host-graft cell contact site suggests formation of some synapses between these cells and indicates that graft photoreceptor light responses may well be transmitted to host retinal cells. We can now move forward to applying this strategy in clinical studies, which we expect to improve clinical outcomes and be generally useful in stem cell-based therapies targeting retinal degeneration. If the clinical grade ISL1-deleted stem cell-derived retinas can first pass extensive safety testing, including for tumorgenicity, we estimate that this may take 4-5 years. While we are currently targeting end-stage disease eyes with stem cell based therapy, we think this strategy could also be applied to those with remaining central vision, to help increase the pericentral visual field or delay disease progression,” Mandai said.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 or visit https://www.michiganlasik.com/ to schedule an appointment today.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.