Five Most Common LASIK Questions

Laser vision correction is a viable option for many people struggling with dry eyes, foggy glasses when wearing masks, contact lens fatigue from too much screen time, and plain ol’ aging. These issues are a nuisance and can be easily remediated with LASIK.

Before most people make the jump, they ask whether LASIK is safe. The answer is simple: yes, LASIK is safe. Over 7,000 clinical studies have investigated – and verified – its safety and effectiveness. Continue reading to discover more questions and answers to the most common questions.

How does LASIK work? LASIK essentially sculpts a contact lens onto the eye’s surface, giving the patient vision as if they are looking through a contact lens without the uncomfortable feeling of a lens.

What does LASIK correct? LASIK has corrected vision conditions, including myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism.

Am I a good candidate? The best way to discover whether you are a good candidate for LASIK is to have a complete examination.

How many patients have 20/20 vision after LASIK? Many published studies show that roughly 96 to 99 percent of patients attain 20/20 vision or better after a laser procedure.

How long does LASIK last? Typically, the vision correction outlasts the patient. However, since eyes age with age, it might fluctuate a bit.

To learn more about how LASIK can improve your vision, contact the experts at Rohr today.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 or visit to schedule an appointment today.

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EPA Grants 1.2M to U-M to Study Wastewater Viruses

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted the University of Michigan researchers $1.2 million. The purpose of the funds is to study the efficiency of current wastewater virus removal treatments. One of the overall goals is to increase the viability of using wastewater as drinking water.

While existing technologies might be quite effective, they can be equally complex. By upgrading the water treatment facilities – particularly in drought-prone areas – reusing wastewater might be more realistic and practical.

Krista Wigginton, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, said, “In areas where water scarcity is becoming a growing concern, they may be forced to look at methods like desalination or potable reuse for their drinking water. If we make reuse rules too stringent, and we’re not giving treatment systems the proper credit for what they’re already removing from the water, we’re going to create a much more expensive project for communities.”

Wigginton will lead a three-year study to identify what aspects of water quality can be monitored in real-time. Using three methods (ozone, coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation, and biological wastewater treatment), the researchers will evaluate whether viruses are effectively removed during those processes. 

Contaminated and strained water resources combined with a rising global population are determining factors for treating and reusing wastewater as drinking water. According to the World Health Organization, half of the global population will reside in “water-stressed” areas. In the United States, countless regions are experiencing lengthy droughts that compromise water supplies.

The EPA said, “The changing climate is challenging many communities to meet their long-term water needs. Reuse of treated wastewater and stormwater for agricultural, nonpotable or even potable uses provides an alternative source of water that can be more reliable than traditional water sources.”

Wigginton said, “We may actually be better at virus removal than we already know. For some of these processes, like ultraviolet light, we already have robust models for predicting how they eliminate viruses. But for others that may not have been studied as much, we don’t have these models. We want to correct that.”

Are you interested in purifying your water? Contact Reynolds Water Conditioning Co. today to learn how we can improve your water.

Reynolds Water Conditioning was established in 1931 and is Michigan’s oldest water conditioning treatment company. Still owned and operated by the Reynolds family, we take pride in providing the highest quality products at a cost-effective price. If your tap water lacks the quality you deserve, contact us today at or call 800-572-9575.

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Trigger Finger Treatment

Trigger finger is identified by the inability to control a finger’s movement after getting stuck in a bent position. When trying to straighten the finger(s), it rapidly snaps out with a swift motion.

The flexor tendon is responsible for bending fingers and runs through the palm. These rope-like tendons connect muscle to bone, and many are located in the forearm. Tendons connect the fingers to the palm, wrist, forearm, and so on.

Trigger finger forms when the tendon that bends fingers cannot fit through the pulley system that holds it close to the bone. This tight sheath is located in the palm, near the base of each finger. While bending a finger, a small lump can usually be felt moving up and down. Trigger finger can be relatively painful and complaints are more prominent in the morning.

Treatments for trigger finger include:

  • Splints
  • Cortisone injections
  • Surgery

Generally, non-invasive treatments are sought out before surgery is advised. During a surgical procedure, the tight pulley (called the A1) is divided so the tendon can move freely without getting stuck. A relatively simple outpatient surgery can be done in-office with a local anesthetic or in an operating room, with or without sedation.

After treatment for trigger finger, the most important thing is to keep bending your fingers as much as possible. Finger motion should be executed every waking hour. Elevation and light lifting can be done immediately. In about two- to three weeks, patients can resume normal activities.

Do you have trigger finger or know someone who does? Contact our office today to learn how we can help mitigate this issue for you.

Michigan Hand & Wrist was founded in 2001 with the mission to provide the highest-quality care for patients seeking surgical or non-surgical hand or upper extremity relief. Our goal is to exhaust all non-operative measures before discussing or moving on to surgical interventions. We offer on-site physical therapy from therapists committed to improving your quality of life. Our individualized treatments are modern, progressive, and exceptional. Contact us today at or call 248-596-0412.

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Electrical Youth Camp for Employers and Employees

A boot camp called Support Ontario Youths is on a mission to support trainees and employers by streamlining and abridging the apprenticeship journey.

Support Ontario Youth works together with various skilled trades and partners with specific organizations to host boot camps for those areas. They not only provide youth training; they also hire experts to train them.

In the electrical boot camp, attendees can experience wiring a wall outlet through hands-on learning and an instructional booklet. Support Ontario Youth brings in positive, accountable, determined youth who have a strong desire to learn.

Electricians who are enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and enjoy teaching are encouraged to apply for a position at the boot camp.

J&P Electrical is a full-service electrical equipment company. At J&P, we supply contractors, end-users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We also purchase a wide range of electrical equipment such as bus plugs, ducts, panel switches, substations, and transformers. Call us at 877-844-5514 or visit us at

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Seven Kitchen Island Features Recommended by Professionals

Kitchen islands are versatile, and the options are seemingly endless. While the advantages might seem straightforward, it can be overwhelming to choose from such a large number of possibilities. Kitchen islands can bring many benefits, including more storage, an extra countertop, a place for seating, improved circulation, another sink, cooking area, or more. Here are a few ideas for yours:

  1. Seating: The most commonly recommended use for a kitchen island is seating, as they become a gathering point for family and guests. From homework to snacks, seats can bring cohesiveness to your kitchen. Be mindful of the height of the seat itself, length, and spacing between chairs.
  • Storage: Adding more space to your kitchen with cabinets can be a no-brainer, yet many kitchen islands are not double-sided. To maximize storage, your kitchen island can have cabinets included on the back side (beneath the stools) as well. These somewhat hidden cabinets can be ideal for storing holiday platters and other sparingly-used kitchen tools or gadgets.
  • Outlets: If you use blenders, mixers, or simply want to charge your electronic devices, outlets can be a perfect addition to your kitchen island. You can also consider putting an outlet in a drawer or cabinet to hide devices while you’re rolling out a pie crust or chopping meat.
  • Fridge: Cabinet or drawer fridges are perfect for grabbing a snack or drink without interrupting the overall kitchen workflow. Consider adding a small fridge at the end of the island furthest away from the chef’s hustle-and-bustle.
  • Microwave: Serving a similar purpose as the fridge, place a microwave in an inconspicuous place so people can heat snacks without getting in the way. Additionally, by adding the microwave to your kitchen island, your cabinets or countertops will be free for more work surfaces and limit visual clutter.
  • Sink: Two sinks might seem like overload for a kitchen, but if you designate one as a “prep sink” and the other for cooking or dishes, it eases the congestion around a single sink. Just imagine…no more dripping water between transfers from the sink to the island.
  • Garbage: As with any main work area, it’s essential to have a trash can nearby. You can easily wipe food scraps or crumbs off the surface directly into the bin. Super convenient, this is also a great way to free up space throughout the rest of the kitchen.

Are you dreaming of adding a kitchen island? We can make your dreams a reality – contact us today!

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How to Increase Your Credit Score Before Applying for a Mortgage

The higher the credit score, the better. This is a general rule of thumb for many aspects of life, especially when applying for a mortgage. If you have found yourself questioning your credit, here are some proactive measures you can take to improve it.

Increase your Credit Card Limit
A simple and effective way to boost your credit score is to increase your available credit. If you have credit cards open, all you have to do is raise the limit on them. In time, your credit scores should increase as your utilization lowers. You can increase your credit card limit over the phone or online through your credit card provider. The company might ask you to enter your gross annual income or housing payment. This process can take a minute or so but will need to be done at least three months prior to applying for a mortgage. Card issuers might need to access your credit report, which could temporarily affect your credit score.

Lower Your Credit Utilization
Credit utilization is the percentage of credit you are using at any time. A lower utilization rate (debt-to-income ratio) is typically what credit bureaus and mortgage lenders look for. With higher credit limits, as long as you are spending less (or the same amount before the limit was raised), your credit score will rise. If your credit card balances are low, your chances of being approved are higher.

Pay Off Existing Balances
Any prior loans or credit card balances that can be paid off or lowered will free up available credit. Since your minimum payment will be reduced in the process, your Debt-to-Income Ratio will decrease, giving your credit scores a boost. Smaller credit balances make way for your income to go toward a mortgage payment.

Work In Advance
Credit limit increases could result in a hard inquiry on your credit report. When these reviews take place, your credit can be slightly lowered. Thankfully, this is temporary, so try to go through with any of the above-mentioned strategies several months before applying for a mortgage. You can also ask your credit company to determine whether the application will result in a hard or soft pull on your credit.

What is your credit score? Learning and knowing this number is one of the first steps in gaining a mortgage. Contact the professionals at EB Mortgage today to walk you through the new home purchase or refinance process.  

EB Mortgage is a locally-owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us at 866-246-0516 or e-mail today.

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US Plans New Ransomware Rules

The United States Department of Treasury will introduce novel penalties, rules, and strategies for ransomware payments as part of the government’s continual effort to thwart online attacks. 

As reported by The Wall Street Journal, the Treasury plans to introduce the sanctions soon, and “Expected new anti-money-laundering and terror-finance rules will seek to limit the use of cryptocurrency as a payment mechanism in ransomware attacks and other illicit activities,” which are set to arrive later this year.

The new guidelines seem to target specific individuals rather than the cryptocurrency payment industry at large. The Treasury hopes to deter hackers from attempting to use ransomware. Just how they are going to accomplish this feat is unclear.

Typically, ransomware victims are advised not to pay the ransom, as there is no guarantee that paying it will restore the impacted files. If ransoms are paid, it gives hackers the idea that other persons or places will pay for future hacks. It also renders more attention to the individual or company that did pay, resulting in potentially more online attacks.

A large number of game companies (CD Projekt Red, Capcom), manufacturers (Gigabyte, Acer, Garmin), public infrastructure (schools, healthcare providers), and pipeline operators have fallen victim to ransomware attacks recently.

The United States government has also been targeted with ransomware attacks, many of which were attributed to Russian hackers. At this point, the United States government is responding.

Worried about ransomware or hackers infiltrating your network or computer system? Contact the experts at Creative Programs and Systems today – we can help prevent hacks and keep you safe.

Founded in 1994, Creative Programs and Systems provides professional results for all computer needs. We design, create, and code an array of custom software programs and websites; offer top-notch digital marketing services including enhanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and paid advertising; repair and provide support for computers of both residential and professional nature; build custom systems and servers, and offer secure data backups. Need assistance or want to learn more? Call us at 810-224-5252 or e-mail

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MRI Machine Falls, Kills Worker

At the University of Utah Health, a contracted worker was moving an MRI when the machine fell and killed him. The accident occurred at a loading dock as the machine was being moved outside of the building from the fourth floor to the first floor.

The injured man was sent to the Emergency Department at the Salt Lake City hospital where he later died. A second worker who was also moving the machine suffered a minor injury.

Alison Flynn Gaffney, Executive Director of University Hospital service lines and system planning, said, “This was meant to be a milestone occasion for our team, and something that has been in the works for several years. We are incredibly saddened to learn that someone tragically died in this incident and our hearts go out to the family.”

Local authorities are working with hospital employees to determine the cause of the industrial accident. The Salt Lake City Fire Department hazmat crew were originally dispatched to the scene; occupational safety experts are investigating the incident.

Gaffney said there were multiple emergency and safety plans in place at the time. The machine weighs 20,000 pounds, so moving it is a challenge. Gaffney dubbed it an “outside event” with “infrastructure and scaffolding” along with “multiple safety components” involved. She said the hospital has moved machines like this “many, many times.”

Acceletronics is an industry leader in delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from CT Scanners and Linear Accelerators across all major brands and models. Call 610-524-3300 or visit our website:

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Safeguarding Pets During a Disaster

Don’t forget your pets while creating an emergency preparedness plan! For many people, pets are like family; therefore, they shouldn’t be overlooked in your plan. Yet, according to the ASPCA, roughly 6.5 million pets arrive at animal shelters nationwide. While not all of these are a result of emergencies, remember to plan ahead, so your pet doesn’t end up in a shelter as a result of a dire situation.

Pets require different supplies and equipment, including a first aid kit, food, leashes, carriers, and more. Be on the lookout for anything used daily and add it to your pet’s Bug Out Bag. Your pets rely on you for safety every day – they are an integral part of your life, so make sure you give them the best care possible during disasters.

Make sure your pet has a tag and collar, as this is the most surefire way of identification. Add your contact details so you can be notified if the animal is found. Pets often lose their collars, leashes, and tags, so another option is microchipping your pet. This is a full-proof method to identify your pet and return them to its proper owner. Make sure the registration is under your name, and keep it updated at all times. You can also include at least one emergency contact (relative or friend) in case your contact information is invalid or expires.

Emergency Kit
Just as you would for your family, ensure your pets are covered for emergencies. Some of the items to include in your kit should consist of at least these items, with enough to last a week:

  • Food and water
  • Medications, vitamins, or supplements
  • Vaccination record copies (potentially laminated if possible or electronically – as long as you can access it)
  • Photos (for identification)
  • Leash or carrier

In case of an emergency evacuation, try your best not to leave pets behind. Evacuating early is best, as pets won’t be as fearful, and you will be able to coax them more easily. Oftentimes emergency shelters do not allow pets, so make sure you have a backup plan or evacuate to an area where they will be welcomed.

Creating your human emergency kit? Check out the vast selection at Wolf Survival Gear today!

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for all your prepping and survival needs. We are a trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you’ll need it later. Visit our website or e-mail us today for more information.

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Car Maintenance Schedule Guide

Every car owner has at least a slight understanding of the importance of keeping their vehicle in tip-top shape. Though vehicle maintenance is important, it’s innocently not always done according to the proper schedule. Refer to your vehicle owners’ guide and check out our suggested maintenance schedule below.


  1. Fluids: unless your vehicle is brand-new, have the following levels checked.
    1. Engine oil
    1. Windshield washer fluid
    1. Coolant
    1. Brake fluid
    1. Transmission fluid
    1. Power steering fluid
  2. Tire pressures
  3. Hoses
  4. Belts
  5. Interior cleanliness


  1. Oil and filter change
  2. Tire rotation
  3. Check lights
  4. Fuel filter
  5. Battery
  6. Cabin and engine air filters
  7. Wiper blades


  1. Synthetic oil and filter change
  2. Alignment
  3. Brakes

For assistance in properly maintaining your vehicle, visit one of our four locations at Complete Auto Maintenance Centers today. Our experts will ensure your car, SUV, or light-duty truck will last for years – and miles – to come.

Team CAMC is your Complete Auto Maintenance Center. For over 30 years, we have followed a single guiding principle: we never push or sell services a vehicle doesn’t need. Our team of trained technicians welcomes you like family and discusses all types of oil and fluid changes offered. Critical points are reviewed through a 13-point inspection to ensure your vehicle is ready for the next adventure on the road ahead. Contact us today to learn more about the professional service you deserve from a team you can trust.

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