Molecular Imaging to Expand to $6.18 Billion by 2026

For 2019, the global molecular imaging space was evaluated at $4.199 billion, growing at a CAGR of 5.68 percent, expanding to $6.18 billion by 2026.

X-rays, computed tomography (CT), and ultrasound diagnostic imaging procedures offer photos of physical structure. Molecular imaging gives physicians a window into the body’s function, with an ability to measure it chemically and biologically.

Other imaging technologies are unable to provide information that is attainable with molecular imaging. Biopsies or surgeries could be required to identify disease with other diagnostic tests.

Molecular imaging is a powerful tool for physicians. It is helpful to achieve the following:

  • Manage patient care
  • Determine disease severity
  • Select proper therapy
  • Analyze drug response
  • Assess and adapt treatment
  • Respond to changes in health
  • Evaluate disease progression
  • Identify disease resurgence
  • Manage ongoing care

The demand in molecular systems is driven by:

  • Technological advancements
  • Rising prevalence of disorders
  • Large aging population
  • Government support
  • Hybrid modality treatments

North America leads the worldwide molecular imaging market, while the Asian Pacific is the speediest in terms of expansion due to rising healthcare spending.

RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 or visit us on the web:

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Safely Reducing Chlorine in Your Pool

Pool owners want to maximize their chlorine efficiently and use less of the chemical for many reasons, some of which include money, lowering chloramine contact, reducing dependence, and more. Additionally, an ongoing chlorine supply shortage has forced many unsuspecting pool owners to stretch out their current chlorine supply as long as possible.

Routine Pool Care

  • Water Balance: keep your pool water at a steady 7.4 – 7.6 pH to extend the efficacy of chlorine. Lower pH levels can cause Free Available Chlorine (FAC) levels to disperse, while higher pH water will render the sanitizer futile. Total Alkalinity (TA) levels are imperative to monitor as well; they should stay between 80 to 120 ppm. The ideal range for Calcium Hardness varies from 200 to 400 ppm. Cyanuric Acid (CA) acts as a stabilizer and should also be tested. This chemical protects chlorine from being broken down in the sun. The CA level should stay at 30 to 50 ppm.
  • Pool cleaning: keep your water pristine and ensure no debris collects on the surface. Organic contaminants such as plant debris, sweat, body oils, cosmetics, germs, algae, animal waste, insects, etc., can absorb chlorine in your pool, reducing its lifetime. Also brush, skim, and vacuum your pool regularly. Ensure your filtration system is running properly, clean the pool filter, and shock or oxidize weekly.

Solar Covers

  • These simple pool accessories can increase pool temperature, energy retention, water conservation, reduce debris, and save you money when it comes to chemical use. Evaporation is reduced by up to 90 percent as well. A powerful tool against chlorine burn-off and chemical evaporation, solar covers have been shown to reduce total pool chemical use by 30 to 60 percent.

Alternative Sanitizers

  • Mineral systems: Also known as ionization systems, these work to reduce chlorine use by adding copper and silver ions to the water, acting as a sanitizer. Some of these systems have proven to reduce chlorine use by up to 50 percent.
  • Saltwater: Using the process of electrolysis, salt is converted into a steady stream of Free Available Chlorine. After the chlorine is used, it returns to salt, and the process repeats itself.
  • Ozone & UV: Natural sanitation solutions, these quickly and effectively neutralize organic or living contaminants such as bacteria, algae, and other microorganisms. They can reduce chlorine use by up to 50 to 90 percent.
  • Bromine: A popular sanitizer for indoor pools, spas, and hot tubs, this chemical can be higher-priced than chlorine but is much more stable in warm temperatures.
  • Biguanide: This pool sanitation chemical destroys microorganisms like bacteria and viruses. It’s more expensive than chlorine and has a strong odor but is more gentle on skin, swimming suits, and vinyl liners.

Pound Pool Plastering offers free estimates and complete pool renovations. Dale Pound, owner, personally oversees each pool project to ensure the highest quality is delivered. We offer Diamond Brite, Sunstone, Hydrazzo, Marcite, Pebble finishes, Bead Crete, tile choices, coping stones, etc. We are pool renovation experts – contact us today at 248-476-4544 or

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Choosing a New Home Based on Remote Work

The rise in remote work has changed drastically throughout 2020 and into 2021 due to COVID-19. If you think working from home is a passing fad, it isn’t. A survey by Statista and Upwork projected that 37.5 percent of United States employees would work remotely in the next five years, up from 21 percent before the pandemic.

As employees’ needs evolve, dedicated home offices are on the rise. Working from home has freed some employees from working in a specific area for their job. Employees now have much more flexibility when it comes to physical aspects such as their surroundings but also more abstract factors such as where they reside.

Of the 23 percent of workers who will remain working remotely, most have an opportunity to relocate to a lower cost-of-living area or those dreamy spots they only considered for vacations. More affordable homes are useful for creating office space or more room in general. Those pricier vacation spots (near beaches, mountains, or simply better communities that feature amenities) can also be ideal. Consider what it means to work without limits or constraints when it comes to location.

Those who are projecting a hybrid (partially remote) schedule make up roughly 15 percent of employees. Homes located farther from the office could still be viable, as you won’t be going to work every day. Those slightly longer commutes might pay off in the end if your living situation is more desirable.

Many homeowners are already benefitting from their recent flexibility, as the pandemic caused them to shift away from urban centers, focusing instead on more rural or less-populated areas. Families with higher incomes took advantage of these changes, as did those with lower incomes. The shift to either more expensive and elaborate or- cheaper and more affordable homes has been evident.

If you’ve found a home that will accommodate your new workstyle, contact the mortgage experts at EB Mortgage today to secure a loan and purchase your new home ASAP.

EB Mortgage is a locally-owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us at 866-246-0516 or e-mail today.

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Race to Quantum Computing Gains Momentum

Findings were recently published in Nature, which outlined how Harvard-led physicists built a programmable quantum simulator (computer) that can operate with 256 qubits (quantum bits). The novel processor is a huge step toward creating massive quantum machines, which could lead to real-world breakthroughs. The fastest supercomputers today would easily be outperformed by a quantum computer. Quantum computers run on qubits, which help them process so powerfully.

Mikhail Lukin, the George Vasmer Leverett Professor of Physics, co-director of the Harvard Quantum Initiative, and senior author of the study, said, “This moves the field into a new domain where no one has ever been to thus far. We are entering a completely new part of the quantum world.”

Sepehr Ebadi, a physics student and the study’s lead author, suggested the combination of the system’s unprecedented size and programmability is what makes it cutting edge.

The race to building a quantum computer has been going on for quite some time. Dubbed the new “space race” by some, Forbes recently published an article called, “27 Milestones in The History of Quantum Computing,” dating back to Albert Einstein in 1905. The term “quantum mechanics” was first used in 1924 by Max Born. Between China, the United States, Google, IBM, and many more, the race has been hot for years.

The more qubits each system has, the more information it can store. With a higher processing power, the computer can handle exponentially more data. Ebadi explained quantum computer systems’ immense size by saying, “The number of quantum states that are possible with only 256 qubits exceeds the number of atoms in the solar system.”

Tout Wang, a research associate in physics at Harvard and an author in the paper said, “Our work is part of a really intense, high-visibility global race to build bigger and better quantum computers. The overall effort has top academic research institutions involved and major private-sector investment from Google, IBM, Amazon, and many others.”

The subsequent steps for the Harvard researchers include advancing laser control, making the system more programmable, along with studying new applications such as deciphering complex real-world problems. 

Ebadi said, “This work enables a vast number of new scientific directions. We are nowhere near the limits of what can be done with these systems.”

Founded in 1994, Creative Programs and Systems provides professional results for all computer needs. We design, create, and code an array of custom software programs and websites; offer top-notch digital marketing services including enhanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and paid advertising; repair and provide support for computers of both residential and professional nature; build custom systems and servers, and offer secure data backups. Need assistance or want to learn more? Call us at 810-224-5252 or e-mail

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Radiology Practice Data Breach Sparks Cybersecurity Implementation

A recently issued press release from Express MRI informed patients of a data breach, in which personal information was in jeopardy. The hackers infiltrated the Express MRI security system through e-mail addresses, exposing clients’ name, home address, e-mail, date of birth, referring physician, body part scanned, and information regarding workers’ compensation or accident investigations. Express MRI stressed that no Social Security numbers, financial or insurance information, or patient images were accessed.

The data breach highlights the importance of implementing cybersecurity in information technology systems. Data breaches are only one aspect of hackers’ skillsets. Ransomware attacks have been exponentially rising worldwide. A type of malware, hackers use ransomware to hold the victim’s information “hostage” until they fork over monetary funds, usually in the form of cryptocurrency.

According to the FBI, losses resulting from ransomware are estimated to total $18 million, and could be higher. Between 2019 and 2020, ransomware attacks soared by 62 percent worldwide – 158 percent in North America alone. The FBI’s annual Internet Crime Report showed their ransomware complaints increased by 20 percent from 2019 to 2021. In 2020, the combined total ransomware attacks equaled roughly $29.1 million, rising more than 200 percent from 2019.

Nearly every industry is affected by hackers, who are targeting municipalities, businesses, medical industries, financial businesses, and educational institutions worldwide. Medical industries, specifically, are an ideal target for hackers, as they store sensitive health and financial data – precisely what hackers are looking for.

Protecting your patients and company is imperative. Being proactive rather than reactive is the best tactic, enabling proper cybersecurity and thwarting threats before they occur.   

Want to protect your healthcare company from cyberattacks and ensure hackers cannot access your patient data? Contact the experts at Creative Programs & Systems today. We can help prevent and manage cyberattacks, giving you peace of mind for your business.

Acceletronics is an industry leader in delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from CT Scanners and Linear Accelerators across all major brands and models. Call 610-524-3300 or visit our website:

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Talking with Your Family about Prepping

Convincing your loved ones to start planning for emergencies might be challenging for some. Whether it’s extended family, friends, a spouse, or children, everyone has their own opinion and might not be so open to hearing your perspective. In case of an emergency, everyone must be up-to-speed and ready to execute a plan of action. To help streamline that process, we’ve come up with some tips to get the conversation started:

Talking with your spouse

  • Ask for an open communication pathway where you can freely express your concerns.
  • Share examples of disasters in recent history, making them relatable and personal to you.
  • Liken prepping to insurance; protecting yourself against a potential future disaster is smart.
  • Mention personal emergencies such as job loss, income reduction, or illness, which could affect your day-to-day life.
  • Try not to bring up worst-case scenarios in this initial conversation, as they might be too serious to begin with.

Talking with your children

  • Remember their age – try not to over complicate or cause unnecessary stress.
  • Keep it simple by focusing on experiences they can relate to.
  • Ask what they would do if a disaster hit while they were attending school; just as the school initiates “fire drills,” your family must also have “emergency plans.”
  • Involve them and ask for feedback.
  • Help develop their situational awareness when you leave the house by pointing out exits in stores, and asking them how they would respond if they were in an emergency.

Talking with friends and extended family

  • Gift them tools that could help them prepare for an emergency, such as a first aid kit.
  • Suggest a book or movie that introduces the concept of preparedness for disaster.
  • Discuss recent news without going overboard or sounding irrational.

Keep in mind this is not a concrete way to get the people you love to believe what you do; some people might never agree with your opinion. All you can do is gently suggest – don’t force – ideas and let them intellectually process themselves.

Do you need some gear for your survival stash? Check out our vast selection of quality items at Wolf Survival Gear. You won’t be disappointed!

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for all your prepping and survival needs. We are a trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you’ll need it later. Visit our website or e-mail us today for more information.

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DOE Set to Standardize and Automate Solar Permit Process

The United States Department of Energy (DOE) has launched the Solar Automated Permit Processing Plus (SolarAPP+) tool to solve the problem of providing contractors with a standardized permit process. The program is a free, web-based platform that allows local governments to expedite their review and approval process pertaining to residential solar installation permits.

The SolarAPP+ initiative is a collaboration with key code officials, jurisdiction authorities, and the solar industry. The goal is to develop a standardized software that can perform compliance checks and process building permit applications to approve eligible applications for solar rooftop systems.

SolarAPP+ is presented with the following advantages:

  • Integrates with existing government software
  • Automated plan review, permit approval, and project tracking
  • Standardizes up to 90 percent of system plans
  • Inspection checklist verification and sign-off after installation

Solar customers, contractors, and local governments have all incurred heavy costs stemming from delays in obtaining rooftop solar installation permits. Some customers wait weeks or months to get approval.

SolarAPP+ provides a standardized, automated permitting process for residential installations across the country. Building code compliance is reviewed, and if the correct specifications are met, the permit is approved instantly. With this faster-paced technology, local governments can more easily process and issue permits. With help from programs such as SolarAPP+, governments have seen solar installations increase by 600 percent.

Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm said, “We are fast-tracking America’s clean energy future by cutting red tape to make it cheaper and easier for homeowners to access power from the sun. SolarAPP+ will bust through bureaucracy to speed up permitting, helping homeowners more quickly add solar panels on their roofs, adding gigawatts of clean electricity to the nations grid, while creating good paying jobs.”

Interested in learning more about solar-powered energy? Contact the experts at State Electric Company today!

State Electric Company is a leader in the electrification of the nation. Our highly educated and experienced team of professionals uses industry-leading software technology and has partnered with manufacturers to deliver affordable solutions for all your electrical needs. With our combined, extensive knowledge in renewable energy sources through solar and battery storage, the team at State Electric works together to provide customers, large and small, with efficient electrical solutions. We specialize in smart electrical panels, EV chargers, battery storage, microgrids, and emergency generators with automatic transfer switches to ensure that all your energy needs are affordable and safely met. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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Why Blue Eyes are More Sensitive to Light

Brighter days in summertime bring lots of ultraviolet (UV) rays with them. All eyes should be protected from UV light, which can contribute to the formation of both short and long-term conditions like corneal sunburn and macular degeneration.

To avoid sunlight damage, ensure you protect your eyes with high-quality 100 percent UV-blocking sunglasses. While you’re at it, a hat doesn’t hurt, either. People of all ages can benefit from sunlight protection, but children are especially susceptible as they tend to spend much more time outdoors. Research shows that up to 80 percent of an average person’s total lifetime exposure to UV rays takes place during the first 18 years of life. The same research suggests that roughly 70 percent of Americans do not protect themselves from the sun’s harmful rays.

Lighter-colored eyes such as blue, hazel, and green, have less melanin than brown eyes. This pigment helps protect the retina from UV damage along with blue light, which is emitted from electrical devices. Because of the decreased melanin, those with blue eyes have a higher risk of developing UV-related eye damage.

People with blue eyes might feel uncomfortable in highly-lit areas or on a bright, sunny day. It’s imperative to grab your shades as you head outside to mitigate your chances of developing eye disease or other complications.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 or visit to schedule an appointment today.

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Inaugural PFAS Conference Held by EWG

The first annual PFAS conference was sponsored and organized by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit, non-partisan organization that empowers people to live healthier lives in healthier environments. The event was free and shed light on PFAS: the toxic “Forever Chemicals” that run rampant through our world.

PFAS stands for man-made per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances used in industrial settings to create thousands of products worldwide. Dubbed “Forever Chemicals,” these chemicals do not break down over time and are extremely persistent in the environment. Found in the blood of 99.9 percent of human beings across the globe, it’s impossible to reverse exposure to PFAS.

Present in common household items, food, drinking water, living organisms, workplace facilities, and much more, PFAS are found in carpet, Teflon products (cookware, Scotchguard, etc.), leather, apparel, rubber plastics, paper, packaging, and so much more. The list is seemingly endless.

PFAS is an emerging issue because it has been found to create a host of health issues in living beings, including humans. Adverse health effects include problems with the reproductive system, developmental and fetal complications, immune system impediments, autoimmune disease spikes, thyroid hormone disruption, and cancer.

Conference attendees watched as policymakers, scientists, and other experts shared the latest PFAS developments. They also highlighted work being done to address the harmful health impacts of these chemicals on human health and our environment.

A recent study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology Letters highlighted that the current approach for regulating and managing PFAS has failed to protect public health. In response, researchers recommended a new approach, which outlaws all PFAS non-essential use.

David Q. Andrews, Ph.D., co-author of the study and senior scientist at EWG, said, “The regulation of toxic PFAS chemicals using a one-chemical-at-a-time approach has completely failed to protect our public health. Decades after knowing about the harms caused by PFAS such as DuPont’s Teflon and 3M’s Scotchgard, our government has not set laws banning use, establishing drinking water limits or even classifying these chemicals as hazardous substances and requiring cleanup.”

During the conference, Dr. Elsie Sunderland, a professor of Environmental Science and Engineering in the Department of Environmental Health at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, shared that we are only measuring a small subsection of PFAS compounds, which means we are probably miscalculating human exposure by a considerable amount.

Do you want to limit your exposure to PFAS? Contact Reynolds Water Conditioning to schedule a filter installation at your home or business today.

Reynolds Water Conditioning was established in 1931 and is Michigan’s oldest water conditioning treatment company. Still owned and operated by the Reynolds family, we take pride in providing the highest quality products at a cost-effective price. If your tap water lacks the quality you deserve, contact us today at or call 800-572-9575.

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Five Potential Culprits of Stiff Hands

Our hands are used for practically everything. Stiff hands can prevent us from performing everyday tasks such as opening a jar, picking up children, cooking, painting, writing, and more. For some people, stiffness can be debilitatingly chronic, while others only experience acute pain. If your hands are stiff, explore these potential causes:

  1. Arthritis: Many different types of arthritis can affect the hands, including:
  2. Thumb: also known as basal joint arthritis, this can gradually get worse over time or get sparked by trauma. Pain or stiffness is common at the base of the thumb.
  3. MCP (Metacarpophalangeal) joint: this type of knuckle arthritis allows fingers to bend, straighten, and move fluidly. Weakness in the hands is a common sign of this arthritis.
  4. Osteoarthritis: the smooth cartilage in your joints is affected by this type of arthritis, which can also cause stiffness, pain, and swollen fingers.
  5. Psoriatic: this type of arthritis is sometimes accompanied by psoriasis, a skin condition, and is evident when joints feel stiff. Oftentimes the middle joint of the finger is inflamed and swollen.
  6. Rheumatoid: affecting the entire body, this type of arthritis is caused by joint inflammation. Typically, the wrist and finger joints are most affected as they are swollen and painful.
  7. Fractures: otherwise known as a broken hand, this results in stiffness and pain that might remain even during recovery. In some people, the stiffness might never subside.
  8. Dislocations: similar to a broken bone, this upper extremity dislocation can cause hands to feel stiff both during and after an injury. Moving or exercising the affected joints might be prescribed to alleviate stiffness.
  9. Sprains: this ligament injury can cause stiffness and prevent you from using your hand to perform daily tasks while in recovery.
  10. Tendon and muscle injuries: common in an injury or cut on the hand, this sometimes prevents you from moving the affected area at all. Stiffness is common while in recovery.

If you feel stiffness in your hands, ensure you receive a diagnosis as soon as possible. Delayed treatment can sometimes result in permanent stiffness.

Do you need some advice or want a physician opinion on your hand or wrist stiffness? Contact the experts at MI Hand & Wrist today.

Michigan Hand & Wrist was founded in 2001 with the mission to provide the highest-quality care for patients seeking surgical or non-surgical hand or upper extremity relief. Our goal is to exhaust all non-operative measures before discussing or moving on to surgical interventions. We offer on-site physical therapy from therapists committed to improving your quality of life. Our individualized treatments are modern, progressive, and exceptional. Contact us today at or call 248-596-0412.

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