Electric Cars Might Benefit from New Technology

Get ready, because soon, you’ll be hearing a lot of buzz about gallium nitride (GaN). With the silicon chip shortage affecting nearly every industry – including the automotive – a new technology is on the horizon: GaN. For the Electric Vehicle (EV) industry, GaN could spark sales by advancing range and charging experiences, making EVs more affordable for the average person.

According to Navitas Semiconductor, “The next generation (GaN) power semiconductor platform with up to 3x smaller, 3x lighter, 3x faster charging, and 40% energy savings, is positioned for market leadership in the $13.1 billion+ GaN electrification opportunity in mobile, consumer, enterprise, renewables/solar, and EV/eMobility.”

GaN is formed as a by-product of smelting bauxite ore (to create aluminum) or processing ore for zinc. GaN has a low extraction and carbon footprint due to the refinement process.

“Over 300 tons of GaN are produced every year, with over a million tons estimated in reserves around the world. As it is a processing by-product, it is relatively low cost at around $300/kg which is 200 times lower than gold at around $60,000/kg,” according to Navitas.

GaN is the force behind high-resolution televisions, phones, tablets, laptops, monitors, etc. due to its high-efficiency, high-voltage capabilities. Power conversion and battery charging in hybrid and electric vehicles also utilize GaN technology.

Since GaN lends way to higher charging efficiencies, more power is delivered to the battery. As the battery can utilize more power, it also charges faster.

Head of marketing at Navitas, Stephen Oliver, said the current silicon chip shortage is impacting the auto industry while the demand for vehicle electronics is simultaneously increasing.

Oliver said, “Along comes GaN, the next generation silicon, the new kid on the block. It operates 100 times quicker than silicon, doesn’t lose energy, and with its increased speed is lighter, smaller, cheaper. It’s now in its second revolution for phones and charges them three times faster, and soon electric vehicles, too. If you look at the manufacturing process, the chip is five times smaller and that means every time you make it a wafer, it is five times smaller; that means you get five times as many.”

To learn more about EVs or have a charger installed, contact the experts at State Electric Company today.

State Electric Company is a leader in the electrification of the nation. Our highly educated and experienced team of professionals uses industry-leading software technology and has partnered with manufacturers to deliver affordable solutions for all your electrical needs. With our combined, extensive knowledge in renewable energy sources through solar and battery storage, the team at State Electric works together to provide customers, large and small, with efficient electrical solutions. We specialize in smart electrical panels, EV chargers, battery storage, microgrids, and emergency generators with automatic transfer switches to ensure that all your energy needs are affordable and safely met. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Maintaining Senior Eye Health

Aging affects every part of your body, even your eyes. Age-related farsightedness, or presbyopia, occurs when the lens inside your eye begins to harden. Books and other close objects become challenging to read or see clearly. Some other age-related disorders include:

  • Age-related Macular Degeneration
  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Dry Eye
  • Floaters
  • Changes to Peripheral Vision

Roughly half of all age-related visual loss can be managed through early diagnosis and treatment. Ensure you get routine eye exams to help prevent some of the complications listed above. Additionally, there are plenty of things you can do at home to protect your eye sight. 

Diet: Well-balanced eating habits help your body in more ways than one. Your eyes are significantly affected by the foods you choose to eat. The following nutritious foods can help avert vision loss:

  • Vitamin A: Carrots, spinach, kale, egg yolks, dairy
  • Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, juices, broccoli, potatoes, green peppers
  • Vitamin E: Whole grains, eggs, sunflower seeds, avocado
  • Fatty Acids: Coldwater fish (mackerel, rainbow trout, salmon, etc.), corn oil, sunflower oil
  • Lutein: Kale, spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts, corn
  • Zinc: Poultry, red meat, fish, dairy, whole grains

Quit smoking: The sooner, the better. Besides causing a plethora of cardiovascular and lung-related diseases, smoking greatly increases the chances of developing age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy.

Exercise: All you need is at least 20 minutes a day to stimulate your entire body by increasing blood flow. The optic nerve and retina are included in this circulatory invigoration.

Sunglasses: Ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun can cause cataracts, retina damage, and skin cancer near your eyes. Always wear sunglasses when outside.

To schedule an eye exam or learn about LASIK for seniors, contact the professionals at Rohr Eye & Laser Center today.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 or visit https://www.michiganlasik.com/ to schedule an appointment today.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Ohio’s Chippewa Lake Celebrates Two Years Sans Algal Blooms

Ohio’s largest inland natural lake, Chippewa Lake, is commending its method of algal bloom treatment by celebrating the second anniversary of complete remediation. BlueGreen Water Technologies issued a press release explaining how their treatment halted five years of sky-high toxicity levels in the lake. The treatment product, called Lake Guard® Blue, removed the toxic algae in only 24 hours and marked the first full-scale United States implementation.

Dr. Moshe Harel, BlueGreen CSO, said, “The success of BlueGreen’s treatment in Chippewa Lake was achieved through a change of phytoplankton composition: the Lake Guard® Blue effectively removed the toxic cyanobacterial species to boost the “immune system” of the lake. By increasing the diversity of beneficial phytoplankton species and restoring the lake to a healthy ecosystem, we have prevented the resurgence of the harmful cyanobacteria.”

Professor Aaron Kaplan, Chair of BlueGreen’s Scientific Board, said, “This event is a milestone along BlueGreen’s road of achievements. The fact that Chippewa Lake remains clean while all other lakes in the region are under harmful algal bloom alert speaks for itself.”

BlueGreen was named the Global Water Awards’ “2021 Breakthrough Technology Company of the Year” by Global Water Intelligence (GWI) and operates on a global scale to identify and remedy toxic blue-green algae blooms.

Dr. Waleed Nasser, Director of Operations of BlueGreen US, said, “The significance of this milestone cannot be overstated, as recurring toxic blooms can be so devastating to communities like Chippewa Lake.”

Do you want to ensure your water is clean, pure, and refreshing? Contact the water treatment experts today at Reynolds Water Conditioning.

Reynolds Water Conditioning was established in 1931 and is Michigan’s oldest water conditioning treatment company. Still owned and operated by the Reynolds family, we take pride in providing the highest quality products at a cost-effective price. If your tap water lacks the quality you deserve, contact us today at www.reynoldswater.com or call 800-572-9575.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Tennis Elbow Treatment and Prevention

The term tennis elbow might be more misleading than you think – this tendon injury can occur without any tennis games whatsoever. Aching arm and elbow pain are most prevalent in patients who are diagnosed with tennis elbow. The proper term for tennis elbow is lateral epicondylitis; this injury is categorized by causing chronic pain and weakness near the elbow. Gripping or lifting motions infamously make this condition feel more painful.

Tennis elbow affects the forearm muscle, extensor carpi radialis brevis, which helps move the hand away from the body at the wrist. Repetitive strain suddenly or gradually can damage the tendon attached to the outer elbow, resulting in pain. As we age, our muscles and joints deteriorate, which influences injuries. Overtime, inflammation and degeneration from overuse can result, causing further discomfort.

The initial treatment for tennis elbow is rest, as this allows the damaged tendon to heal. At-home exercise and stretching procedures, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals, braces, steroid injections, or extracorporeal shock wave therapy might be recommended as a treatment plan. Surgery is seldomly needed to treat tennis elbow. 

Small efforts have big impacts when it comes to preventing tennis elbow. Some of which include:

  • Maintain a healthy weight and physical appearance by strengthening your shoulders, arms, and upper back muscles.
  • Ensure all sports equipment fits correctly.
  • Focus on moving, using the proper techniques while doing activities.
  • Try to minimize or be aware of repetitive arm motions.

While tennis elbow can be frustrating, there are a variety of treatment options available.

To experience relief from tennis elbow or receive a proper diagnosis, contact the experts at MI Hand & Wrist today.

Michigan Hand & Wrist was founded in 2001 with the mission to provide the highest-quality care for patients seeking surgical or non-surgical hand or upper extremity relief. Our goal is to exhaust all non-operative measures before discussing or moving on to surgical interventions. We offer on-site physical therapy from therapists committed to improving your quality of life. Our individualized treatments are modern, progressive, and exceptional. Contact us today at www.michiganhandandwrist.com or call 248-596-0412.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

All-Electric Homes Gain Popularity

A preliminary effort of “all-electric” homes is gaining attention in a world where clean and efficient energy is at the forefront of environmental efforts to reduce carbon emissions. If the house is built with the right conditions, it can achieve zero emissions, or net-zero. Utility businesses, contractors, and manufacturers are upgrading, creating, and pioneering technologies to achieve net-zero homes.

Electric homes have been in the spotlight before; they were all the rage from about 1950 to 1970. More than 850,000 houses were considered “Gold Medallion,” a program sponsored by the Edison Electric Institute, advocating General Electric Co. and Westinghouse Electric Corp. The phrase “Live Better Electrically” touted these electric homes that showcased electric washers and dryers, garbage disposals, refrigerators, and furnaces. At that time, coal was not considered unrenewable, and electricity was expensive, so natural gas ousted electric.

In 2015, roughly 25 percent of homes throughout the United States were considered all-electric, according to the U.S. Energy Information Agency. Advocates of all-electric homes have been working diligently to deliver clean electricity as power networks aim to decarbonize.

Justin Margolies is the senior energy research analyst for Slipstream, out of Madison, Wisconsin, which serves 21 states by joining with utilities, local and state governments, regulatory agencies, and other organizations to develop novel solutions to energy challenges. Margolies said, “Electrification can be an all-in or incremental strategy. For new homes, going all-in on electrification makes sense since costs for a gas connection, piping, and fixed monthly charges can be avoided altogether.”

All-electric homes contain programmable mechanics, appliances, and LED lights that are powered without emissions. New homes could forgo natural gas lines thanks to technologies including air-source heat pumps, geothermal heat pumps, heat pump water heaters and dryers, and induction stoves. Homes are typically wired for electric vehicles as well.

Collaboration with other trades is imperative in all-electric houses. Margolies said, “Manufacturers offer installer training for their equipment, utilities offer consumer-facing educational resources, and Energy Star offers valuable information as well. There are also forums such as the Electrify Everything Facebook group that offers a place for contractors and homeowners to exchange technical insights and resources related to home and vehicle electrification. The Illinois Green Alliance is a great source of education, and ComEd has materials and resources for its Electric Homes New Construction program.”

At J&P Electrical, we specialize in providing the electrical equipment you need. Contact us today to learn more.

J&P Electrical is a full-service electrical equipment company. At J&P, we supply contractors, end-users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We also purchase a wide range of electrical equipment such as bus plugs, ducts, panel switches, substations, and transformers. Call us at 877-844-5514 or visit us at https://www.jpelectricalcompany.com.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Cleaning and Caring for Marble Surfaces

Nothing is quite like marble; the appearance of movement created by veining is distinctive to this popular, porous surface, which is notoriously susceptible to scratching and staining. Particularly where hard objects or high acidity is present – think kitchen knives or lemons – marble can easily succumb to etches and pits. Thankfully, caring for marble helps preserve its appearance and prevent surface damage.

Lemon juice, alcohol, or tomato juice all have a high acidic content. When these are dripped, splashed, or spilled on a marble surface and lingers for an extended time, the acid deteriorates the calcium carbonate in the stone, creating permanent damage. The dull, slightly dark rings or spots that result from this chemical reaction are called etchings. In some light, etching is more noticeable, and vice-versa.

Milk, juice, fruit, and alcohol can occasionally cause both etching and staining. To keep your marble looking like new, consider the following:

Avoid acidic solutions: Not only are the aforementioned foods acidic, but certain cleaning products can also deteriorate marble. According to the National Stone Institute, vinegar, lemon juice, and other surfactants should be avoided on marble. Mild soap and water are best, along with a non-abrasive sponge or cloth.

Seal properly: Spray a sealant at least once a month so penetration cannot occur as easily. While certain liquids (red wine) will still stain if left to sit overnight, the sealant will protect the marble if the liquid or juice is wiped up immediately.

Solutions for common stains:

  • Oil-based (grease, cooking oil, cosmetics): Cleanse the surface lightly with a soft liquid cleanser, household detergent, ammonia, or mineral spirits.
  • Organic (coffee, tea, fruit, food): Mix 12 percent hydrogen peroxide with a few drops of ammonia to wipe clean.
  • Rust stains (metals): These might be permanent and are extremely difficult to remove, and will need to be treated with a poultice, a paste-like cleaning agent sold commercially.
  • Paint stains: Lacquer thinner or razor blades can be used to remove small amounts carefully.
  • Smoke stains: Commercial products are available and used to remove these stains.
  • Water spots or rings: Use #0000 dry steel wool to buff these spots out.

Are you interested in getting marble countertops or marble tiles in your bathroom? Contact the renovation experts at JFC Remodeling today!

JFC Remodeling is committed to providing top-quality home reconstruction services to clients throughout Livingston County. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, our licensed contractors create unique, individualized, and polished renovations. Whether the site requires an improvement, repair, or is a new construction, you can trust our experts to deliver remarkable results. Call: 810-923-1123, e-mail: jfcllc@comcast.net, or visit us at: www.jfcremodeling.com today.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Rental History Will Soon Factor into Mortgages

Fannie Mae plans to launch a new underwriting innovation beginning September 18, 2021 that will automatically incorporate rental history into their credit evaluation system. Using bank statement data, mortgage lenders will be able to “deliver a more inclusive credit assessment” with the borrower’s permission, according to the press release.

Hugh R. Frater, Fannie Mae CEO, said, “Many renters believe they will never be able to buy their own home because of insufficient credit. We can responsibly expand mortgage eligibility by including positive rent payment history in underwriting risk assessments. We believe this will be the first time any large-scale automated mortgage underwiring system will leverage electronic bank statement data to consider positive rent payment history. It is but one important step in correcting the housing inequalities of the past, creating a more inclusive mortgage credit evaluation process going forward, and encouraging the housing system to develop new ways of safely assessing and determining mortgage eligibility in order to fairly serve all potential homeowners. We look forward to working with our industry partners to do what we can together to address this and other barriers of homeownership.”

This novel system will even the playing field for homeowners. It should lead to more mortgage approvals for those who might not have otherwise qualified for a home loan because of insufficient credit history.

If the borrower has a limited traditional credit history or was denied previously, the new change could be beneficial for them. Positive rental payments will be automatically notated from tendered bank statements and incorporated into the underwriting program.

To learn more about this new program and apply for a mortgage, contact the professionals at EB Mortgage today.

EB Mortgage is a locally-owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us at 866-246-0516 or e-mail contact@ebwmtg.com today.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Interactive Tools on Websites Influenced by Gender, Personality

A recent study published by Penn State examined how much personality comes into play when interacting online. Factors such as being extroverted, introverted, gender, and more, help determine your online browsing behavior.  

According to the study, for extroverted women, Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) tools helped drive certain websites to be more interactive. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), on the other hand, was more prevalent among male extroverts who preferred to directly interact with the computer.

S. Shyam Sundar, James P. Jimirro Professor of Media Effects Research in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications and co-director of the Media Effects Research Laboratory, said, “When you go to a website – for example, the Google search engine – you’re essentially engaging in HCI, which is different from CMC, which is when you’re communicating with other humans through computer technology. When we talk about HCI here, it’s really about the degree to which the system or the machine allows us to interact with it, and it includes everything from how we swipe and tap on our mobile devices, to how we try to access different information through links on a website. When we talk about CMC, it is about the tools to chat with somebody else, like a customer service agent through an online portal, or when we’re having a video chat via Zoom, for example.”

An imperative aspect of creating positive user experiences is knowing who your web visitors are, along with what engages them. Sundar said, “These are actually quite important business decisions, because they cost a lot of money and have a lot of backend consequences.”

People who are extroverted in real life are also somewhat outgoing when it comes to virtual interactions, according to the paper.

Yan Huang, assistant professor of integrated strategic communication in the Jack J. Valenti School of Communication, University of Houston, and first author of the report, said, “Our findings largely supported the hypothesis that as people’s level of extroversion goes up, they’re more likely to recognize the interactive potential of the site, no matter if it’s communicating with the machine, or using the computer to talk to other people, but gender also makes a difference here. What we saw was that extroversion has slightly different effects for men compared to women, in terms of the types of interactivity that they appreciate more.”

Does your website need a boost? Contact the experts at Creative Programs and Systems today. Our experienced programmers, designers, and content creators can make your vision a reality.

Founded in 1994, Creative Programs and Systems provides professional results for all computer needs. We design, create, and code an array of custom software programs and websites; offer top-notch digital marketing services including enhanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and paid advertising; repair and provide support for computers of both residential and professional nature; build custom systems and servers, and offer secure data backups. Need assistance or want to learn more? Call us at 810-224-5252 or e-mail info@cpsmi.com.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Ultrasound Gel Recalled by FDA

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has recalled eight lots of Eco-Med Pharmaceuticals ultrasound gel, with contamination being the culprit. Confirmed bacterial infections affected 15 patients who were in contact with the Eco-Gel 200 ultrasound gel. Unconfirmed cases are also suspected.

Eco-Gel instructed customers to immediately halt the use of the gel and return it to the manufacturer if possible.

FDA officials said, “Eco-Med has initiated this recall and quarantine due to bacterial contamination in the affected loss of ultrasound gel with Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bxx). The source(s) of the bacterial contamination is currently unknown. Eco-med is conducting a comprehensive investigation to determine the root cause of this contamination and take all necessary corrective action.”

Patients who encountered the gel can be asymptomatic or develop severe toxicity, such as bloodstream infection, which can result in sepsis or death.

Eco-Med lot numbers included in the recall:

  • Lot number B029 – distribution: March 26, 2021
  • Lot number B030 – distribution: March 30, 2021
  • Lot number B031 – distribution: April 5, 2021
  • Lot number B032 – distribution: April 7, 2021
  • Lot number B040 – distribution: April 26, 2021
  • Lot number B041 – distribution April 26, 2021
  • Lot number B048 – distribution: May 7, 2021
  • Lot number B055 – distribution: May 26, 2021

These brand names were also tainted and are recalled:

  • Chattanooga Conductor USA – DJO Global
  • DJO Conductor – DJO Global
  • Liquasonic – Athena Medical Products
  • MediChoice Ultrasound Gel – Owens & Minor
  • MediChoice Ultrasound Gel – Mac Medical Supply Co.
  • Medline – Medline Industries
  • NDC Eco-Gel 200 Ultrasound Gel – NDC
  • Omni – Accelerated Care Plus Leasing

Acceletronics is an industry leader in delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from CT Scanners and Linear Accelerators across all major brands and models. Call 610-524-3300 or visit our website: https://www.acceletronics.com.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Paint Shortage Affecting the Electrical Industry

You might have heard about the worldwide shortages that have been sparked by a combination of the global pandemic, weather (freeze) catastrophes in Texas, fires in China, a lack of workers, and more. The supply chain has suffered from these setbacks, causing shortages in various industries such as technology, automobile, furniture, transportation, appliances, and electrical equipment.

Shortages began during the global pandemic, as industries were affected by transportation and staffing issues. However, during the past three months, resin paints have been extremely difficult to acquire. Polyester and vinyl ester are most challenging to obtain, followed by epoxy.

Thanks to a boom in new construction and countless homeowners upgrading due to confinement, demand for paint has been skyrocketing as well. Jim Baird, chief investment officer at Plante Moran Financial Advisors in Kalamazoo, said, “Strong demand is a good problem to have, but that demand is increasingly straining manufacturers’ ability to keep pace.”

Greg McLaughlin, composites manager at Sea Force Center Consoles, said, “Resin distributors are rationing resin deliveries, with large-volume builders first in line. We’re hearing the industry could face a four- to six-week delay in resin products due to the Texas freeze from damages related to processing plants’ piping and fittings.”

 At J&P, we know the supply chain can be unpredictable, which is why we make sure to overstock when possible and plan for times like these. With paint orders being backordered for five months (and counting), things can get a little stressful but rest assured, the quality of our product will not be compromised!

J&P Electrical is a full-service electrical equipment company. At J&P, we supply contractors, end-users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We also purchase a wide range of electrical equipment such as bus plugs, ducts, panel switches, substations, and transformers. Call us at 877-844-5514 or visit us at https://www.jpelectricalcompany.com.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.