Preserving Eggs and Milk for Long-Term Storage

While you are stocking up your prepper pantry, don’t forget about the essential milk and eggs! Although many people skip the hassle of preserving these two easily perishable items, it is possible to keep them for long-term storage. The three different preservation methods are freezing, canning, and dehydrating, which are all great alternatives in storing these delicate dairy items.

The least time-consuming method for long-term storage, freezing takes up more space but is more efficient for preparation. It allows you to use different sized containers such as jars, freezer bags, and plastic containers. After thawing, milk and eggs perform similarly to the fresh version. 

Freezing milk: First, check the “sell-by” or expiration date on the carton. If the date is not passed, your milk is safe to freeze. Be cautious when choosing your container as milk expands when frozen, unlike water – so select items that allow expansion. The FDA recommends consuming milk within three months of freezing; however, others claim up to six months is ok. Sniff first and use your best judgment.

Freezing eggs: To freeze, crack and scramble in a bowl first, then pour contents into a Ziplock freezer bag or perhaps use an icetray for quick and easy measuring and thawing. 1 egg cube = 1 egg

Of these two essential items, milk can only be canned. There are no safety guidelines to can eggs and they ultimately turn green. The best alternative for store-bought eggs is to pickle them. On the other hand, people have been canning milk for generations. There are a lot of opinions on the matter, but it really boils down to – do your research! This process is fairly-labor intensive and there is a risk of bacteria forming if not done currently.

Canning Milk: Canning fresh milk turns into evaporated milk (much like that found in grocery stores.) The milk turns a slight caramel color and will need to be diluted with water (half and half) to bring the taste back to freshness. Store your canned milk in a cool, dark pantry for up to one year. Keep refrigerated once opened and use within a few days.

Pickling Eggs: Using a sterilized jar for storing, hard boil your eggs and transfer them to an ice bath to cool. Then peel and place in your jar. Make your brine, then add to your jar of eggs, ensuring to cover them completely. Tightly cover with a lid and keep in a cool location for up to four months.

If you are short on space, dehydrating is the way to go. Powdered eggs and milk take up a small amount of space and can be stored easily. While the process to dehydrate eggs can be fickle and difficult to reconstitute the texture of fresh eggs – it’s a great source for baking, nonetheless. Powdered milk has been used in kitchen pantries for years and is also an excellent option for baking.

Dehydrating milk: To reduce the likelihood of bacteria, only use pasteurized milk when dehydrating. This process should not be done by a novice but researched and tested to ensure safe consumption. This preservation method does lose some flavor; therefore, dehydrated milk is best used for cooking and baking. To reconstitute milk, add small amounts of hot water to the powder and stir until you reach desired consistency.  1 cup water and 3 TB powdered milk = 1 cup milk

Dehydrating eggs: The goal when dehydrating eggs is to do so in the best, safest, and most palatable way possible. There is a risk of Salmonella poisoning if you don’t know what you’re doing – so, do your research and invest in a quality dehydrator.  To rehydrate eggs, add a two-to-one water ratio to powdered eggs and let the mixture stand for a few minutes. 1 TB egg powder and 2 TB water = 1 egg

Need some more long-term food essentials?

Check out Wolf Survival Gear’s selection of freeze-dried food to add to your prepping pantry.

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for all your prepping and survival needs. We are a trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop shop and prepare now, before you’ll need it later. Visit our website or e-mail us today for more information.

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The Eyes Are a Window into the Soul – and Alzheimer’s Disease

A new study shows that the eyes are telltale signs for understanding diseases of the brain. Scientists at the UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences found that retinal scans can distinguish vital changes in blood vessels that might provide an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease. These scans provide insight into how one of the most common Alzheimer’s risk genes (APOE4) gives way to the disease.

Fanny Elahi, MD, Ph.D., assistant professor of neurology, member of the UCSF Memory and Aging Center (MAC) and lead author of the study, said, “The most prevalent genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease is a variant of the APOE gene, known as APOE4. We still don’t fully understand how this variant increases risk of brain degeneration, we just know that it does, and that this risk is modified by sex, race, and lifestyle. Our research provides new insights into how APOE4 impacts blood vessels and may provide a path forward for early detection of neurodegenerative disease.”

The effects of APOE4 capillaries in the brain have been studied in mice. Elahi has long suspected these tiny blood vessels might play a crucial role in Alzheimer’s disease due to their important functions through the blood-brain barrier, such as delivering nutrients and oxygen, ridding the body of waste, and monitoring immune system responses. Elahi says damage to these blood vessels could lead to multiple issues, including the protein buildup and cognitive decline seen in Alzheimer’s patients. Since we cannot  visualize individual capillaries in living peoples’ brains, Elahi focused on the eyes instead.

Through a non-invasive eye scan, APOE4-associated capillary changes were detected in humans. Light-penetrating tissue shares biology with the brain, so researchers believe the retina might help establish APOE4 variants and how similar capillaries inside the brain are affected.

After analyzing the retinal scans, a reduced capillary density in APOE4 carriers was found, signifying an effect that increased with age. The team also compared the abnormalities found in the retinal scans to brain perfusion and found that people with higher density retinal capillary density also had greater brain blood flow.

Elahi said, “This is the first time that we have demonstrated in living, asymptomatic humans that the smallest blood vessels are affected in APOE4 gene carriers. That’s important because it suggests that the increased risk of brain degeneration and Alzheimer’s disease in APOE4 carriers might be through its effect on blood vessels. This is just the beginning. But the implications for early detection and possible intervention can be significant in combatting Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. It’s much harder to regenerate neurons than to stop their degeneration from happening in the first place. Similar to cancer, early detection can save lives.”

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 or visit to schedule an appointment today.

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Survey Shows Water Use Surge During Pandemic

According to a study conducted by J.D. Power, customer satisfaction with water services remained steady through the pandemic despite skyrocketing usage. The U.S. Water Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study is now in its sixth year and rates contentment among suburban consumers of 90 water utilities that supply water to no less than 400,000 customers. The survey was conducted in four waves between June 2020 and March 2021.

Major regional service interruptions, increased water consumption, and elevated utility bills have resulted in no change in customer satisfaction, according to the J.D. Power 2021 U.S. Water Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Survey. Usage has increased roughly six percent nationwide, and customer satisfaction is at a high 737 out of 1,000 points.

Andrew Heath, senior director of utilities intelligence at J.D. Power said, “Between the massive weather event in Texas and the overall heightened sense of anxiety among consumers who have been spending more time at home and consuming more water, the past year has put local water utilities to the test. Despite recent efforts to improve communications and ramp up digital customer service channels, water utilities still have a long way to go when it comes to delivering valuable, proactive communications to help their customers through challenging situations. For example, the widespread service interruptions in Texas really put a spotlight on just how vulnerable utilities can be to adverse weather events.”

The study is reported in four geographic regions and two size categories: Midwest Large, Midwest Midsize, Northeast Large, Northeast Midsize, South Large, South Midsize, West Large, and West Midsize. Six factors and 33 attributes are used to measure overall satisfaction including: quality and reliability, price, conservation, billing and payment, communications, and customer service.

Are you unhappy with your water quality? Contact the water experts at Reynolds Water today to get pure, clean water.

Reynolds Water Conditioning was established in 1931 and is Michigan’s oldest water conditioning treatment company. Still owned and operated by the Reynolds family, we take pride in providing the highest quality products at a cost-effective price. If your tap water lacks the quality you deserve, contact us today at or call 800-572-9575.

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Protecting Your Hands While Gardening

It’s that time of year again and gardening is a great way to get physical activity while improving your surroundings. Unfortunately, many people are injured while using mechanical and non-mechanical gardening tools. Emergency rooms treat many outdoor garden enthusiasts due to tool-related accidents annually. Ensure you are using proper safety techniques to avoid paying a hospital visit.

Gloves: Wearing gloves will not only minimize blistering; they will also protect your skin from bacteria, fungi, fertilizers, pesticides, and such. Even the tiniest cuts can develop into a significant problem if left untreated. Leather or thick rubber gloves also shield your hands from poison ivy, thorns, insect bites, and skin irritants. Not to mention, gloves prevent fingernail damage and keep your hands sparkly clean.

Repetition: It’s best to avoid repetition that your hands or wrists aren’t used to such as digging, raking, trimming, pruning, or planting. Skin, tendon, and nerve irritation can occur, along with blistering. To minimize pain or other issues, rotate your tasks every 15 minutes with a small rest between them to ensure the same muscle is not repeatedly being exercised.

Tools: Tools are made for a reason! Utilize them, rather than your hands, for digging. Sharp objects or other debris can poke through deep soil and cut your hands. Remove objects from your work area before beginning to avoid damage to your hands or tools. Use the correct instrument based on the job you are trying to accomplish. Purchase brands with safety locks and ergonomic handles when possible. Unplug and disconnect equipment when not in use and remember to keep sharp items away from children.

Posture: Relative to your entire body position, ensure your wrist is at an angle that is adequate for using hand tools. When the wrist is in a relaxed or neutral position, grip strength is at its maximum. When the wrist is bent, grip strength can be reduced significantly.

If you experience severe injury, visit the emergency room as soon as possible. Remember to enjoy gardening by using your hands with care and with the assistance of proper tools.

Are you experiencing hand or wrist pain from gardening?

 Contact the experts at MI Hand & Wrist today for remediation.

Michigan Hand & Wrist was founded in 2001 with the mission to provide the highest-quality care for patients seeking surgical or non-surgical hand or upper extremity relief. Our goal is to exhaust all non-operative measures before discussing or moving on to surgical interventions. We offer on-site physical therapy from therapists committed to improving your quality of life. Our individualized treatments are modern, progressive, and exceptional. Contact us today at or call 248-596-0412.

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The Decade of Electricity: 2020s

Global warming, climate change, whichever you call it, is a defining issue of our time. Debated and discussed in homes, educational settings, board rooms, and governments worldwide, everyone can agree that fossil-based energy is a significant part of the problem. To circumvent future (potentially more catastrophic) issues, changes must be made. Over 100 countries have committed to net zero economies in the upcoming 30 years, and more are anticipated.

Global cooperation is possible as long as everyone is working toward the same goal. Net-zero is achieved when human-caused emissions are balanced out by removing Global Greenhouse Gasses (GHG) from the atmosphere, commonly known as carbon removal. GHGs originate from fossil-fueled vehicles and factories, for example. By restoring forests, shifting to electric vehicles, phasing out coal plants, or using other carbon-removal technologies, global emissions can be effectively reduced.

Countless changes and upheavals of outdated systems must occur to achieve this global goal, which is where electricity comes in. Electricity has been making advancements in wind and solar energy, and battery storage. The importance of electrification and energy efficiency is highlighted in nearly every country’s “roadmap” to a net-zero economy.

Battery and electric solutions are becoming increasingly prevalent. To support the transition, we will need to make sure existing technologies such as wind and solar batteries are cheap and undergoing innovation. Electric vehicles, heat pumps, electrolysis, and more are just the beginning of this trend. 

To ensure that electricity is efficiently produced and available when needed, we will need strict protocols on data usage and security, which can be addressed by building these requirements in during the design stages.

Investment strategies might start to include Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria, green bond standards, and low-carbon taxonomies. Low-cost money exists in international markets; the energy transition requires significant investment in areas traditional investors might not have ventured. Regulators will be vital to support the transition to low-carbon energy systems to drive out electrification and ensure the most efficient use of power systems. As technology advances, more steps will become clear.

Need an electrical part? Contact the experts at J&P Electrical today.

J&P Electrical is a full-service electrical equipment company. At J&P, we supply contractors, end-users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We also purchase a wide range of electrical equipment such as bus plugs, ducts, panel switches, substations, and transformers. Call us at 877-844-5514 or visit us at

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Seven Ways to Expand Your Kitchen’s Size

Kitchens are a place where people get together and enjoy each other’s company. Despite the actual size of your kitchen, there are tips and tricks to create extra room or give the illusion of a bigger space. While balancing storage, style, and functionality, here are some ideas worth implementing to expand your kitchen.

  1. Shallow cabinets: The standard 24-inch depth is not necessary. Most cabinet lines come in 12- or 15-inch depths, which are typically used for upper cabinets. Using a slimmer-sized cabinet for lower areas has its advantages. By opening floor space, it creates more room in a tight kitchen. While your storage might be reduced slightly, the backs of deep cabinets can be challenging to reach, anyway.
  • Single sink: Double sinks have their uses but consider how much more counter or storage space you could have when you utilize a single sink. If your sink is centered on a window with not a lot of room on either side, it can create a “dead zone” that can’t accommodate much. If you use a smaller cabinet for the sink, it frees up room on either side, opening adjacent cabinets. It’s worth exploring if you don’t use that second sink bowl often.
  • Compact dishwasher: Compact, or “condo-sized” dishwashers, 18-inches in width, are growing in popularity compared to the standard 24-inch-wide dishwashers. Smaller washers fill up faster, meaning they can be run on a full load more often. This is a perfect option for smaller households.
  • Slim fridge: Typically, the large 36-inch models end up full of clutter or stay half empty. If you aren’t much of a chef or don’t shop for fresh produce frequently, try slimming down your fridge to 30 or 28 inches, leaving more room for other essentials.
  • Panel appliances: Designed to be able to receive a design of your choosing, these appliances (fridges and dishwashers) blend into the look of your kitchen cabinets, making the area appear more fluid, larger, and airier.
  • Shelves: A few open shelves can easily hold tableware, storage jars, bins, and cookbooks to expand the room’s feel. By removing the upper cabinets, helps to open a stuffy space.
  • Glass doors: Most solid cabinet doors can be traded in for glass inserts, making way for a more expanded sensation. Glass doors can be frosted or clear while displaying attractive drinkware or other kitchen necessities.

Thinking of implementing some of these ideas or want to expand your kitchen even more?

Contact the kitchen remodeling experts at JFC Remodeling today.

JFC Remodeling is committed to providing top-quality home reconstruction services to clients throughout Livingston County. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, our licensed contractors create unique, individualized, and polished renovations. Whether the site requires an improvement, repair, or is a new construction, you can trust our experts to deliver remarkable results. Call: 810-923-1123, e-mail:, or visit us at: today.

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Home Maintenance 101

Owning a home is a constant responsibility. Upkeep includes aesthetics, but it’s essential not to overlook smaller, less-noticeable aspects of home maintenance as well. For first-time homebuyers, home maintenance might feel somewhat overwhelming. Where do you start? Look no further.


Each month, you can do some easy and inexpensive tasks to prevent extensive maintenance and costly repairs down the road.

  • Check carbon monoxide detectors
  • Test smoke detectors
  • Wash the hood of your stovetop range
  • Clean furnace filters and replace them every three months
  • Unclog or clean the drains in your sinks
  • Inspect toilets and sinks for any leaks


Imperative to maintaining a quality, well-kept home, the changing seasons are a natural reminder to stay on task with these chores.

  • Spring and Summer
    • Clear dead foliage, weeds, and debris from the yard
    • Prune trees
    • Clean gutters by removing debris
    • Sweep patios or decks and look for signs of cracked wood or loose nails
    • Examine exterior siding
    • Power wash your driveway, sidewalk, patio, or deck
    • Dust the garage floor and walls with a broom or leaf blower
    • Ensure your sump pump is draining properly
  • Fall and Winter
    • Winterize your air conditioners
    • Check and clean your fireplace and chimney
    • Unhook your outdoor hose to prevent damage from freezing
    • Remove/store window screens and install storm windows
    • Check radiators and surrounding pipes for leaks or cracks


Each year, doing these tasks will help keep your home in tip-top shape. If you follow this checklist sooner than later, it will save you from accruing considerable expenses in the future.

  • Ensure the dryer vent is correctly discharging outside and remove lint buildup
  • Drain the water heater tank
  • If you have a septic tank, ensure it’s clean
  • Look for termites or bugs congregating near or within your home
  • Clean your bathroom exhaust fan to remove dust
  • Inspect your roof


Several home elements will sustain wear-and-tear throughout the years, eventually requiring repair or replacement. The list might include:

  • Replacing garage door openers
  • Resealing grout in the kitchen or bathrooms
  • Replacing caulk around windows or doors
  • Cleaning heating ducts
  • Replacing old appliances

It’s imperative to pay attention to these small yet critical factors and address them as they arise to avoid dealing with a substantial bill later down the line. Owning a home isn’t always smooth sailing, but the joys and long-term rewards make it worthwhile. Between growing equity or taking pride in your home, a well-executed maintenance schedule can help you decrease costs for years to come.

We can help you refinance or purchase a new home – contact us today to learn more.

EB Mortgage is a locally-owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us at 866-246-0516 or e-mail today.

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Cyber Hacking Group “DarkSide” Halts Top US Gas Pipeline

Colonial Pipeline, operator of a pipeline stretching 5,500 miles, was forced to shut down after a ransomware attack in early May. In a disturbing example of the vulnerability of the United States’ energy infrastructure, 45 percent of the East Coast’s fuel supplies were suddenly halted in an effort to contain the assault.

Since the early 1960s, the vital pipeline has provided gasoline and jet fuel to customers across the East Coast. About 2.5 million barrels of gasoline, diesel fuel, and jet fuel are transferred each day through the pipeline. The hack showcases the vulnerability of the aging infrastructure which is connected to the internet.

Ransomware attacks have soared recently, shutting down the District of Columbia police department, hospitals treating COVID-19 patients, and nearly crippling water treatment plants. Cybersecurity experts expect a rise in ransomware or hacker-backed virtual attacks since they can implement automation and utilize cryptocurrency, making it harder to target the perpetrators.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Energy Department, and the White House were immediately briefed on the hacking details. Corporate computers were targeted by ransomware, which means that criminals hold data until the victim turns over a payment. The FBI focused its attention on the hacking group DarkSide, who they hold responsible for the ransomware incident. Colonial Pipeline ended up paying the hackers roughly 75 bitcoin ($5 million) to get the gas flowing again.

Coincidentally, DarkSide reported they are shutting down due to “pressure” from the United States. According to the New York Times, “A statement written in Russian and provided to The New York Times on Friday [May 14] by the cybersecurity firm Intel 471, DarkSide said it had lost access to the public-facing portion of its online system, including its blog and payment server, as well as funds that it said had been withdrawn to an unknown account. It said the group’s main web page and other public-facing resources would go offline within 48 hours.”

Cybersecurity experts warned the statement could be a hoax, allowing the members to deflect negative attention. If they did, in fact, shut down, the threat from ransomware is not over. These hacker groups often disband, regroup, and rebrand themselves in an effort to thwart law enforcement.

Ransomware isn’t just for big companies – hackers can target you, too.

Contact the virus experts at CPS today if you suspect your computer has been compromised.

Founded in 1994, Creative Programs and Systems provides professional results for all computer needs. We design, create, and code an array of custom software programs and websites; offer top-notch digital marketing services including enhanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and paid advertising; repair and provide support for computers of both residential and professional nature; build custom systems and servers, and offer secure data backups. Need assistance or want to learn more? Call us at 810-224-5252 or e-mail

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Low Doses of Radiation Might Help Severe Alzheimer’s Patients

A new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease showed remarkable improvements in behavior and cognition in patients with severe Alzheimer’s following low-dose radiation treatment.

Morris Freedman, M.D., scientist at Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute, and head of the neurology division, and senior author of the study said, “The primary goal of a therapy for Alzheimer’s disease should be to improve the patient’s quality of life. We want to optimize their well-being and restore communication with family and friends to avoid social isolation, loneliness, and under-stimulation. Although the study was a small pilot and should be interpreted with caution, our results suggest that low-dose radiation therapy may successfully achieve this.”

In 2015, a case report suggested a patient in hospice with Alzheimer’s disease showed signs of improvement after being treated several times with low-dose radiation to her brain. Her cognition, speech, movement, and appetite were all improved. The patient was eventually discharged from hospice and admitted to a long-term care facility for seniors.

While high doses of radiation are known to create harmful effects on our health, low-dose radiation used in CT scans, for example, can help the body protect and repair itself.

Jerry Cuttler, Ph.D., a retired scientist of Atomic Energy in Canada, has been studying the effects of radiation on health for over 25 years. “Numerous neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease, are thought to be caused in part by oxidative stress that damages all cells, including those in the brain. We have natural protection systems to combat the damage, but they become less effective as we get older. Each dose of radiation stimulates our natural protection systems to work harder – to produce more antioxidants that prevent oxidative damage, to repair more DNA damage, and to destroy more mutated cells,” he said.

In the study, four individuals suffering from severe Alzheimer’s disease were treated with three low doses of radiation spaced two weeks apart. The researchers utilized standardized tests in addition to observation to record patient changes in communication and behavior following treatment. They also collected personal artifacts such as photos, videos, and descriptions from the patients’ family members.

Within one day of the first treatment, three out of four individuals showed improvements such as increased alertness and responsiveness, recognition of loved ones, mobility, social engagement, heightened mood, and more.


Acceletronics is an industry leader in delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from CT Scanners and Linear Accelerators across all major brands and models. Call 610-524-3300 or visit our website:

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Three Inspiring Nonfiction Survivalist Books

While tales of survival have been tossed around as legend through human history, there are some real people who have persevered through extreme conditions using only determination and tenacity. True survival stories are not only inspiring; they can teach us how to push ourselves when the time comes.

Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption – by Laura Hillenbrand
This astonishing book based on a true story became a hit film in 2014, produced by Angelina Jolie. Olympic runner and Army Air Force bomber Louis Zamperini survived for 47 days after his bomber plane crash-landed into the Pacific Ocean in May 1943, during World War II. Zamperini and two crewmates fought off sharks, severe starvation, sun poisoning, and more. Discovered by the Japanese, he became a Prisoner of War (POW) for the remainder of the war. Unbroken is an extraordinary story of survival, determination, and strength.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place – by Aron Ralston
This book also became a biographical survival drama that hit the big screens in 2010, named 127 Hours, starring James Franco. Aron Ralston gave up his mechanical engineer career and moved to Colorado to enjoy the outdoors. During one of his adventures in 2003, he was climbing through Blue John Canyon in Utah’s Canyonlands National Park, and a boulder suddenly came loose. His right arm was crushed and trapped between the boulder and the canyon wall. Since no one knew where he was, Ralston was trapped and alone for 127 hours with limited food and water. Eventually, he had to amputate his arm to save himself. This compelling book is a personal account of his thrilling experience.

Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage – by Alfred Lansing
Another Hollywood hit, the movie is a retelling of an expedition to Antarctica based on the book by Alfred Lansing. The Endurance set sail for the South Atlantic in the summer of 1914. Sir Ernest Shackleton and his crew became castaways after The Endurance was crushed and trapped in ice. In five months, the men traversed more than 1,000 miles throughout one of the world’s most inhospitable regions. Through glaciers, mountains, and fighting off the harsh elements, Shackleton’s survivalist voyage was one of the most hazardous and astounding in human history.

Are you ready for your next adventure? Make sure you are prepared and stocked up with the right supplies from Wolf Survival Gear.

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for all of your prepping and survival needs. We are a trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop shop and prepare now, before you’ll need it later. Visit our website or e-mail us today for more information.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: