Eye Color Genetics are More Complicated than Previously Thought

According to a new study published in Science Advances, an international team of researchers led by King’s College London and Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam proved there are 50 new genes for eye color. In the most extensive genetic study of its kind to date, the researchers genetically analyzed almost 195,000 people throughout Europe and Asia.

Eye diseases such as pigmentary glaucoma and ocular albinism, where eye pigment levels play a role, will be better understood with the new research. Additionally, researchers discovered eye color in Asians with different shades of brown is genetically similar to eye color in Europeans ranging from dark brown to light blue.

Previous research identified a dozen genes linked to eye color, and scientists thought that eye color variations were controlled by a single gene or two. Typically, the perception was that brown eyes were more common/dominant than blue eyes.

Dr. Pirro Hyski, a co-senior author at King’s College London, said, “The findings are exciting because they bring us a step closer to understanding the genes that cause one of the most striking features of human faces, which has mystified generations throughout our history. This will improve our understanding of many diseases that we know are associated with specific pigmentation levels.”

Dr. Manfred Kayser, a co-senior author at Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, said, “This study delivers the genetic knowledge needed to improve eye color prediction from DNA as already applied in anthropological and forensic studies, but with limited accuracy for the non-brown and non-blue eye colors.”

For all of your eye care needs, contact the experts at Rohr Eye & Laser Center today.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 or visit https://www.michiganlasik.com/ to schedule an appointment today.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Six Significant Benefits of Using Iron Filters

Most well owners know that iron is a common culprit of maintaining clean water. Brown, tinged-colored glasses of drinking water or bright orange streaks in toilets and bathtubs are signs of an iron issue. Stains, discoloration, and foul odors and flavors mean there is iron in your water. Iron can clog pipes, reduce household water pressure, ruin the taste of coffee, tea, and other beverages, and stain appliances including the sidewalk and siding surrounding your house.

Iron enters water through the earth’s crust, as it is the most abundant mineral and perhaps causes the most nuisance in water across the globe. Rusty, corroded plumbing is also responsible for letting iron leak through into well water. Three forms of iron exist: ferric, ferrous, and bacterial. Each type requires a different iron filter or treatment process. When exposed to oxygen and water, iron begins to oxidize and deteriorate, turning into rust.

To properly and effectively remove iron from your water, an iron filter is your best bet. Iron filters remove stains, reduce contaminants, and purify water.

  1. Removes Rust: Appliances can rust and corrode quickly if iron is present, and excessive sulfur gives off a rotten egg smell. Sulfur, manganese, and iron are all removed with filters.
  2. Eliminates Sediments: The small particles that can be found at the bottom of a glass of water or a bucket are considered impurities. In large quantities, they can cause water to be unsafe to drink. Iron filters remove sediment as tiny as 20 to 40 microns resulting in pure, clean water.
  3. Low Maintenance: Iron filters have an automatic controller that initiates a regeneration cycle based on the amount of water passing through the system and the number of days used. Trapped particles are flushed out during this process, so the homeowner only needs to check them twice a year to ensure they are working correctly.
  4. No Stains: If you are tired of seeing yellowish-orange rust stains in your bathroom, an iron water filter might be for you. Household pipes, showers, and appliances will sparkle, along with your clothes – especially whites – which will last much longer.
  5. Chemical-Free: Most iron filters do not use chemicals. Instead, they employ ozone as it is environmentally friendly and easy to use.
  6. Pure, Clean Water: This might be an obvious reason, but iron water filters considerably enhance drinking water quality.

Without chemicals, sediments, odors, or stains, you’ll be wondering why you didn’t install an iron filter sooner. Contact the experts at Reynolds Water Conditioning today to install an iron filter in your home or business.


Reynolds Water Conditioning was established in 1931 and is Michigan’s oldest water conditioning treatment company. Still owned and operated by the Reynolds family, we take pride in providing the highest quality products at a cost-effective price. If your tap water lacks the quality you deserve, contact us today at www.reynoldswater.com or call 800-572-9575.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Four Ways Radiology Can Reduce Its Climate Change Impact

Typically, climate change (a.k.a. global warming) is associated with planes, trains, and automobiles using fossil fuels, hazy skies, and radioactive plants pushing clouds into the atmosphere. However, the radiologic industry plays a more significant role than you might imagine, and industry leaders say the time to reduce that impact is now.

Published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology, a team of industry experts, including Geraldine McGinty, M.D., MBA, president of the American College of Radiology (ACR), issued a call-to-action statement.

“Radiology is well-positioned to spearhead climate change action in our practices and the healthcare system at large. Addressing climate change provides an opportunity to improve healthcare delivery and increase value of care using a different problem-solving approach,” said the team.

The Yale University School of Medicine released data that shows 10 percent of the nation’s carbon emissions (and nine percent of harmful non-greenhouse air pollutants) originate from the United States healthcare system.

Radiology is a significant contributor to each hospital’s energy use. In Switzerland, as the team pointed out, their three CT and four MRI scanners accounted for four percent of the hospital’s overall energy use. Being more environmentally conscious isn’t specific to the industry; it’s a patent priority as well. In the United Kingdom, a survey conducted showed that 92 percent of patients also consider sustainable healthcare operations vital.

Substantial energy use: Radiology utilizes an enormous amount of energy. In the span of a year, cumulative consumption from one CT scanner can equate to five four-person households. A single MRI uses nearly as much as 26 four-person residences. If at all possible, opt for ultrasound instead. Not only is it cheaper, but it also uses less radiation and has a lower environmental impact. Moreover, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to shorten MRI protocols can lower energy use. To further reduce the carbon footprint, implementing life cycle analyses can quantify the environmental impact of various modalities.

Standby mode: To reduce the amount of energy used by the imaging machines, use standby mode. Even when idle, they are consuming significant amounts of energy, according to the team. Cooling machines take an equal amount of energy to operate. The team recommends a 24-hour operating cycle, as well as exploring energy-efficient HVAC systems and imaging technique improvements.

Power down: Though leaving the PACS off overnight might be more convenient and efficient for workload management, the team suggests turning the machine off overnight. A hospital in Iceland left its systems on overnight and accumulated 25,040 kilowatts of energy, producing 17.7 metric tons of carbon dioxide. These levels are equivalent to the emissions produced by four passenger cars annually. To decrease costs and improve energy efficiency, powering down can be an easy way to accomplish these goals. Additionally, the team suggested reducing excess packaging in your procedures to drive down the environmental costs in production and disposal.

Opt for clean energy: The team said now is the time to shift from fossil fuels and lean toward renewable energy. As prices are dropping, several facilities are already making progress. For example, Kaiser Permanente has achieved carbon-neutrality, and Gundersen Health System is already net carbon positive.

To make these changes a reality, radiologists need to become activists, according to the team. Lobby local ACR chapters to join national efforts or reach out to specialty societies to further push environmentally sustainable radiology. Publishing carbon footprints can help other medical departments understand the environmental dangers associated with over-utilization.

Radiologists are urged to join the Medical Society Consortium on Climate Health, which includes 29 national medical societies, as suggested by the team.


RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 or visit us on the web: https://www.radparts.com.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Robotic Pool Cleaners & Ten Features to Look For

You might think robotic pool cleaners are a thing of the future, but actually, they have been around for quite a while. These powerful little machines suck up small and large debris. They don’t attach to your pool circulation system or rely on your pool filter; rather, they run on electricity by themselves.

Robotic pool cleaners navigate through the pool, scrubbing walls and floors with tiny brushes. They vacuum everything from small insects to acorns. Some models can even clean the waterline around the pool.  A built-in bag/cartridge holds debris. Since they filter and clean the water, pool robots are considered a secondary pool filter. As water is sucked in, debris is collected in a filter that removes up to two microns for a superiorly clean pool.

Running on low voltage, robotic pool cleaners are submersible. They have extremely long power cords that should only be plugged into Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) outlets, which automatically shut off if any electrical imbalance is detected. Certain models are double insulated, meaning they are designed to work safely without the grounding prong. To ensure you don’t get shocked, only use GFCI outlets around water sources.

So, what features should you look for if you are in the market for a robotic pool cleaner? Here are ten suggestions:

Weight: Make sure you can lift it in-and-out of the pool with ease.

Tires: Wide rubber tires and four-wheel drive capabilities help the robot traverse over bumps.

Cord: Since cords can easily tangle, make sure it’s a swivel cord to enable proper movement.

Brushes: Seek robots with hard-bristle brushes or multiple rotating brushes that can scrub well.

Timer: Programmable timers are a breeze – set it and forget it.

Terrain: Ensure the robotic pool cleaner can climb the sides, waterline, or stairs with ease.

Sensors: Deflecting features help prevent the robot from getting stuck in a corner or on obstacles.

Efficiency: Cleaning cycles should be moderate, and multiple cycle options are ideal.

Durability: Read the warranty before using your cleaner, so you know what to do if it fails.

Energy: Try to avoid models that use more than 1,000 watts per hour as they can be expensive to operate over time.

For all of your pool renovation needs, contact the experts at Pound Pool Plastering today.

Pound Pool Plastering offers free estimates and complete pool renovations. Dale Pound, owner, personally oversees each pool project to ensure the highest quality is delivered. We offer Diamond Brite, Sunstone, Hydrazzo, Marcite, Pebble finishes, Bead Crete, tile choices, coping stones, etc. We are pool renovation experts – contact us today at 248-476-4544 or poundpool@sbcglobal.net.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

Optimism Rises in Commercial Contractor Field

A report from the United States Chamber of Commerce revealed that commercial contractors are becoming more optimistic about the future. The report noted that contractor optimism is being driven primarily by a rise in revenue expectations and better outlooks on hiring and equipment spending plans.

During the first quarter of 2021, 36 percent of contractors reported they anticipated their revenue to increase over the rest of the year, rising 25 percent from the last quarter of 2020.

A moderate to high level of confidence was reported by 86 percent of contractors regarding the United States market’s ability to provide new business in 2021. In the fourth quarter of 2020, 19 percent of respondents said their confidence level was high; in 2021, almost a quarter (24 percent) reported the same.

The report stated, “The score of revenue expectations, one of the index’s three leading indicators, jumped five points to 57, while contractors’ confidence in new business opportunities rose two points to 59.”

In the upcoming six months, 46 percent of contractors said they would employ more people, making hiring plans gain traction, up from 37 percent in the fourth quarter of 2020. Only three percent of contractors expect to diminish staffing, down from 12 percent in the fourth quarter of 2020; 46 percent expect to keep the same amount of personnel.

Neil Bradley, executive vice president, chief policy officer, and head of strategic advocacy for the United States Chamber of Commerce, said, “The industry still has a way to go to return to pre-pandemic levels, but rising optimism in the commercial construction industry is a positive sign for the broader economy.”

For all of your electrical contractor equipment needs, contact the experts at J&P Electrical today.

J&P Electrical is a full-service electrical equipment company. At J&P, we supply contractors, end-users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We also purchase a wide range of electrical equipment such as bus plugs, ducts, panel switches, substations, and transformers. Call us at 877-844-5514 or visit us at https://www.jpelectricalcompany.com.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

The Biggest Advantage of Homeownership

Home is where your heart – and your wealth – is. The benefits of homeownership are vast; there are numerous financial aspects, but the wealth creation is the most significant. Forming household wealth begins with homeownership. According to Freddie Mac, “Homeownership has cemented its role as a part of the American Dream, providing families with a place that is their own and an avenue for building wealth over time. This ‘wealth’ is built, in large part, through the creation of equity… Building equity through your monthly principal payments and appreciation is a critical part of homeownership that can help you create financial stability.” For the majority of households that transition into homeownership, the most recent data reinforces that housing is one of the largest positive factors of wealth creation.

Over the past twelve months, increased home equity has revealed the surge of wealth through:

  • Mortgage-free homes account for roughly 38 percent of the total amount
  • The average equity gain of mortgaged homes in the past year was $26,300
  • More than $200,000 is the average equity of currently mortgaged homes
  • Total homeowner equity accounted for a 16.9 percent increase
  • Nearly $1.5 trillion represented homeowner equity

Increasing equity allows homeowners to better manage the challenges arising from the global pandemic. Frank Nothaft, Chief Economist for CoreLogic, said, “This equity growth has enabled many families to finance home remodeling, such as adding an office or study, further contributing to last year’s record level in home improvement spending.”

The growing bank of personal wealth from homeownership has been noticed by many. More people are affected by increasing wealth benefits beyond the scope of just homeowners.

The Rosen Consulting Group released a report outlining the benefits of homeownership. Inside, they explained what an increase in net worth (“the wealth effect”) means to the economy. “In economic literature, the wealth effect is a term used to describe the fact that individuals have a tendency to increase their spending habits when their actual or perceived wealth increases. For homeowners, the latent savings achieved by building equity in their home and the growth in home values over time both contribute to increased net worth. Through the wealth effect, this in-turn translates to households having a greater ability and willingness to spend money across a wide range of other types of goods and services that spur business activity and provide a positive multiplier effect that creates jobs and income throughout the economy,” the report stated.

To purchase a home of your own and create your wealth, contact the EB Mortgage experts today!

EB Mortgage is a locally-owned mortgage company with experts in new home purchase, refinancing, and commercial loans. Our wholesale rates can’t be beaten. We offer more products, more options, and more solutions. Our “3C” Process is simple: complete our pre-approval request, consider options based on your requirements, and choose the offer that suits your needs best. Call us at 866-246-0516 or e-mail contact@ebwmtg.com today.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

What Is 5G and How Does It Differ from Wi-Fi

What Is 5G and How Does It Differ from Wi-Fi

After nearly a decade in the making, 5G is now a reality. Select cities throughout the United States received 5G mobile internet access a few years ago, and now, it’s readily available depending on your phone plan. The fifth generation of mobile broadband, 5G, will eventually replace the 4G connection. The time it takes for devices to communicate with wireless networks (latency) will be dramatically faster. These new networks are also much more efficient, handling more connections per cell tower and faster speeds per user.

Cellular/mobile networks rely on licensed spectrum bands, which are auctioned off to the highest bidder. Verizon, AT&T, and other carriers have to pay in order to use those bands. For coverage, they must build a network of intertwined base stations capable of sending out a strong enough signal for the network to withstand thousands of people at once. Carriers expect consumers to recuperate their investment and further expand network infrastructure.

On the other hand, Wi-Fi is an unlicensed spectrum that is free for anyone to use but offers a somewhat weak signal. Consumers pay an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to connect the internet to their infrastructure, and then a router is used to fill the building with Wi-Fi. In densely populated areas with limited bandwidth, using the same Wi-Fi frequency band between more than one building can be disruptive. Wi-Fi uses two frequencies: 2.4GHz and 5GHz. The frequency with a more extended range but lower top speed potential is 2.4GHz, while 5GHz can deliver faster speeds but not penetrate walls as easily.

Wi-Fi is used at home, in the office, or public areas such as coffee shops or restaurants. Mobile networks are used when Wi-Fi is not available. The most crucial factor is to have a good connection at all times.

Several elements play into the actual 5G connection speed, including location, network, device, and how many other people connect. To achieve a maximum download speed of 50Mbps and a low latency of 10ms, this will represent a massive improvement over the average speed most consumers are receiving now. 

Wi-Fi has had a troublesome history of naming confusion throughout its lifespan. The Wi-Fi Alliance has accepted the need for less-perplexing nomenclature, so the next standard is going to be marketed as Wi-Fi 6. This standard will offer faster speeds and many improvements in efficiency and capacity, designed to cope with the growing number of internet-connected wireless devices.

Both 5G and Wi-Fi 6 are readily – and widely – available. With expansions set for both, upgrades will be necessary to support the new standards. Most newer smartphones support both 5G and Wi-Fi 6; eventually all phones will support both.

Founded in 1994, Creative Programs and Systems provides professional results for all computer needs. We design, create, and code an array of custom software programs and websites; offer top-notch digital marketing services including enhanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and online paid advertising; repair and provide support for computers of both residential and professional nature; build custom systems and servers, and offer secure data backups. Need assistance or want to learn more? Call us at 810-224-5252 or e-mail info@cpsmi.com

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

GE Healthcare Releases Vscan Air, a New Wireless Handheld Ultrasound

A cutting-edge, wireless handheld ultrasound device called Vscan Air provides crystal clear image technology, whole-body scanning capability, and intuitive software.

In 2010, GE Healthcare announced the first color pocket-sized ultrasound called Vscan and has since continued to provide innovation in terms of clinician-patient relationships. Today, over 30,000 Vscan family systems are in use worldwide, impacting more than 50 million patients.

The Vscan Air is GE Healthcare’s latest product that facilitates and transforms the clinical exam by making it easier to acquire high-quality ultrasound images.

Kyle Leonard, M.D., family medicine clinician at Hudson Headwaters Health Network in Upstate New York, said, “The first time I fired up the Vscan Air it did feel a little bit like stepping into the future. Many of us are pressed to see patients, to give patients that access to care, so the more time something takes, the less patients I can provide access to in a day. With the portability and ease of use of the Vscan Air, I can bring it with me throughout the day in each exam room and spend more time with my patients.”

Handheld ultrasound has become an essential tool for clinicians worldwide, as they are treating many critically ill patients with limited staff, time, and resources. The Vscan Air will allow clinicians to rapidly collect images and triage patients while also providing the benefits of portability, cleanliness, and efficiency.

Yale Tung-Chen, M.D., Chief of the Division of Ultrasound in Internal Medicine at Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro, Majadahonda in Madrid Spain, said, “Time is one of the most valuable resources in this pandemic-challenged world, where so many patients need care. Now, I can carry Vscan Air in my coat pocket, take it out, and start to scan. With this powerful tool in my pocket, I can perform a complete examination on my patients and make decisions quickly right at the bedside. The images you can get of the heart on this handheld device are similar to what you’d get from a full-sized, high-end ultrasound. Vscan Air is a well-designed, powerful tool that’s easy to clean and easy to use.”


Acceletronics is an industry leader in delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from CT Scanners and Linear Accelerators across all major brands and models. Call 610-524-3300 or visit our website: https://www.acceletronics.com.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems:

Your Most Important Survival Tool: Mindset

Positive mindsets can get us through anything – even survivalist circumstances. Without a positive outlook or optimistic attitude, troubleshooting, solution-finding, and a wide range of possibilities will dwindle in dire situations.

Optimism is a powerful tool and helps to focus on more logic rather than emotional responses to situations. Instead of saying, “I can’t,” try “I can” instead. Negativity is a driving force behind anxiety, nervousness, and failure. When stressful times surface, it’s better to think logically with adaptability in mind rather than emotionally with doom-and-gloom.

It is said that soldiers don’t prepare for war as they are about to deploy; rather, they prepare in times of peace, so when war strikes, they are ready. Easily translated to the modern-day civilian, it’s important to train ourselves and take action. In survivalist situations, you’ll be prepared to use equipment, practice skills, utilize techniques, identify missteps, and more.

Time, along with mental and physical energy, can be used more efficiently when we have a clear head. By practicing survivalist techniques repeatedly, an automatic response will kick in when the time comes to execute. Moreover, these skills will increase your confidence, thereby improving your belief in yourself and your ability to meet a challenge.

When you need to think most clearly, factors can get in the way, such as anxiety or nervousness. A common Navy SEAL technique called tactical breathing is a type of breathwork that helps to ease emotions. Breathe in through your nostrils, inhale to a count of four, and exhale to another count of four. Repeat a few times or until you feel less anxious.

Another helpful tool is to break larger issues or projects into smaller, organized groups or segments. This simple trick can easily minimize the overwhelming feeling. Procrastination is less likely, as following through and completing small tasks is more feasible. Little-by-little, step-by-step, get yourself moving in the right direction to grow momentum.

Remember your end goal: your reason for pursuing the specific task at hand. In a survival situation where things might be too overwhelming, and the odds are stacked against you, find your reason and will to survive. Ask yourself, “Why?” and focus on the answer. No matter what, remember the words, “I can.”

For the gear, food, and supplies you need to last, check out Wolf Survival Gear today.

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for all of your prepping and survival needs. We are a trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you’ll need it later. Visit our website or e-mail us today for more information.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.

How Getting or Losing a Job Affects Medicare

Many people assume they have to stay on Medicare once they are a member, which isn’t always the case. Government rules state that those 65 or older need to either be on Medicare or have an employer plan that meets Medicare guidelines. To avoid penalties, it’s crucial to have at least one type of insurance coverage.

If a new employer offers insurance that meets the Medicare-specific rules, the employee can unenroll from Medicare Part A and Part B. In this case, there’s no issue with going in-and-out of Medicare. Without re-enrolling in Medicare, an employee can end up paying for both plans.

If you are over 65 and losing your job, when you leave the company, your employer is required to fill out a form confirming you have been on that plan since you were at least 65. That form is helpful for enrolling in Medicare; they will give you a period where you are eligible to join Medicare after reaching 65.

Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), workers and their families who lose health benefits have the right to choose to continue group health benefits provided by their group health plan. For limited periods and with specific limitations (job loss, reduction in work hours, job transition, death, divorce, etc.), qualified individuals might be required to pay the entire premium for coverage up to 100 percent of the cost of the plan.

COBRA might be beneficial in a pinch, but overall, it could be a more expensive proposition. Typically, employers foot some or much of the monthly premiums; without an employer, you’ll be paying in full. Also, COBRA coverage doesn’t count as qualifying insurance instead of Medicare.

The different parts of Medicare play a critical role in creating the most tailored plan to suit your needs. Have a backup plan to pay for the things that won’t be covered under Medicare, such as dental work and routine hearing or vision care, long-term care, cosmetic procedures, or medical care overseas.

Medigap – a supplemental policy – is typically paired with Medicare to help cover out-of-pocket costs like deductibles and coinsurance. These are standardized regardless of which insurance company sells them. Depending on where you live, the premiums can vary among locations.

To learn more or consult with a representative about Medicare, contact the experts at Senior Health Medicare today.

Senior Health Medicare is a superior resource for Medicare guidance, information, and ongoing client support. Selecting a Medicare plan is not a flippant decision. It requires annual revisiting and re-evaluating in order for the member to retain the most cost-effective plan. Senior Health Medicare is here to serve as your resource through all the years to come. Contact us today at 888-404-5049 or visit us on the web at www.seniorhealthmedicare.com.

Written by the digital marketing staff at Creative Programs & Systems: www.cpsmi.com.