Six Reasons Why Landlines are Better for Emergencies

Corded telephones are rapidly losing popularity, especially as technology has improved in recent years, giving way to a more portable – and practical – way to communicate via cell/smartphones. Only 40 percent of Americans still have a landline. However, in emergencies, landlines are way more secure and safe.

Power Outages: Landlines are more reliable during power outages. Though smartphones work when the power is out, they are unlikely to have service if the cellphone towers lose power. During Hurricane Sandy, roughly one-fourth of all nearby cellphone towers lost service. Many towers don’t have battery backup, but these typically have no more than four to six hours’ worth of power before the service is restored. Landlines will often store power for a week or more.

GPS: Landlines give off more reliable GPS coordinates, as they are tied directly to your address. As soon as you call 911, the emergency dispatcher knows exactly where you are calling from. Cellphones give locations, but not specific addresses.

Security: Landlines are more secure compared to cellphones, and they better protect your privacy. Conversations through cordless or cellphones can be intercepted by using a basic baby monitor, or an eaves-dropping device. Corded phones help reduce the risk of identity fraud.

Batteries: Landlines do not require charging as cellphones do. Some smartphones last only 24 hours or so (much less with heavy use), so without a way to charge your phone, you won’t have access to outside contact.

Reliability: Landlines have been around for decades, and as such, are a tried-and-true form of communication. Unlike smartphones, which are known to regularly fail due to hardware, software, or other factors, landlines are relatively stable. Without a computer interface to worry about, the mechanics of landlines are much more reliable.

Stability: Landlines don’t rely on “service” or reception like cellphones do; people often worry about the call dropping or the classic “I can’t hear you” due to spotty reception. With landline calls, the audio is much more crisp, clear, and stable in general.

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Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for all of your prepping and survival needs. We are a trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you’ll need it later. Visit our website or e-mail us today for more information.

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Will Medicare Cover Prescription Lenses, Glasses, or Sunglasses?

If eyeglasses or other corrective lenses are deemed “medically necessary” (after cataract surgery, for example), they might be covered by Medicare. Otherwise, Parts A and B of Original Medicare will not assist with prescription sunglasses, contact lenses, or eyeglass costs.

Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) might offer eyeglass, contact, and prescription sunglass vision coverage. Vision benefits such as routine eye exams might also be covered. Each plan is different, so make sure to talk to your provider regarding eye health items offered within your plan and how they are covered.

Medicare Part B will help pay for corrective lenses following cataract (implanting an intraocular lens) surgery. One pair of standard-frame eyeglasses or a single set of contact lenses, along with 20 percent of the Medicare-approved amount for the lenses after each surgery, will be covered. In these cases, the Part B deductible will apply, and you will also pay 20 percent of the Medicare-approved amount. Any additional costs for upgraded frames will also be your responsibility.

Talk to your healthcare provider to determine the price of your item, service, or test. The exact amount you will owe depends on factors such as other insurance you have, how much your doctor charges, whether your doctor accepts assignment, the type of facility, and the location of your test, item, or service.

Oftentimes, your doctor or medical provider might recommend you receive services more often than what Medicare covers. They might also suggest services that Medicare doesn’t cover. In this case, you might have to pay some (or all) of the expenses. To understand why your doctor recommends certain services and whether Medicare will pay for them, ask questions and gather information.

Contact lens and glasses coverage is limited outside of a Medicare Advantage plan. Make sure you consider your eye health needs when you select the Medicare coverage for you.

For more information, refer to the full article on

Senior Health Medicare is a superior resource for Medicare guidance, information, and ongoing client support. Selecting a Medicare plan is not a flippant decision. It requires annual revisiting and re-evaluating in order for the client to stay in the most cost-effective coverage. Senior Health Medicare is here to serve as your resource through all the years to come. Contact us today at 888-404-5049 or visit us on the web at

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LASIK Procedures Help Basketball Athletes Perform Better

Player Performance is of utmost importance in the sports realm, especially basketball. Superior ball-handling skills are required to shoot, dodge, and move around the court rapidly. For ultimate hand-eye coordination, athletes should have good vision.

Basketball players continuously use their eyes to calculate depth, distance, and rapidly-moving players around them. Lightning-fast risk and reward assessments also come in to play, quite literally, and can win – or cost – them the game.

Poor vision limits hand-eye coordination; the better an athlete can see, the better he or she performs. A basketball player’s eyes are just as important as their hands when it comes to mastering the game. Eyeglasses or goggles easily fall off, limit performance by not allowing peripheral vision, and be a potential hazard. Contact lenses are an option, but also pose issues due to their lightweight nature; they can easily be knocked out of the eye or become displaced, causing blurry vision. Moreover, glasses or contacts are unable to protect the eyes during rain or snowstorms.

LASIK is ideal for athletes or other individuals who move quickly or are frequently in the elements. It’s an ideal choice for people who rely on their vision to successfully maneuver through obstacles, catch or release objects such as basketballs, and adequately calculate distance.

Andre Drummond, a Cleveland Cavalier basketball player, decided to undergo LASIK eye surgery to correct his vision before the shortened 2020-2021 NBA season. He and a list of other notable players who have had LASIK include Philadelphia 76ers forward Tobias Henry, Chris Paul of the Phoenix Suns, and LeBron James, the LA Lakers superstar.

Even amateur athletes or those who enjoy being active can reap the benefits of LASIK. To learn more about improving your vision with LASIK, contact the Rohr Eye & Laser Center professionals today.

Rohr Eye & Laser Center offers the most advanced technology available to provide personalized and extraordinary care to our patients. Whether your goal is to maintain or improve your natural vision, we are here to help you. Call us at 877-579-0202 or visit to schedule an appointment today.

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Former Michigan Governor and Eight Others Face Charges in Flint Water Crisis

After a nearly two-year-long criminal investigation, Michigan prosecutors announced 41 counts (34 felonies and seven misdemeanors) against nine high-ranking government officials, including former governor Rick Snyder, his top advisors, trusted medical officials, and two emergency managers. Two of the officials were charged with nine counts of involuntary manslaughter.

According to prosecutors, Flint residents’ health and safety were left unprotected by officials. The residents were poisoned and sickened by Legionnaires’ disease. In April 2014, the city’s water supply was switched to the Flint River, which caused increased levels of lead in their drinking water. From June 2014 through October 2015, at least nine people died from Legionnaires’ disease, a form of pneumonia caused by waterborne bacteria.

Michigan’s solicitor general Fadwa Hammond said, “The Flint water crisis is not some relic of the past. At this very moment, the people of Flint continue to suffer from the categorical failure of public officials at all levels of government who trampled upon their trust and evaded accountability for far too long.”

Previously, fifteen state and local officials had been accused by state prosecutors of crimes; seven took plea deals, and eight more were awaiting trial. In 2019, prosecutors stunningly dropped all pending charges and began a new investigation.

Many of the same officials are indicted in this case, including Nick Lyon (former state health director) and Dr. Eden Wells (former state chief medical officer.) Both were charged with nine counts of involuntary manslaughter in the deaths of those residents who succumbed to Legionnaires’ disease.

E-mails from 2015 indicate state officials were, in fact, aware of an increase in Legionnaires’ disease cases, possibly tied to Flint’s troubled water supply. Ten months later, in early 2016, former governor Rick Snyder informed the public of the situation.

In late 2015, Flint city officials switched the water supply back to its previous source, Lake Huron. Despite the shift, countless Flint residents distrust the water supply even though city officials insist it is safe to drink.

For more information, read the full Detroit Free Press article. Also, check out one of our past blog posts where we discussed the State of Michigan paying Flint water crisis victims $600M.

Reynolds Water Conditioning was established in 1931 and is Michigan’s oldest water conditioning treatment company. Still owned and operated by the Reynolds family, we take pride in providing the highest quality products at a cost-effective price. If your tap water lacks the quality you deserve, contact us today at or call 800-572-9575.

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Researchers Better Understand Sleep Patterns with MRI

Stages of deep sleep can significantly change our consciousness, just as it does in a coma or under anesthesia. Scientists have hypothesized that brain activity declines when we sleep, using research conducted with electroencephalography (EEG), a process that uses electrodes placed along a patient’s scalp to measure brain activity.

Anjali Tarun, a doctoral assistant at EPFL’s Medical Image Processing Laboratory within the School of Engineering, decided to investigate brain activity during sleep using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI.) Dimitri Van De Ville, lab lead, said, “MRI scans measure neural activity by providing important information in addition to EEGs.” Tarun used EEG to identify when study patients fell asleep, pinpointing the individual sleep stages. The MRI images were later used to produce spatial maps of neural activity, specifying brain states.

Deep sleep is reasonably challenging to achieve while undergoing an MRI, as the machines are quite noisy. Despite the hurdle, Tarun was able to leverage simultaneous MRI and EEG data from roughly thirty people. “Two hours is a relatively long time, meaning we were able to obtain a set of rare, reliable data,” she said. “MRIs carried out while a patient is performing a cognitive task usually last around 10 to 30 minutes.”

The data Tarun collected was surprising. “We calculated exactly how many times networks made up of different parts of the brain became active during each stage of sleep. We discovered that during light stages of sleep – that is, between when you fall asleep and when you enter a state of deep sleep – overall brain activity decreases. But communication among different parts of the brain becomes much more dynamic. We think that’s due to the instability of brain states during this phase.”

Van De Ville said, “What really surprised us in all of this was the resulting paradox. During the transition phase from light to deep sleep, local brain activity increased and mutual interaction decreased. This indicates the inability of brain networks to synchronize.”

Neural networks might be linked to our introspection process, memory, and spontaneous thoughts, all associated with consciousness. “We saw that the network between the anterior and posterior regions broke down, and this became increasingly pronounced with increasing sleep depth. A similar breakdown in neural networks was also observed in the cerebellum, which is typically associated with motor control.” At this point, the researchers aren’t sure why this happens; their findings are a novel step toward a better understanding of our sleep consciousness.

“Our findings show that consciousness is the result of interactions between different brain regions, and not in localized brain activity. By studying how our state of consciousness is altered during different stages of sleep, and what that means in terms of brain network activity, we can better understand and account for the wide range of brain functions that characterize us as human beings,” said Tarun.

For further reading, find the original article from EPFL.

RadParts is the world’s largest independent distributor of OEM replacement parts. We specialize in low-cost parts for repairing linear accelerator and radiation equipment. Our mission is to provide high-quality, user-friendly, low-cost parts and support for linear accelerators and radiation equipment. Contact RadParts at 877-704-3838 or visit us on the web:

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Three Tips to Deliver a Strong Insurance Pitch

Three Tips to Deliver a Strong Insurance Pitch

Insurance sales can be challenging. It requires a balance of friendly tactics blended with your promotional. All too often, sales-driven rhetoric seems overbearing to clients. On the other hand, being too friendly can drive people away as well. To avoid either of these situations, it is a good idea to rehearse the insurance sales pitch tips below. This three-step process is a foolproof way to offer a stronger proposal to your clients. Feel free to tweak and customize the steps to benefit your individual needs.

Your Role
The first step is to define your role, being clear about your expectations, limitations, and goals in a clear, concise manner. Try to explain what you do – or can accomplish – in one or two sentences. Figure out the fundamental things every client will need to know and feel before doing business with you. Outline your services, results, and emotions without oversharing. Entice your clients and leave just enough questions to pique their curiosity, so they will have to refer to you for more information.

The Solution
Insurance is all about an answer or solution to a problem. A crucial aspect of your pitch is to demonstrate your knowledge and ability to formulate solutions. Keeping your audience engaged is a critical factor in separating yourself from other insurance agents. One idea is to consider your client’s biggest problem and offer an answer with an added benefit. Offering a resolution provides proof that you can – and have – delivered on your promises. Ousting their doubts and proving you have what it takes makes all the difference.

Persuade clients to take action by putting the ball in their court. Use urgency and action-oriented verbs to appear confident, empowering your client to move forward with you. Avoid falling flat at the end of your pitch, and be as upfront as possible. Frame it in a way where the client simply cannot say no or refuse. It’s important not to rush or ramble, so take your time and speak clearly.

For Medicare insurance strategies or to speak with a customer representative who can help you offer insurance to your clients, contact the experts at Omega Benefit Strategies today.

Omega Benefit Strategies provides senior credit union members an educational resource for Medicare. Our turnkey marketing package seamlessly integrates with existing market strategies. We can help businesses increase new member acquisitions, bolster retention, cross-sell opportunities via our “scorecard” system, and even earn an ancillary revenue stream. Accommodating any size membership, we maintain exemplary member service and offer top-notch products. Contact us today by going to or call 888-404-5049.

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Four Common Types of Hand Tumors

Tumors within the hand can be many different shapes and sizes. Technically, tumors can be cancerous, but most are benign. Common hand and wrist tumors are both above and below the skin.

These extremely common bumps are non-cancerous and spread due to the human papillomavirus (HPV) easily. Warts are mostly harmless but can be embarrassing, rough or dry, and itchy. Many wart-removal procedures exist, and it is possible to remove them at home effectively. Pumice stones, over-the-counter freezing kits, or certain chemicals are all viable options.

Ganglion Cysts
Some of the most common tumors in the hand, ganglion cysts, can fluctuate in size and appearance. They might be soft or firm, appearing on the wrist or base of a finger. Sometimes these cysts can appear to be smaller than a pea. The cause of these tumors is unknown, and they might be painful. Treatment options include aspiration or surgical removal.

Giant Cell Tumors
The second most common tumors are usually solid and not filled with liquid. Over time, they may slowly grow larger. These tumors are not cancerous.

Epidermal Inclusion
Also benign, these tumors can form where a cut or puncture previously occurred. A soft, waxy material called keratin is what makes up most of the tumor.

One condition that is commonly mistaken for a tumor is Dupuytren’s contracture. This condition causes firm pits, bumps, and cords in the palm, making it difficult to flatten completely. However, it is not technically a tumor.

A specialist should examine hand or wrist tumors to ensure they are benign. Hand surgeons can help devise treatment options through x-rays or bone scans. While sometimes the best option is to leave it alone, other times surgery might be required. There are also many non-surgical options.  

To make an appointment with a hand and wrist specialist to examine a tumor or growth, contact the Michigan Hand & Wrist experts today.

Michigan Hand & Wrist was founded in 2001 with the mission to provide the highest-quality care for patients seeking surgical or non-surgical hand or upper extremity relief. Our goal is to exhaust all non-operative measures before discussing or moving on to surgical interventions. We offer on-site physical therapy from therapists committed to improving your quality of life. Our individualized treatments are modern, progressive, and exceptional. Contact us today at or call 248-596-0412.

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Six Tips to Keep Your Kitchen’s Stainless Steel Pristine

Stainless steel looks beautiful but can be tricky to maintain. Check out these six tips below to keep your stainless steel looking like new.

  1. Control knobs: Many people inadvertently forget about hidden grime underneath or behind these. Some knobs require you to pull up gently, releasing the knob from the surface. Cleaning around the knobs creates buildup over time, which can become stuck-on and challenging to remove.
  2. Handles: Since these are used most frequently, they should be wiped weekly. Microfiber cloths are the best type of material to clean handles, as they remove dust without leaving streaks or smears. They also eliminate the need for harsh chemicals in your environment.
  3. Oxidization: Pumice powder mixed with water is a great way to fight stainless steel oxidization. Mix the water and powder to create a paste, apply within the steel grain, and then rinse with warm water. Generally, after an application, cloths are black with soot.
  4. Countertops: Designed to hold up to rough and constant wear and tear, stainless steel is a popular choice of professionals. Avoid using abrasive cleansers; instead, use a drop of dish soap and warm water to keep your counters clean and scratch-free.
  5. Hoods: To prevent a buildup of grease and dust, stainless steel hoods should be cleaned weekly. Cooking grease and dust mix together in the air, land on the hood, becoming difficult to remove. To remove this thick, dusty grease, spray a cloth with rubbing alcohol and wipe over the hood. Do not under any circumstances use rubbing alcohol near an open flame, as it is extremely flammable. 
  6. Burns: These marks can be irritating and difficult to remove from your stove. If you have marks that refuse to wipe away, try this simple recipe:

1 cup baking soda

¼ cup lemon juice

3 tablespoons Borax

Club soda (to rinse)

Combine the baking soda, lemon juice, and Borax to make a paste. Use a soft cloth to apply the paste to the entire stained area. Ensure to rub in the same grain direction as the stainless steel. Use the club soda to rinse off, and then wipe dry with a microfiber cloth.

To update any of your kitchen or bath appliances to stainless steel or to get professional recommendations on a remodel, contact the experts at JFC Remodeling today.

JFC Remodeling is committed to providing top-quality home reconstruction services to clients throughout Livingston County. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, our licensed contractors create unique, individualized, and polished renovations. Whether the site requires an improvement, repair, or is a new construction, you can trust our experts to deliver remarkable results. Call: 810-923-1123, e-mail:, or visit us at: today.

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How LED Bulbs are Electrifying the Lamp Industry

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) estimates an average of 40 lamp sockets in each of the nation’s 128 million homes, equaling more than five billion lamps across the country. Incandescent light bulbs have a life of less than a year; consumers replacing them have ensured GE, Philips, and Sylvania’s constant stability.

Incandescent and fluorescent bulbs had a historical past similar to the transformation LEDs are going through now. A filament made from bamboo was mass-produced in lamps after a cotton thread was used in prototypes. At the turn of the last century, tungsten filaments were introduced to boost lifespan and light output. Fluorescent tubes were presented in the late 1930s and became a leading technology for commercial and industrial spaces. They were also used as a means of efficient lighting for U.S. war production plants.

Additional improvements took place through the following decades, including halogen, metal halide, and compact fluorescent lamps. The market remained stale until the introduction of LED lights in 2008. Many customers used LED to reduce electricity use, which lowered bills and greenhouse gas emissions significantly. During the Great Recession, hundreds of millions of dollars were dumped into LED research and market development.

In 2021, LED bulbs are still the standard for energy-efficient homes. A 10-watt (W) LED bulb produces an equal amount of light as a 60W incandescent lamp. Due to their extraordinary lifespan, LED lamps are known to last a decade or more. Since these LEDs don’t need the constant replacement that incandescent bulbs do, GE, Philips, and Sylvania have all sold off their lamp-making businesses over the past four years.

The first product series to popularize the advanced capabilities offered by digitally-controlled lighting was created by Signify’s Philips Hue. An assortment of lamps are controllable by app or voice assistant, with customizable white and color-changing capabilities. A number of customers are familiar with the “Hue” brand, as it has had a successful run thus far.

GE also has a color-customizable bulb and tunable white light setting, allowing customers to shift a room’s vibe in one tap. Sylvania is sold through Ledvance, which also offers four-packs of color-shifting bulbs.

A large percentage of the country’s five-billion residential lamp sockets are still incandescent, so some consumers could undoubtedly be pushed to upgrade their existing lamps to receive added technological features. Philips plans on launching a bulb early this year that is capable of Wi-Fi and software updates through apps.

J&P Electrical is a full-service electrical equipment company. At J&P, we supply contractors, end-users, and supply houses with new surplus, quality reconditioned, and obsolete electrical equipment. We also purchase a wide range of electrical equipment such as bus plugs, ducts, panel switches, substations, and transformers. Call us at 877-844-5514 or visit us at

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Computer Scientists Say Super-Intelligent Machines Could Be Uncontrollable

Theoretically, it is impossible for humans to control a super-intelligent Artificial Intelligence (AI) machine. It is also nearly impossible to detect when such an AI is created.

In 2015, Google developed AI software that was able to play – and regularly win – classic arcade games. Their findings were detailed in the journal Nature. In 2018, a study published in Science outlined how AI can regularly master chess, shogi (Japanese version of chess), and Go (ancient Chinese strategy game) through self-play. Smartphone apps can easily beat world chess champions such as Magnus Carlsen.

The Three Laws of Robotics are:

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

Additionally, the “Zeroth Law” states that a robot may not harm humanity, or by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.

Researchers from Tufts University’s Human-Robot Interaction Lab are trying to develop mechanisms for robots to reject orders received from humans, as long as they have a legitimate reason to do so.

Now, researchers are warning that any program written to stop AI from harming humans (and destroying the world while they’re at it) might conclude to halt or not. Mathematically, it is impossible for us to be absolutely sure which route the AI will take.

An alternative would be to teach the AI “ethics” of sorts and order it to not destroy the world. Researchers say this limits the super-intelligence capabilities and would force the AI to be cut off from parts of the internet or specific networks. Moreover, this defeats the purpose of creating AI in the first place: If the AI isn’t going to be used to solve problems beyond a human scope, then why exist in the first place?

As AI research expands, we might not recognize when the super-intelligence beyond human control forms. It would be incomprehensible, thus, uncontrollable.  

Read the full article in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research to learn more. Check out a full paper that outlines how humans are developing mechanisms to allow AI to reject any given orders.

Founded in 1994, Creative Programs and Systems provides professional results for all computer needs. We design, create, and code an array of custom software programs and websites; implement internet marketing strategies for enhanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) results; repair and provide support for computers of both residential and professional nature; build custom systems and servers, and offer secure data backups. Need assistance or want to learn more? Call us at 810-224-5252 or e-mail

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