Arizona Medigap information you should know!

Some Arizona beneficiaries may find their out-of-pocket expenses and monthly premiums associated with original Medicare (Part A and Part B) to be too high for their budget. Medicare Supplemental insurance plans in Arizona help cover some of these expenses. This in return makes health care more affordable. However, you have to make sure you choose the right plan, as each plan has a different premium.

What are supplemental insurance plans?

A Medigap plan covers costs associated with original Medicare Parts A and B. Including copayments, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket expenses. These plans are designed to work in combination with Original Medicare (Part A & B), and cannot be used as a standalone plan. Medicare Supplemental Insurance policies do not include prescription drug coverage.

What if I need prescription drug coverage?

If you are looking for prescription drug coverage, you will need to enroll in a separate plan. This plan is called Medicare Part D. Not to be mixed up with a supplemental plan D! This drug coverage plan helps pay outpatient prescriptions and for medication that is prescribed in the future. You have to pay a premium and a share for the medication. The drug plan cost usually varies from price depending on:

  • Prescriptions you currently take
  • The plan you choose
  • in-network pharmacy
  • Etc

For more information on this you can view website.

Arizona Supplemental Plan information

It is important to note that Medigap plans offering lower premiums may have higher out-of-pocket expenses. When comparing plans, it is important to weigh both factors to find the best plan for your lifestyle. There are a total of 10 different plans to choose from. You can view a chart of what every plan covers and compare Arizona Medigap plans.

Companies offering Medigap insurance plans in Arizona may offer one or more of the 10 different plans. Each plan type is designated with a letter of the alphabet, which is standardized by the government. This means from company to company, each plan benefits will remain the same. The only thing that will change is the premium cost. Each company will have a slightly different price tag. The premium price also differs from location. Meaning someone in Phoenix, AZ could get a different rate from someone in Yuma, AZ. There are also a few other factors that help determine the premium rate like age, if you smoke or not, etc.

It is also important to compare cost of monthly premiums and out of pocket expenses between different companies, since these can fluctuate. At we have access to over 10 different insurance providers. This means we can get you the best Medigap price.

Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Arizona at  Our Arizona Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans today.  To talk to an expert in Arizona Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!

Arizona Medigap explained

Arizona Medigap Supplements are here to offer the seniors complete coverage for their health care needs. Arizona Medigap plans are there to assist the different senior packages depending upon their health and budgets. Our agent’s will be there to guide you every bit about it. Arizona may have various packages, and you need to know about their eligibility requirements, enrolments and all the other aspects required to gain those insurance benefits.

Ten standardized plans are currently available, and you must build the know-how for those plans.

Arizona Medigap plans are for the people that are 65 years and over. Their enrollment in plans A and plan B is mandatory. Individual programs offer coverage to the insurance holder beneficiaries including all the facilities like meeting with a specialist and having all the hospice benefits.

Medigap Eligibility Criteria:

  • The person should be a resident of Arizona.
  • The person should have an age of 65 and over.
  • The person should have Part A and Part B of Original Medicare.

If you are looking for the best time to enroll in AZ Medigap, then you can go for the open enrollment period. This is exactly when you’re about to turn 65 years old and also enroll yourself to part B. Otherwise you will have to wait for six months. After the successful enrollment, you can need to qualify the guaranteed issue. The guaranteed issue is there to ensure you that you will be enjoying full coverage of health benefits with the fixed rates. The price won’t either increase or decrease with the time. If you fail to qualify for the guaranteed issue, then your previous medical history can be taken, and the rates can be varied from the premium rates.

Medigap Rates and costs

The cost for AZ Medigap plans is dependent upon the number of factors,e.g., age, gender and the Arizona area you reside in. After examining all those factors, the real cost for you will be determined. The number for our Medigap agents is also on the bottom of this article, upon calling the agent they will guide you for the plan, benefits, cost and all other relevant information.

Is there any plan available for the people under age 65:

There are very few states that will have some Medigap insurance plans for the people that have aged less than 65, as it is not a mandatory condition for the states to follow. But luckily you may have that opportunity, but for further research and detail, you may require contacting your licensed agent to have the idea about actual benefits. According to the recent data, Arizona State has successfully spent over 11 million dollars on Medicare. AZ Residences also play a role; they have paid a little over $10,000 on average. Between the years of 1991 and 2014, the average annual percent growth in Medicare spending has sufficiently grown in sizeover 8%. The average annual percent growth is approximately 5%. To know more about Arizona Medigap Policys you should contact our office and talk to one of our licensed agents!

Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Arizona at  Our Arizona Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Insurance rates and plans in Arizona today.  To talk to an expert in Arizona Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!



Choosing a Medigap Plan In Michigan

The only two new Medicare Supplemental Plans to be added to the list of Medigap Insurance Plans this year boasted lower premiums than some plans that were already on the market.  Medigap Plans M and N keep premiums low by requiring you to pay a portion of Medicare’s charges.

Plans M and Plans N

Medicare Supplement Plan M only covers 50% of the Medicare Part A’s $1, 100 deductible which needs to be met before Medicare starts to pick up your hospital bills.  If hospitalization is unlikely this policy might make sense for you.  Plan N reduces premiums by requiring you to pay for part of your Medicare’s Part B co-insurance amounts for doctor’s services.  This plan could work well if you typically spend little on Medicare Part B co-insurance.

Beyond these new low-cost plans one of the biggest names in health insurance has actually proposed cutting Medicare Supplement Premiums where the need is the greatest.  A name you don’t often think of as being a leader in low-cost health insurance, Blue Cross Blue Shield, wants to offer larger discounts on Medicare Supplement Plans to Michigan seniors with the lowest incomes.

How Does The Blue Cross Plan Lower Medicare Supplemental Insurance Premiums?

As the largest insurer in Michigan, Blue Cross already uses 1% of what it collects in premiums to help lower the price for people with Medigap Insurance to supplement their Medicare coverage.  Blue Cross representatives say that this translates into a 39% discount which is currently being evenly distributed to those with Michigan Medigap Policies.  Blue Cross is requesting to skew that distribution in order to make the largest discounts available those who need the most help.

All seniors would still benefit from discounts of at least 25% but those with the greatest need in Michigan would get extra assistance.  For example, the Blue Cross plan would mean that a senior with an income of $16,245 would need to pay only half of the $191 monthly premium.

If this change is approved by the state Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation more than 200,000 Michigan seniors could see a change in their Blue Cross Medicare Supplement Premiums.  If you have an income above $32,600 you would see an increase but all others would get a reduction in their premiums.  Is it possible this idea will spread to other states beyond Michigan?

How Can Participants Reduce Their Medicare Insurance Premiums?

No matter what state you live in there is a simple way to keep your premiums low.  One of the easiest ways to be sure you are getting the best Medicare Supplement value is to request an annual review where independent agents compare your needs to other Medigap Policies.

If your health makes it simple to change policies you may find a lower priced plan that works better for you.  It is a good idea to request such a free policy review once a year so you don’t miss out as new plans become available.  If your needs change, of course, anytime is the right time to see if a different Medicare Supplement can save you money.

Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Michigan at  Our Michigan Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans in Michigan today.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!

What Medigap options do I have in Michigan

Many people will think that they can easily purchase Medicare when they reach 65. In that case they prefer going for the Michigan Medigap insurance policy, that can accommodate the all additional expenses that can go beyond to the Medicare’s primary benefits.  As of now, they have ten standard plans for the seniors. Where each program possess different benefits and cost associated with it. Hence it is always recommendable to go for the licensed agent that may guide you thoroughly about every single aspect of it moreover your mind will be clear enough about those plans. And you can go for the one that will suit you the most.

The basics you may require about the Medigap plan in Michigan:

Before you register yourself, you need to know that Medicare is a typical institute that works as the fee-for-service insurance that is there to provide to all US residents once they turn 65 years old. Medicare includes two major parts the Part A and the other part B. while the Part A is there to provide you the hospital coverage and all the inpatient care. Part B may have the routine medical care and check up.

More about the plans:

You must have an idea that All the Michigan Medigap insurance programs might have identification through a letter that will possess the benefits set by the state. For instance talking about the Plan G that has the same typical benefits that every insurance company that provides to the Medigap Plan G policy, while the price may differ.  Unlike the other aspect of employer-sponsored health coverage, which most people are familiar, Michigan Medigap policy is capable of covering only one individual. The one individual might have not any benefits to the siblings or the relatives.  Michigan Medigap Plan F provide you the most costly healthcare services upon comparing it to the other plans. It includes every possible benefit. Michigan Medigap Plan A will have the only the prime policy benefits, while the Plan C will be there to know about all boxes on the outline of advantages moreover a; coverage charts.  While the only benefit never accommodates is the  Part B that excess charges for the doctor.

Do the people have any advantage that is less than 65:

The answer is yes for sure.  But the rate will vary from the people that have age 65 and over. The right detail can only be attained through contacting the licensed agent that will be aware of every aspect of the concerning rules, benefits, and cost.

What are the actual benefits the person will enjoy:

Here you go with the benefits:

  • They will be providing you the emergency health care when you may go outside the US.
  • The other benefits are that you will be given full benefits for the skilled nursing care right after the Medicare benefits will get expire.
  • The part A and the Part B will offer you deduction either complete or partial.
  • The drug description can also be incorporated.

Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Michigan at  Our Michigan Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans in Michigan today.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!



The Cost of Arizona Medigap Insurance

Do you want to know what the actual cost of Arizona Medigap insurance is? Well, this is one such question that does hit so many minds but none of them are able to find the answer. It is to be highlighted that Medicare Advantage Plans are basically taken as the medium of the series of Healthcare Plans that are to be created in partnership between Medicare and Private Insurance companies. They do help you in order to provide the excellent range of the cost-efficient healthcare to Medicare-eligible beneficiaries. As you do make the mind to adopt any sort of the advantage plan, then the healthcare charges are being billed all through the mediums of the selected Provider, and not directly through the source of the Medicare.

Different Types of Arizona Medigap Insurance:

  1. Health Maintenance Organization:

This type of the insurance is all adjusted with the sources of the doctors as well as hospitals, and other health care providers who completely agree upon in providing the Medicare beneficiaries that are inside the range of the amount of money from Medicare every single month.

  1. Preferred Provider Organization:

This Medigap insurance plan has been all laid out to be managed by the means of the career plan where you will encounter the doctors, as well as hospitals, and providers that belong to the network. You will be able to get the services outside of the range of network for an additional cost.

  1. Private Fee For Service:

This is basically the form of the private fee for service insurance plan for the Medigap category. This plan is all about the acceptance of the Medigap beneficiaries. You have the complete choice of visiting any doctor or hospital you want to. This plan will decide that how much you have to pay for the services you want to get. You may pay more for Medicare-covered benefits.

  1. Medicare Savings Account:

This insurance plan has been basically divided into two main parts/categories. One is the special type of savings account that is being used for the health-related expenses only. Second is known as the High deductible health plan that has the cost of the minimum of $2000. This plan would be paying the premium for the MSA plan and making up with the deposit into the MSA established by the beneficiary.

Medigap Policies are All Different

You should always be staying careful when it comes to the task of finding the Medigap policy! It is to be stated that all the Medigap policy plans are different from one another. Some of the plans would be coming up with the changes in the variations of care and services provided into.

We hope that this article has helped you in getting descriptive information related to Medigap polices & plans. If you are still puzzled you can reach us at 888-452-7949 or visit our website at We look forward to hearing from you!


How To Find Medigap in Michigan?

Have you been in search of the best medigap in Michigan? Have you been thinking about getting the supplement plan from the Medicare Medigap? If yes, then we are sure that this piece of article would be coming up a lot effective best information for you. If you have been thinking about using the Medigap, then for sure you would be quite a lot interested to know about it even more. To learn about the Medigap, it is important that you should know about their plans and what sort of needs each single plan is coming up with.

What is a Medigap Supplement plan?

First of all, we would be starting off with the little background that is related with the Medigap plans. Medigap is also known by the name of Medicare supplement as well. There are different kinds of the private insurance companies that are being offering out with the high range of the best quality Medicare Supplement plans to help out to pay Medicare’s out-of-pocket costs. There are different Medicare Supplement plans that will be paying off with the different amounts of those costs, mentioning with the copayments, as well as coinsurance, and also the range of deductibles.

Is a Medigap Supplement Plan Best for You?

As we did mention in the earlier beginning that medigap supplement plans are being categorized into so many divisions and each single division has its own need and necessity. You should choose the plan that stands best according to your needs and wants. There are certain level of circumstances that if they are true, then you should alternate out the use of Medigap supplement plan right now!

  • If in case you are enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B and have been undergone with so many of the doctor visits or frequent hospitalizations.
  • You are very much interested in choosing with the flexibility where you can make the selection of the doctor or the hospital that accepts your medicare serivces.
  • Sometimes you do often divide your time just as in between two homes in different regions of the United States.

How To Shop For the Best Medigap Supplement Plan?

Now the main question that do hit so many minds is that how you should find the best Medigap in Michigan! Well, as you would shop around you would particularly be finding some of the plans that are covering hence 100% of the Medicare Part A deductible, and some of the portion are deductible, and some plans are not covering the modes of deductible at all. There are some of the plans that do cover emergency medical care at the time of your travel.

  • To choose the best one we would suggest you to have a look at the chart first.
  • You should think about the services which you want the most and also at what point your highest Medicare out-of-pocket costs have been.
  • For the information of the readers we would like to mention the fact that Medicare Supplement Plans C, D, F, G, M, and N may cover all of these Medicare-approved costs at the range of about 100%.
  • Be sure that you are paying off the monthly premium with a Medicare Supplement policy and also be paying off with the Medicare Part B premium as well.


Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Michigan at  Our Michigan Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans in Michigan today.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!

Arizona Medigap explained

Arizona Medigap supplements are there to offer the seniors complete coverage for their health and financially. Arizona Medigap plans are there to assist the different senior packages depending upon their health and budgets. The agent will be there to guide you in even every bit about it. Arizona may have various packages, and you need to know about their eligibility requirements, enrolments and all the other aspects required to gain those insurance benefits.

Solving The Medicare Puzzle

Currently, ten standardized plans are available in medigap 2017, and you must build the know-how for those plans. Medicare can be like a puzzle and we are here to help you with the last piece.

Arizona Medigap health plans are for people that are 65 years and over. Their enrollment in plan A and plan B is mandatory. Individual programs offer up to 100% coverage of free medical to the insurer, including all the facilities like meeting with a specialist and having hospice benefits.

Eligibility criteria:

  • The person should be a resident of Arizona.
  • The person should have an age of 65 and over.
  • The person should be part of Medicare Plan A and Plan B.

If you are looking for the best time to enroll in Arizona Medigap, then you can go for the open enrollment period exactly when you are about to turn 65 years old and also enrolled yourself to part B. Otherwise you will have to wait for six months. After the successful enrollment, you qualify for the guaranteed issue. The guaranteed issue is there to ensure you that you will be enjoying full coverage of health benefits with the fixed rates. The price won’t either increase or decrease with the time. If you fail to qualify for the guaranteed issue, then your previous medical history can be taken, and the rates can be varied from the premium rates. The cost for the Medigap plans is dependent upon the number of factors, e.g., age, gender and the area you live. After examining all those factors, the real cost for you will be determined. Moreover, the number for the Medigap agent is also on their site, upon calling the agent they will guide you to the plan, benefits, cost and all other relevant information.

Is there any plan available for the people under age 65:

There are very few states that will have some Medigap insurance plans for the people that have aged less than 65, as it is not a mandatory condition for the states to follow. But luckily you may have that opportunity, but for further research and detail, you may require contacting your licensed agent to have the idea about actual benefits. According to recent data, Arizona has successfully spent over 11 million dollars on Medicare. Residence also plays a role; they have paid a little over $10,000 on average. Between the years of 1991 and 2014, the average annual percent growth in Medicare spending has sufficiently grown in sizeover 8%. The average annual percent growth is approximately 5%.

To learn more about Medicare and Medigap please call us at 888-452-7949. At eMedigap plans we are determined to bring you the best customer experience and medigap pricing! You can also visit our website at


Michigan Medigap Plans

Michigan insurance allows private insurance companies to offer something called Medigap. This can help pay some of the health care costs that original Medicare doesn’t cover. These gaps in coverage are things such as coinsurance, deductibles, and copayments. Medigap policies are here to help cover gaps in original Medicare.

These Medigap plans in Michigan are standardized. This means you will get the same coverage for the same plan, No matter which company you choose. However, pricing is the main concern; each private insurance company will charge a different premium. We work with a lot of different companies to get you the best Medigap price possible.

Currently in 2017 there are ten Medigap plans in Michigan. These plans are labeled by letters. One thing is, don’t confuse these Medigap plans with the original Medigap plans, as they are both labeled by letters. Plan A will cover basic benefits while plan F has the most comprehensive coverage.

The other plans offer varying amounts of coverage. Plan Premiums increase as you move from plan A to plan F.

We can help you compare plans in all of Michigan including Detroit, Grand Rapids, Warren, Sterling Heights, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Flint and beyond!

You may qualify for a Medigap savings program if you are receiving or are eligible for Medicare part A and have a low income and limited assets. If you qualify, you can get discounts on certain health expenses, like premiums, copayments and deductibles.

If you are looking for more plan information, we at can help! We have a lot of resources available to you. You can view more information on our website, Blog or even contact one of our US based, licensed agents.

Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Michigan at  Our Michigan Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans in Michigan today.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!


Basic information about Medigap in New York

If you registered in Medicare part A and part B you actually have the alternative to also enroll in a Medigap plan in New York. These add on plans help cover holes or ‘Gap’ costs in original Medicare. These types of cost consist of copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket expenses. In most states, including New York, there are ten Standardized Medigap plan options. These plans are labeled as letters just like original Medicare.

What do we mean standardized plans?

Regardless of where you buy your plans from, each plan will be the same. Coverage from Plan A from one insurance company to another has the same benefits. The only different is the price tag. Each company charges a different premium. Another important thing to consider is customer service. If you need answers and the companies you are working with cant answer them, it might be time to look for another company. We at eMedigap-plans are 100% dedicated to customer service. We listen to what health coverage you need and recommend a plan on your requirements.

When’s the best time to enroll in Medigap?

While a beneficiary already enrolled in Medicare part B may enroll in a Medigap policy in New York at any time after age 65, the best time to do so is during the six month Medigap open enrollment period (OEP). The OEP begins on the first day of the month that you are both age 65 and enrolled in Medicare Part B. During this six-month period, you have the guaranteed-issue right to enroll in any plan, without fear of medical underwriting, higher monthly premiums, or exclusion from complete coverage.

However, if you choose to enroll after OEP, you may be required to submit a medical history for underwriting purposes, and could be denied or charged more for coverage due to any pre-existing conditions.

Learn more about Medigap plans and rates at Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare New York  Medigap Insurance rates and plans.  To talk to an expert in Medigap New York coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!


How and When To Change Michigan Medigap Plans

A brief overview on Michigan Medigap:

Medigap is supplemental insurance for Medicare. If you have Medicare Part A and Part B, You might have heard of Medigap or also known as Medicare Supplemental Insurance. This type of insurance is for individuals that need more coverage then just Part A and Part B of Medicare. It is sold by private insurance companies and all the plans are regulated by the federal government. If you need more information on Medigap please feel free to browse our blog or website. Now that you know more about the topic, let’s move on to why you would need to change plans.

Why would I need to switch my Medigap policy?

As your medical needs change over time, you might want to look over your policy. Maybe you need more coverage or maybe you need less coverage? Or maybe you can’t afford your current plan and need to switch. does a great job covering this and breaks it down to 4 parts. You can read about that here.

When can I switch?

This becomes tricky as a lot of variables come into play when trying to switch plans. In most cases, you are “locked” into a plan, but like I said it really depends on things like: did you just get the plan? Or are you within your 6-month open enrollment period? If you are not sure you can give us a call and double check. We have USA, Licensed agents ready and happy to help.

Medigap free look period

If you decided to change your plan for whatever reason, you have what is called a Medigap “free look period”. This allows you to take 30 days and decide if you want the new policy. This period starts when you sign up for the new plan. We recommend not canceling your 1st plan, just in case you want to go back to it. However, this means you have to pay for both plans. Once you determine what plan you want to go with you have to cancel the other one.

Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Michigan at  Our Michigan Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans in Michigan today.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!